Case- IT Organizational Assessment and Planning

Need help writing a paper in it you will continue your description and assessment of your chosen organization. At minimum, address these important descriptive and analytic questions, providing enough information to assure clarity:

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  • Describe and discuss the organization from the perspective of its current (unclassified) IT operating technology infrastructure (or the IT technology it provides its internal or external customers). Discuss its technology deployment, effectiveness, and contribution to organizational or customer success. Also discuss dominant IT strategies and tactics.
  • Describe and discuss technological barriers to, as well as circumstances which may foster continued IT success and organizational contribution.

The paper needs to be APA format, heading, introduction, body, conclusion, and reference page.

IT Organizational Assessment and Planning

For this module, you will continue your description and assessment of your chosen organization. At minimum, address these important descriptive and analytic questions, providing enough information to assure clarity:

· Describe and discuss the organization from the perspective of its current (unclassified) IT operating technology infrastructure (or the IT technology it provides its internal or external customers). Discuss its technology deployment, effectiveness, and contribution to organizational or customer success. Also discuss dominant IT strategies and tactics.

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· Describe and discuss technological barriers to, as well as circumstances which may foster continued IT success and organizational contribution.

In particular, you may wish to add what you consider the most immediate and important IT or IT management change you would cause to be undertaken as the newly appointed CIO or IT unit senior manager. Please note what, why, and how.

Consider yourself a corporate or military senior IT manager (Director/Senior Director/VP-CIO or military equivalent) in your chosen project organization. You have been mandated by the top executives (or military equivalents) to initiate a new organization-wide IT upgrade project (you may choose your own). You agree with this decision, its purposes, and the technology involved. You see this assignment as finally getting your long-sought mandate for improvement that will substantially leverage organizational performance.

· And yet, significant IT changes have not always been welcomed within your organization. In fact, your most recent attempt, which had much less profound change, developed some significant resistance. This time you have decided that you and your unit must do considerable preliminary work to pave the way, gain support for, as well as reduce resistance to, this new and vital effort. Obviously, you could plow forward using executive mandate. However, your MSITM coursework has suggested that IT change has its best chance for success when it considers the system and is a carefully developed, initiated, and managed process. Provide a very brief description of your intended improvement project. However, note that this case segment is 95% about the processes of planned change. Your discussion of the IT upgrade must primarily focus on your insight into and a viable process for bringing off this planned change. Detail the what, how, and why of each step you intend to take to ensure this project is accepted and gets accomplished. It is not enough to note that the project has senior approval. In both the military and corporate worlds, project implementation can be given lip service and never fully accepted.

Case Assignment

In all of this, you will need to reflect on your description and analysis (and perhaps adjust it accordingly) to ensure that you are able to integrate insight and learning from previous classes (and other sources as fits the circumstances). This means at least five contiguous academically sound citations and later full references. Use enough concurrent discussion so that the purpose of each citation is apparent to the reader. Note that this paper is incomplete without five academically sound references.

You will be assessed on the appropriateness and completeness of the detail you provide regarding your selected organization, your use of citations and references as noted above, and your intellectual insight into topically important issues. You will also be assessed on how well you adhere to the specific Capstone Case Guidelines provided to you.

This is a draft, so if you need to make educated guesses at this stage, that is fine for now. Your paper should be at least four, if not more, double-spaced pages when finished. The issue in these case papers is not brevity; rather it is insight and completeness in dealing with the topic(s).

Note that you are expected to use correct grammar, spelling, and English vocabulary. Check your paper for missing or inappropriately used words. If in doubt, check the dictionary and not ‘spell check.’ Consider that this paper, and all others, will be reviewed by the CIO and/or your commanding officer. It is strongly suggested that you ask a trusted colleague to review and edit each of your papers. Papers which do not meet these guidelines will be returned to you

Background Reading:

IT Governance Plan

Guide to Preparing an IT Governance Plan: ISACA

Lectures on IT Governance

IT Governance: A Wholistic View

ITIL Service Lifecycle for Aligning with the Business Needs

ITIL – IT Infrastructure Library – set of best practices for adding value to customers.

ITIL and Service Management

Securing the Enterprise

Use this 

Library Guide

 to learn how to use the Trident Online Library.

Soper, Daniel (2017). Information Privacy and Security. Security Lesson #1. Introduction to Computer Security

Soper, Daniel (2017). Information Privacy and Security Lesson #2 Identification and Authentication.

