Career Research Report and Career Research PPT

1, Review all the instructions in these two word doc. 

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2, Review Assignment #4 Career Research Proposal (A4) and the Sample Formal Report Format, before you start writing Career Research Report.

3, Create a Career Research PPT. 

4, Career Research Report should be four to six pages. 

5, 6 Slides for Career Research PPT

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The Career Research Report is Assignment #6 (A6) from our CMNS 1140 Course Outline. It is the final writing assignment for the semester.
Worth: 20% of course grade

DUE: Friday, December 04 7:00 pm (posted to Moodle)

Note: Assignment details for A7 PPT requirements are on separate Word file.

The Research Proposal (A4) that you submitted was the first step towards your Career Research Report. The A4 Proposal allowed you to narrow down your research topic, frame boundaries for your research report, and formulate questions that you could explore in your final report—the Career Research Report, Assignment #6.
It also forced you to find credible sources.
Now you’re ready to explore your research question in more depth and produce a final report
with conclusions and recommendations.

The learning objectives for this assignment focus on research and writing skills.
Learning Context
We will apply the following critical communication skills and principles to research and write an informative and
, researched report:



Collection, collation, and analysis of data from primary and secondary sources using appropriate referencing (MLA etc.)




Problem analysis and definition in context of Audience and Purpose
Development of
—that is, claims supported by evidence in the way of facts and statistics.




Integration of text (facts, claims, statistics etc.) with visual elements, such as tables and figures to produce a cohesive final report with conclusions and recommendations.

The Final Research Report—An Extension of Your Research Proposal
Your A4 Research Proposal allowed you to formulate questions which you felt were viable research questions for a Final Report on two career related topics that would be useful for Year One students in that field.
Ideally, your proposal gave you (and the instructor) a pretty clear idea of whether your research ideas/topics/questions were feasible. I will give you feedback on your proposal to indicate whether the topics are feasible or if there are possible problem areas. This initial feedback will allow you to proceed with researching and drafting your final report.

For your final CMNS 1140 project, you will write a four-to-six page report. (This page number total does not include cover memo, table of contents, executive summary and Works Cited!) Your A6 report will
(make a claim about) at least two aspects of your career interest(s) that you feel would be useful and interesting to first-year students in that field.

Assignment #6—Career Research Report—requires you to write a short (four-to-six page) report that provides useful and interesting information aimed at Year One students who are interested in the same career as you are pursuing.
Please note that the four-to-six page guideline excludes the following pages:
i. cover memo,
ii. title page,
iii. table of contents,
iv. executive summary , and
v. works cited.

Primary Audience: Your CMNS 1140 Instructor.
Secondary Audience: Year One students in the same career path as you.
Purpose: To convince your CMNS 1140 instructor that you have written a viable and valid research report for your final CMNS 1140 assignment, one that first year students in your program or field might find informative, useful and interesting.
Assignment Challenges
Your main challenge is to clearly define the research parameters in the context of your Audience and Purpose, research and collate some useful and interesting facts (or claims), integrate quantitative data into visuals, present this information concisely and precisely and end with conclusions and recommendations that logically follow the data that you have provided in the report.
Remember—this is not a problem solving report! Avoid making value statements; simply present the facts and try to persuade the audience that your facts are relevant, accurate and current and that they should take heed of your recommendations.

You will write a four-to-six page (excluding title page, cover letter table of contents, executive summary, and works cited pages) report that supports a claim (thesis) about each one of the two (minimum) questions that you have chosen to research and explore. These questions or topics are the ones you have selected in your Career Research Proposal; they are directly related to your career interests and you feel that an in-depth exploration of each question would be useful and interesting to first-year students in your field.
Furthermore, in your recommendations section you will articulate how an understanding of the information that you are presenting will assist you and your classmates to make more informed decisions about your chosen career path.


Ensure that you carefully review the Sample Formal Report PDF posted on Moodle.