Soper, Daniel (2017). Information Privacy and Security. Security Lesson #3 Software Program Security

Soper, Daniel (2017). Information Privacy and Security. Security Lesson #4 Malicious Code – Malware

Soper, Daniel (2017). Information Privacy and Security. Security Lesson #5 – Illicit Data Interception and Access

Syngress, Waltham, MA ISBN(9780124105263)

Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery 

Business Continuity Planning and Disaster Recovery

Developing a Disaster Recovery and Business Plan.

Data Governance

Data Governance Strategies

Journey and Roadmap to a Data Governance Program

Master Data Management

Design and Implementation of a Security Architecture

COBIT5 – Business framework for governance and management of the enterprise

TOGAF – Architecting IT – ITIL and Cobit

Enterprise Architecture

Gaining Competitive Advantage from Enterprise Architecture

Digital Disruption

Digital Transformation of Society

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Trident University International

Jimmy Butler

ITM590- Integrative Project

Module 2- Architecting the IT Governance Plan

Case Assignment

Dr. Elnor Kinsella

March 5, 2021

Architecting the IT Governance Plan


General Systems Theory is the essential facet of complicated processes. It is a theoretical development method that focuses on improving subsequent steps, presupposes, and principles. In this sense, the word method refers to personality structures that are personality by suggestions. According to Rousseau (2015), GST appears to interpret every structure as a complex interrelationship product among its various components and its complete. It considers the pieces as collectively define with the whole. Therefore, the systems theory is also a study that looked at relationships amongst structures. GST has significant impacts on the activities of Caterpillar Inc. employees. It allows them, for example, to improve the person-in-situation response to a broader person-in-environment approach.

Caterpillar Inc. on Relevant (GST) principles and concerns

Therefore, a systems theory is a conceptual viewpoint that evaluates a concept viewed as a whole, not merely the number of essential components. The emphasis is already on the experiences and the interactions amongst sections to comprehend Caterpillar Inc.’s entities, functionality, and consequences (Skyttner, 2005). A general theoretical approach has also been suggested as a framework for the integration of research. The open platform paradigm also inspired several agile transformations in Caterpillar Inc.’s philosophy and resistance management plan. Even so, practice in implementing these principles indicates several unanswered quandaries.

Eventuality views represent a move towards the complexity, increasingly concrete set of interaction, and much more relevant theory. The systems model emphasizes mostly configuration relations between the sections that also connect people. Skyttner (2005) suggests that this specific process defines a framework, which would be autonomous of the aspects’ tangible substance. Complexity should occur when we have a much more full understanding of Caterpillar Inc. as complete structures to recommend more effective Caterpillar Inc. designs and management commitment. Essentially, management literature should serve as a starting point for even more effective leadership implementation.

Caterpillar Inc. Principles on fostering IT Governance Plan

According Xue et al. (2008), IT governance offers a context for associating its IT strategies. By implementing a systematic process, Caterpillar Inc. could produce superior outcomes toward accomplishing its goals and plans. In the larger picture, IT governance is also an essential part of everyday enterprise governance. Information technology (IT) governance consists of the management, systems, and procedures that help enterprises make decisions and ensure that IT implements its organizational structure.

IT services company systems are critical since they play a crucial part in companies by handling the implementation, deployment, implementation, and maintenance of an IT network (Xue et al., 2008). The opportunity to achieve a competitive edge that optimizes innovations builds a cost-effective atmosphere where IT system availability conserves time and resources and improves efficiency through effective communication. Cooperation and information transfer in an IT infrastructure can be among the main benefits of utilizing IT advisory services.

To develop effective methods of segmentation, Caterpillar Inc. utilizes information systems. Rather than historically relying on exchanging information, Caterpillar Inc. generally operates an Automation system that integrates organizational processes to consumers faster and more effectively (Beniger, 2009). By enhancing Access, supply chain management, strategic thinking, information management, and supply chain management, IT performs critical roles in Caterpillar Inc. Impactful shift in companies that helped create the foundation for professional development will consult now as we know it. The industrial economy’s transition to the manufacturing industry the information economy meant that companies changed their operations from being Computer-based guides to being.

Organization’s Plan on Use of General Systems and Applications

General Systems and Applications planning aims to help organizations develop goals to achieve their mission better. According to Selig (2018), the Planning process helps an organization cooperatively interact with its purpose in such a high-quality, concrete manner to build a strategic direction of what the company is, what someone needs to be, and how it might evolve with times.

Caterpillar Ink’s aim isn’t to merely develop the company. Our enterprise plan for sustainable growth involves spending in sectors to the most potential to generate value. To do this, the organization uses General Systems and Applications (Selig 2018). It helps the company recognize whether specific areas of our market are generating or absorbing value. The company uses evidence and analysis to consider that markets are most competitive and what that will take to win.