The following items are required for your complete report. These four items are referred to as “front-matter” and are not paginated as part of the report because they are considered ancillary to the main discussion. They are listed below in the chronological order in which the report appears to the reader, but not in the order in which they are written.
The Executive Summary and Cover Memo are written last, although they appear at the beginning of the report.
· Precisely identifies the subject (Name of Project) with a meaningful title.
· Precisely identifies the name and position of the recipient(s).
· Precisely identifies the name and position of the writer.
· Precisely identifies the date that the report was issued to the recipient.
Page number: The Title Page has no page number.
COVER MEMO—write this last, after you have written the report, but place it at the beginning of the report!
· Includes full name of recipients.
· Includes full name of author.
· Includes date.
· Clearly identifies the subject (Name of Project) with a meaningful title.
· Refers to the origin of the report (response to written or phone request etc.)
· Describes the content and major points or sections of the report.
· Highlights any major conclusions or recommendations.
· Acknowledges any special advice or assistance that was received.
· Invites reader to respond and provides contact number/email.
· Clearly requests action(s) from reader.
Page number: This does not count as a page of the report. Do not paginate.
TABLE OF CONTENTS—write this after you have finished your report and have formatted the document so that you know the page numbering and your final headings
· Ensure that you include all main headings and sub-headings that are in your report and that the pages are consistent with the paginations of the report
· Include a List of Figures as per the example in the Sample Report PDF posted on Moodle
Page number: This does not count as a page of the report. The correct page number is “iii.”
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY write this after you have finished your report. You can’t summarize something until it is written.
· Placed immediately after the Table of Contents on its own page.
· Summarizes the main points of the Background and Introduction.
· Summarizes the main points of the Discussion section of the report.
· Summarizes the main Conclusions and Recommendations of the report.
· Uses full paragraph format, with no bulleted lists, except for the Recommendations summary at the end.
Page number: This does not count as a page of the report. The correct page number is “iv.”

REPORT REQUIREMENTS—The Body of the Report
Ensure that you address (answer) the following areas and use these requirements as the basis for the headings of your report:
· Define your chosen field with an extended definition and support this definition with examples. It is OK to be repetitious with your Research Proposal in this section. (Sources required)
· Introduce and list the two questions that you explored in your research proposal, and explain
you chose each question. (It is OK to use “I” in this section. No citation necessary.)
· Define the purpose of your research. Explain WHY you think that Year One students in your field would find the research on these two questions interesting, informative and useful. In other words, explain
these two research questions/aspects would be relevant to Year One students who are contemplating entering this same field (It is OK to use “I” in this section. No citation necessary.)
· Define the scope of your report. Explain some of the complex issues that you have included and some that have been omitted. Explain WHY these issues are of importance to Year One students in your field. For example, if your research is about Salaries for IT Professionals, you might say that you looked only at entry level jobs, not management jobs. (It is OK to use “I” in this section. No citation necessary.)
· Information on Question 1 is adequate, relevant, current and credible. (
Sources required
· Information on Question 2 is adequate, relevant, current and credible. (
Sources required
· Three visuals (at least one table and one figure) are required somewhere in this section of the report. (
Sources required
· Mention and explanation of at least one International Trend is made somewhere in the body of your Results section. (
Sources required
Conclude with at least three short paragraphs that do the following:
· Detail WHAT information surprised you and WHY you were surprised. (It is OK to use “I” in this section. No citation necessary.)
· Detail WHAT information you found most useful, and WHY it was of use to you. (It is OK to use “I” in this section. No citation necessary.)
· Detail WHAT information you think would be most useful to Year One students in your field, and WHY you think they would benefit from reading this research. (It is OK to use “I” in this section. Some citation may be necessary, depending on the claims you make in this section.)
Using a numbered list format, list at least two recommendations that logically follow the report findings and your conclusions.
· Begin each recommendation with an active verb.
· Ensure that the recommendation is applicable to Year One students in your field.
(Some citation may be necessary, depending on the claims you make in this section.)
· Attach a References/Works Cited page at the end of your report and ensure that it clearly follows either MLA or APA format.
See Report Requirements Checklist Next Page


· Introduce, insert and integrate at least three visual elements (minimum one table and one figure) somewhere within the discussion (results of the study) section of your report.
· You can use the visuals for one research question and none for the other if you choose, but you must have at least three visuals somewhere, and at least one figure and one table.
· Citation is required for each visual.
· Remember to introduce each visual with a sentence or phrase before you insert the visual. E.g., Figure One below shows that blah, blah, blah…
· Directly after the visual you must provide an interpretation (elaboration) regarding the significance of the visual. What does it show? Why is this important and relevant? What conclusions or inferences could Year One students in your field draw from the visual? What are the major takeaways from the visual information?
· These visual must be different from the visuals in your Research Proposal.
1. Use at least four different sources of information:
· one primary source (e.g., an industry professional whom you will interview)
· three secondary sources (e.g., textbook, journal article, industry magazine etc.)
· Ensure that the sources are credible! Random blogs don’t cut it. Government websites and industry association cites are considered credible.
2. You must use proper documentation/citation format, either MLA or APA, your choice, but be consistent.
3. Document (identify sources) for all numerical data and statistics.
See Final Report Criteria Sheet next page



Headings (accessible enough precise )

White Space

Small modular paragraphs

Consistent alignment for headings and text


Precisely identifies the subject (Name of Project) with a meaningful title.
Precisely identifies the name and position of the recipient(s).
Precisely identifies the name and position of the writer.
Precisely identifies the date that the report was issued to the recipient.
Page number: The Title Page has no page number.

Includes full name of recipients.
Includes full name of author.
Includes date.
Clearly identifies the subject (Name of Project) with a meaningful title.
Refers to the origin of the report (response to written or phone request etc.)
Describes the content and major points or sections of the report.
Highlights any major conclusions or recommendations.
Acknowledges any special advice or assistance that was received.
Invites reader to respond and provides contact number/email.
Clearly requests action(s) from reader.
No page number

All main headings and sub-headings are consistent with paginations of the report
Includes a List of Figures.
The correct page number is “iii.”

Placed immediately after Table of Contents on its own page.
Summarizes main points of Background and Introduction.
Summarizes main points of Discussion.
Summarizes main Conclusions and Recommendations.
Uses full paragraph format, with no bulleted lists, except for Recommendation.
The correct page number is “iv.”


Defines chosen field with extended definition. (Sources required)
Introduces and lists two research questions.
Defines the purpose of the research and explains why Year One students would be interested.
Defines the scope of your report, including which issues are included and which are not.

Information on Question 1 is adequate, relevant, current and credible. (Sources required)
Information on Question 2 is adequate, relevant, current and credible. (Sources required)
Mention of International Trend that is relevant to the topics(s). (Sources required)
Introduces inserts and integrates at least one table, with citation.
Table is introduced,
and sourced.
Introduces inserts and integrates at least one figure, with citation.
Figure is introduced,
and sourced.
Three visuals in total are introduced,
and sourced.

Details WHAT information surprised you and WHY.
Details WHAT information was most useful and WHY.
Details WHAT information would be most useful to Year One students in your field

Lists at least two recommendations that logically follow report findings and conclusions.
Begins each recommendation with an active verb.

Attaches a Works Cited page at end of report.
Consistent either MLA or APA format.
At least one primary and three secondary sources.

Used one primary source for interview.
Used three secondary sources for research.
Followed wither MLA or APA documentation/citation format consistently.
Documented all numerical data and statistics.


Appropriate use of headings and white space to signal topic shifts (e.g., new paragraph for new topic)
Objective language and perspective throughout—minimum use of “I”
Precise and concise writing style
Stacked lists used appropriately–bullets or numbers used correctly
Proper spelling, grammar, and punctuation
Proper word usage, syntax and sentence structure

The requirements and criteria for the A7 Career Research Presentation PPT associated with your Final Career Research Report (A6) are documented in a separate Word file, also posted in Week 10 Moodle.
6 | Page
Panteli © Fall, 2019

‘Frcunr 13.4 Model Formal

The title page is usuatly arranged in four evenly balanced areas.lf the report is to b


bound on t[e left, move the left margin and centre point o.5 cm to the right. Notice
that no page number appears on the title page, although it -cqunts

as “page i.” ln

designing ftru titlu page, be careful to avoid anything unprofessional-such as too
mart tyfe fonts, italic!, oversized print, and inappropriate graphics. Keep the title
page simple and professional.