It then introduces strategies to strengthen the competitiveness in thriving industries and devote capital to areas with the most significant potential for further growth. The social work profession relies on a theoretical basis. It is premised on ideas drawn from various sciences, humanities, and professional levels to provide value to human services activities. Ideas include a way of understanding physiological as well as social personality traits.

There is a need for an IT department to modify technological innovations to promote new business opportunities and activities, as defined in the growth strategy. This evaluation also included compatibility, convergence, exchanging, and health information exchange (HIE) requirements, such as strategic partners’ HIE needs. If the tactical IT plan’s evaluation process is finished, the management team can devise a plan to upgrade the IT structure with the aid of IT management. The technology should support all possible technological innovations required now and for the future, including systems that support employees,

Implementations servicing citizens could include Access to the Internet, telecommunications, connectedness technologies, concierges, power management, and maintenance requests. The technical IT planning process will provide the company with guidance that can establish comprehensive specifications for the IT network and the choice of and organizational planning for different technological advances.

Any organization, irrespective of what form or size, must have a plan in place. Strategy formulation is an institution’s method of determining its corporate strategy and making choices about distributing its resources to achieve that direction. To evaluate the company’s path, it is essential to consider its current status and the potential avenues by which it may follow a course of action.


Information technology is a concept that is always thrown around. But what does it mean exactly? There is so much more complex knowledge contained in digitalization than a conventional opportunity to reform. For example, the concept of a significant, inter-shift in attitude and business processes affecting an entire organization focuses on digital transformation. Typically, when introducing a computerization framework, companies seek to find possibilities, like bringing unique processes into the online business strategy. Typically, certain forms of agreements are comprehensive and provide a detailed evaluation of the necessary reform efforts involved in either an intelligent approach or a filled implementation plan.


Beniger, J. (2009), The control revolution: Technological and economic origins of the information society, Harvard University Press

Rousseau, D. (2015). General systems theory: It is present and potential. Systems Research and Behavioral Science, 32(5), 522-533.

Selig, G. J. (2018, August). It Governance—An Integrated Framework and Roadmap: How to Plan, Deploy and Sustain for Competitive Advantage. In 2018 Portland International Conference on Management of Engineering and Technology (PICMET) (pp. 1-15). IEEE.

Skyttner, L. (2005). General systems theory: Problems, perspectives, practice. World scientific.

Xue, Y., Liang, H., & Boulton, W. R. (2008). Information technology governance in information technology investment decision processes: The impact of investment characteristics, external environment, and internal context. MIS Quarterly, 67-96.





Trident University International

Jimmy Butler

ITM590- Integrative Project

Module 1- Introduction and Defining the MSITM Capstone Course Requirement

Case Assignment

Dr. Elnor Kinsella

February 21, 2021


Caterpillar Inc. refers to the engine and heavy equipment manufacturers. It is also involved in marketing and selling engines and machinery and insurance and financial products to customers through the global dealer network and designing and manufacturing. It is considered the world’s most extensive mining and construction equipment and industrial gas turbines, natural gas, and diesel engines. Caterpillar has a moderate degree of diversification in product offerings, the engine industry, the heavy equipment industry, and the financial services industry. Despite the company having its headquarters in Illinois, its services and products are globally available. Established in California in 1925, the business has grown to become a multinational supplier of construction machinery (Hufford, 2020).

Caterpillar’s Mission Statement

           This company aims to utilize energy and infrastructure to promote economic growth while offering solutions that benefit communities and protect the earth. The organization seeks to develop a sustainable business, provide consumers with the best value, and develop and reward individuals while stimulating social responsibility.

Caterpillar Inc. Challenges


The organization needs to evaluate and understand the environmental standards set and required in such markets. This allows for seamless operations devoid of government interference because of breaches of environmental rules and standards (Melo, 2017). Caterpillar Inc., therefore, is facing water and air pollution issues. Recycling and waste management techniques within the industrial sector guide the firm in waste disposal. The ‘green revolution’ is an emerging trend that will impact Caterpillar Inc.’s operations, as many firms switch to renewable energy.


The presence of shared attitudes and beliefs impacts how marketers at Caterpillar Inc. understand their consumers’ language. It also affects how the organization designs its marketing message to suit the customers. Demographic features decide its position and entrance into a new market (Ridley et al., 2019). When it is situated where it serves more customers, it is more profitable, and the client base is high. Business organizations’ adaptability to society changes is affected by power dynamics, hierarchy, and class structures.