Title Page

lncludes rePort title in

all caps with longer

line above shorter line

Highlights name of
report recipient

ldentifies report writer

Omits page number

CHAPTER 13: Proposals and Formal Reports 467


Prepared for
Tbe gtarrdfng Comnlttee on Propert5r and Development

WinniPe$ CitY Council
WinniPeg, Manitoba

Prepared bY
Brigltte Morceaux

Senlor Research Consulta.nt
Petit, Morceaux Industrial Consultants

March 14, AOll

This sample from ME Guffey, 6th Canadian Edition, Nelson Publishing


Frcunr 13.4 ‘continued) Letter Transmittal

Announces report
and identifies

Gives broad overview
of report purposes

Describes primary
and secondary

Offers to discuss
reporg expresses

468 UNIT 4: Reports, proposals, and presentations

A letter or memo of transmittal announces the report topic and explains who
authorized it. lt briefly describes the project and previews the conclusions, if the
reader is supportive.Such messages generally close by expressing appreciation for the
assignment suggesting follow-up actions, acknowleaging the he”fp oi others, or offering
to answer questions. The margins for the transmittalihould be the same as for the
report, about 3 cm on all sides.

588 Main Street .
Winnipeg, Manitoba R2L 1E6 eO4) 549_1101

March 18, eoll

Councillor Ricbard Mooqy
Standing Committee on hoper_tJr and Devetropment
Ctsr of Wlnnip4
wrnnipeg r,fB ngIJ lEg

Dear Counsiilcr Moody:

the attacbed r€port, nequqstecl by the standing comnittee on kopertJr an


Development in a letter dsted september Po, descrlbes tJre economic impact of Roxbr.ggrrndEtil’ls,lParkontb’e ciWof winnlpeg.’webelterreyouwillfladtJre results of ttrirsstudv us€ft]l ln evalr:attng future

Thls sturdy was designe

(a) qurent and 1xqeded emplo5rmerrt ganorat€d by tbe park
(3) Indiroct, €ffects on local emplqment, tncome, a.nd eoonomlc gnowth
gnnary r9seafth consi,steat of interviews wlth 16 no:rbury rnrlusmal park tenants and.YnenF€or€, in addiHon to a poro sunrsy of over Sooo RIp employees. secondary
r€gearrb sources inahrded ‘h,e Annral Budget of ‘he ctw of winnrpeg, other gorr”*_

publtcaflons, pertodtcals, books, and onlhe resources. Results of thl,s ,*sea,oarr,
dtsalrss€d more ftrl$r tn this rcport, tndicate that Rordnrry Inrtustrial park elrerts asislficant, benendal infhrenoe on tbe winnrpeg metropo[tan eoonomJr.
I would be pleased to cliscuss thirs rcport and its conchrsions -wtttr Srou at yournequest’ lfv fun and r tJrarik you for Sror:r mnfiderrce in selectrng or compangr topr€pare +.hre @mprshensilve rcport.

&rffi //mra*
Brigttte Morceaux
S@lor neeearch Conflrlt€nt,



FrcuaeB.4 (continuedl Table of Contents and List of Fiaures

Uses leaders to guide
eye from heading to
page number

lndents secondary
headings to show
levels of outline

lncludes tables and

figures in one tist for
simplified numbering

Because the table of contents and the list of figures for this report are small,
they are combined on one page.Notice that the titles of major report parts are
in all caps, while other headings are a combination of upper- and lowercase
letters. The style duplicates those within the report. Word processing Programs
enable you to generate a contents page automatically, including leaders and
accurate page numbering-no matter how many times you revise.


CHAPTER 13: Proposals and Formal Reports 469

Frcunr 8.4 (continued) Executive Summary

Opens directly with
major research

ldentifies data sources


organization of report



An executive summary or abstract highlights report findings, conclusions, and
recommendations. lts length depends on the report it summarizes. A loo-page report
might require a ten-page summary. Shorter reports may contain one-page summaries,
as shou/n here. Unlike letters of transmittal (which may contain personal pronouns and
references to the writer), summaries are formal and impersonal.They use the same
margins as the body of the report.


mnnlpeg can benefit fncm tbe development of industrial parka like tJle
RoxburXr Industrial Park. BotJr dlrect and tndlrect economic benefits result, as
shown by tbis in-depth stu$r condusted by Petlt, Morceaux Industrial
Consuttants. The stud;r was authorlzed by the St€nding Committee on PropertSr
and Development wlren Cloldman-hron & Associates sou€ht CltJr Council’s
apprcval for the proposed construstion of a Gl-L lndustrial park. TIre City
Councll requested evidence demonstratlngl that an existing development could
actuatty beneflt the city.

orr concluslon tJrat Winnipeg benefits from industrial parks ls based on data
supplted by a survey of SOOO RoxburXr Industrial Park employees, personal
interwtews with rnana€lers a,nd tena,nts of RIP, City and Provtnclal docrrments,
and professlonal literature.

Aaalysis of tJre data revealed benefits ln three areas:

(l) Revenues. The City of Wlnnfpeg earned nearly $l miltion in t€x and other
revenues fron tJre Roxbr:r1r Industrtal Park tn 3OlO. By 2O14 tJris lncome
is expest€d to rcacb $t.7 mittton (in constant POIO doUars).

. (8) EmploSment. In e01O RIP buslnesses employed a total of ?O65 workers,
who ea,rned a.n avena€le wage of $28,120. By 3O14 RIP businesses a,re
exlrcted to employ direstly near$r 15,OOO employees who will g.arn
salar{es totalling over $45O milllon.

(5) Indirecb beneflts. Because of the multiplier effect, by 2OI4 Roxbury
Indwtrial Park wtll directty and lndirectly generate a total of 58,56P Jobs
in the Winrtpeg area.

On the basls of tJrese findingF, lt ls r€commended that development of addt-
tlonal industrlal parks be encoura€ed to stimulate local economic gowth.

47O UNIT 4: Reports, Proposals, and Presentations



Tbis study was

to analyze t’he direct arrd indiresb economic
impact of

RoxburSr rndustrlal park on tbe city of winnipe€.
speciflcally, tJre study seeks

allgwerg to tJrese questlons:

arrd’ otJrer ?evenues may be expected’ ln tJre future?

(2) How mang.and what kind of Jobs are dlrestly attr{butable
to tJre park?

Wla,t ls tJre emplo3rment picture for t’be nrhrte?


lncomes, and economlc €rowbh?


study of Roxbr:rlr Indusmial Park at tJre request

t *tT:1,:Y,::::*t
;;oy””:”1;;;il the development or a proposed Goldman-r’Yon


pof,k, tJre CiW Cor-rncll request’ed a study 6laminrng
the economlc effects of

an e:ds6ng park. Members of councll wanted
to deternlne-TJ3.,*::’,

ilumffnlillolo”* tbe rocal commr:n*v, a,nd thev chose Roxburv

Park as an exa,mP1e’

clty. Most of tJre area lles witbin a specially

deslg[ated area knovrn as Redevel-

constrtrstion started in I’995′

Lists three Problem


authorization for

report and background

of study

CHAPTER 13: Proposals and Formal Reports

Frcune 13.4

Tbe park now contains 14 building complexes witJ: over a5,ooo squ€,re metres of
completed b’uildlng space. 15s mqiority of tJre ur:floingg ane used fon office, ngsear.ctr
and development, marketing and distribuflon, or marnrfacturing uses. Approximategr
5 hestares of tJre or{gnal area are yet to be dweloped-

Data for t’hts report ca,me from a 2ot0 sunrc5r of over booo Roxbu$r Indwtr{al park
employees, trtervlews with JB RIP tena,nts and nanagers, tJre Annual Budgfeb or ure
Ciff of Winnlpeg surr€rrt books, ardcles, Journals, a.nd. onllne r€sour€er,. hoJections
for firtnre r€venues res:ult€d from ana,[rsi,s of past E€nds and Estimares of Revenrrcsfor Debt Servle Covezwe, Re4evelopment Wet No. p CMller ?A-?g).