Economic Factors

The economic cycle in the business market, characterized by inflation, savings, foreign exchange, and interest, affects the aggregate investment and demand in the economy. Various economic indicators within the Farm and Construction Machinery industry, including consumer spending and industry growth rate, allow Caterpillar Inc. to predict the sectorial growth trajectory (Melo, 2017). Its returns on investment decision the form and stability of the economy within the country or sector where the business has invested.

Technological Factors

Technology impacts cost structure, product design, and the offering of services. Caterpillar Inc. embraces technology to maintain industrial goods’ value chain structure. The rate at which technology diffuses prompts the business organization to readily adapt to change and gain a competitive edge among rival firms in the machinery industry.

Caterpillar Inc. is determined to revolutionize its operations to remain relevant within the competitive business market. The company is continually updating its systems and operational frameworks to adapt to the technocratic revolution trends. Some of the motivating factors for technological advances include competitors’ continuous technological developments (Ridley et al., 2019).

Response to Challenges

It is worth pursuing different strategies that will allow the business to improve its competitive edge both locally and internationally. Intensive growth strategies for market penetration and development are among these strategies because different markets have different characteristics. Market penetration has allowed Caterpillar to expand dramatically by growing its worldwide presence. To integrate new features, the company accentuates existing products’ growth, thus improving customer values instead of developing new ones.

Caterpillar Inc. Key Opportunities

Among the potential opportunities for Caterpillar include escalating revenues through expansion and growth while at the same time increasing the company’s competitive advantage through innovation. The company can expand and grow in both developing and emerging markets, more so in Asia. In such markets, companies will leverage the so-called construction boom. Furthermore, to capture the global market, the company will be able to innovate exclusively to produce new but better products.

IT Governance Issues

Information Technology has more affected management consulting in the Caterpillar Inc. information technology (IT) department. There is nothing in the future that would have a more significant influence on management consultancy. Throughout the diverse components of a client’s business, all strategy consulting presupposes a few other intelligence levels, including the use of IT. IT is also a powerful instrument in several approaches to organizational consultancy, playing a pivotal role in practices like different scenarios in strategy formulation consultancy services, consumer data gathering in development and market, and production line task scheduling in activities consultancy services.

IT helps Caterpillar Inc. Companies become much more effective by standardizing as well as promoting process which helps cut prices, enhance communication, increase efficiency, gain a competitive edge, develop innovative products and services, and much more, all within a technical context aimed at developing and deploying measures to meet successful business (Lesser et al., 2009).

Person Role as IT Consultant

As an IT consultant, my role is to deliver a sea of possibilities as an IT consultant in the organization, ranging from frameworks, operating systems, techniques, strategies, instruments, and much more. All this variety in IT can be daunting and almost absolutely impossible to manage without the correct information. According to (Veerasamy, 2015), IT consultancy systems are critical since, through handling the implementation, deployment, implementation, and maintenance of an IT network, they play a critical part in companies. An IT consultant also guides and encourages businesses to improve their IT resources and accomplish their aims and business objectives with dedication.

Personal Challenges and Opportunity

The physical representation of my situation of monitoring toward threats and vulnerabilities is security. An ineffective network ensures that it can quickly be damaged within a controllable period that is few other seconds or minutes. User knowledge and user education are the most significant security for any resource, be IT or non-IT, including wireless equipment or even the system. Security is the most significant problem for small and medium-sized companies because of the scarcity of over a million cyber security experts, as per recent research.


The Technological and Information technology Creation System of Caterpillar Inc. offers recent professional graduates an opportunity to advance their technological and organizational abilities via demanding tasks across several economic sectors. Throughout their period throughout the initiative, program participants undergo multiple intervals. This encourages members of the initiative to broaden their technical expertise as well as establish their professional network.


Hufford, A. (2020). Caterpillar Drives Down Expectations for 2020.

Lesser, E., Fontaine, M., & Slusher, J. (2009), Knowledge and communities, Routledge

Melo, J. (2017). Equity report on caterpillar Inc (Doctoral dissertation).

Ridley, S. J., Ijomah, W. L., & Corney, J. R. (2019). Improving the efficiency of remanufacturing through enhanced pre-processing inspection–a comprehensive study of over 2000 engines at Caterpillar remanufacturing, UK. Production Planning & Control, 30(4), 259-270.

Veerasamy, S. (2015). Information Technology Services Issues and Challenges with A Case Study in Small Medium Enterprises.

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