The result’s of rhlF rcsearch tndlcate tbat marror alircct and lndirect beneflts have
accrued to tb€ ClSr of Tvlnnipeg and surroundtng mgnlcipa.l a,neas as a result of the
derrelopment of Roxbnugr Indr:strial park. Tlre resea,rrh findngg tlresented heng fall
tnto t’hee cate€pdes: (a) revenues, @) emploJrment, and (o) inctll€st effests.


Roxbur5r lrrdr:sH&l Park contr{butes a vartefir of tax and otJrer r€venues to fire cifir of
Winofpeg. Ilgtrre I susmariz€s r€veaues.

zuu€ I


Gwrent Rerrenues and hqJecrlions to AOl4

hoper$ taxes
– Reveouesflomllcences

Budness talres
Provlnctal senrlce rccelpts
Ltences aJldperuits
Otber nsveaues






I I I,gg7

$978,061 $1,669,16e

Source: city of winnlpeg chief rlnancial offlcer. 2o1o anIn)al Fjnaacral Report. cityr
of Winnipeg[ cla,n- EOl l. Vtleb. 16 c.Ian. eOl I.

Provides specifics for
data sources

parenthetical citation

Previews organization
of report

Uses topical

Places figure close to
textual reference

Notice that this formal report is single-spaced. Many businesses prefer this space-savingformat’ However, some organizatio,is prufut doubtejspacing, especially for preliminary
drafts’ lf you single-space, do not indent paragrapht. iryor-aou’bl.-rpr.u, do indent theparagraphs’ Page numbers. may be centred n”lr ih” boltom of the f.g. o, placed nearthe upper ri8ht the margin. Strive to leave comfortable top, 6otton’, and sidemargins’ References follow the MLA citation styte. Notice that the citations appear asreferences in the “Works cited” section with a .orr.rponding parentheiical reference tothe author in the text of the report at the appropriaie rocation.







NEt $
472 UNIT 4: Reports, proposals, and presentations

Sales aldUse Benrenues

As shown in agure 1, t,Ire clt,y,s lar$est source
of revenues flom RIP ls t,he property

tax. Revenues from tbis source totalled $oo+’r+o
ln aolo’,Tr”TH*H liY””*

f*#JJ:HJ#”ff-ffi;;-r'”‘*<.'w."ly.Y1::ll?l;fffl-ffi"" accounted for more tban half of tJre

park’e total contributlon to tbe ciw of $g?e’ool’


busiaess taxes <$z#re), and provincial servloe

recelpts ($55’768)’


gt.z mittton. Thls proJaotron 19 based oi * annlral growur

rate of I’4 percent 1n

constalrt 3O1O doIars’


one of tbe most importa’nt factors to consl9:P T P” T::’^,,:I:””::#lffSl-
:il_”1,;TffilHfffiliffi #;;J park tbe disrrrbubron, number,

and wases

of people employed vuill cbg’n€le oonstderaUty
ln tJre next flve yesrs’



oat€gory, tJre computer and electronlcs

inJustry employs 84 percent of tJre

some overlap probably e:dsrs beoause “r””r-i*
8s8emb\y oould be lncluded tn

sbrage (9 percent),-anA otner industaies

(4 pertent)’

range of emploFent categorles, it musi be

noted t’lrat otJrer lndustrlal parks would

likely generate 8’D ent’lrely ttlfferent
range of Job cat€gories’

Contin ues interPreting

figures in table

Sets stage for next

topics to be discussed

CHAPTER 13: Proposals and Formal
Reports 473

Frcunr 8.4 (continued) Discussion

Fi5lure 2


and assemblSr


Source: AOf O Buryey of RIP employees.


In AO1O employees at RIP earned a total of $878 milltsa in waSles, as sbown
in FigUre g.-The avera€le employee in that year eaaned $58,I3O. Ttre bi$est
avera€le wa€es were pald to employees ln wbite-collar fields, zuch as computer
a’a eiectronfcs

FigUre 5


RoxburXr Industrial Park, 2OIO


Indust$r Grcup Eqp-l-oyees .% Total
Marrufacturingandassemulgr @ $g?’+oo $154’56o’eoo
Computer and electronics 165? 46’800 ??’547’600
Rrbllshtrrg 672 40’600 a?’OBI’6Oo
warehouslng! and stora{e 3.7O 64′?00 1A’654’000otrrer 266 .geg g,g?9,?gg?06 $g8,reo $e?8’oo5’1oo

Source: AO1O Sruvey of RIP employees’


Pie chart shows

proportion of a whole

Table condenses

complex data into

readable and

understandable form

“J” “tUered

them consecutively’

lf you use figures or tables, be sure
to introduce them in the text

(for example’ as shown

in Figure3). Although it is not ,r*rytno;;bl;ity
to place them ciose to the spot where

they are first meniircned. To ,ruu ,0..!,;&; ;ti”fir’t
title of a figure at its side’

Because this report contains r.* t.uiJs’rna
ngur”r, *,.-*iit.’-nr*ri them all “Figures”

474 UNIT 4: Repors, Proposals’ and Presentations

Frcune t .4 (continued) Discussion,+


By 2014 RoxburSr Industrial Park ls expected to more tJran double its number of
employees, bringln€ tJre total to over 15,OOO workers. Tbe total payroll in 2Ol4 wiU
4lso more tJran double, producing! over $e5O rntlltoa (using consta,nt 2OO9 do[ars) in
salarles to RIP employees. These proJections are based on an 8 percent glowth rat€,
along with a,nticipated lncreased emplo5ment as tJre park rsacbes its capa,ciff @iller

Future development ln tJre park will lnfluence emplo3ment and payrolls. As Ivan
Novak, RIP project ma,na,€ler, stated in a,n intervtew, much of tJre remaininfi five
hest€res is planned. for medlum-r{se office buildingb, ga,rden offlces, a.nd other
structur€s for commerelal, professlonal, and personal services (September eOf O).
Average wa€es for employees are expected to lncrease because of an a;rtlcipated
sbift to bl€her-paying whlte-collar Jobs. Industr{al parks often follow g slmilatr’ pattern.
of evolution @a.drl 58-48). Like manSr industrial pak, RIP evolved from a wa,re-
bousing centre into a manufacturing complex.


conclusions and

Anal5rsis of tax r€vonues, emploSrment data, personal lnterviews, and professlonal
literature leads to tJre following concluslons and recom.mendatlons about the
economic impact of Roxbur’5r Industrial Park on tJre City of llV’innlpe€:

l. hoperby t,ax and othen revenues produced near\r $t mttlton in lncome to the
City of Winnfpeg h eOlO. By 2Ol4 nevenues are expected to produce $f .Z mn-
lion ln ciff lncome.

e. RIP sur”ent(y employs ?O35 employees,

malorlff of whom are worktng in
manufactgrtng and’assembly. Ttre avera€le employee in SOIO earned $58,1eO.

6. By eol4 RIP ts erpec,ted to empfy more tJran 16,000 workers produclng a
total payrolt of over $450 mtlUon.

4. nmploJrment trend.s Indlcate tJrat by 2014 more RIP employeee Yvill be
enga€ed in hl$her-pavt4g wbite’coltrar posltions.

On tJre basls of theee flndlngs, we rlecommend tJrat tlre Ctty Gounoil of Wtnnipg
autborize the development of addltlonal lndustrial parks to stlmulat€ local economlc

After discussing and interpreting the research findings, the writer articulates what she
considers the most important conclusions and recommendations. Longe6 more comPlex
reports may have separate sections for conclusions and resulting recommendations. ln

this report they are combined. Notice that it is unnecessary to start a new Page for the


Clarifies information

and tells what it
means in relation to
original research

CHAPTER 13: Proposats and Formal Reports 475

Career Research Proposal

Cover memo

To: Tritchew Panteli Tritchew

From: Jiangyue(Mark) Chang

Date: Nov 6, 2020

Subject: The central issue am intending to research in my final CMNS1140 proposal on XYZ

The primary issue I plan to study in my final CMNS 1140 report entails the career research prospect of being a Mmarketer. I will specifically research what constitutes to be a marketer, including the required skills, education, and certification and the duties of being a business marketer, and the challenges of being a marketer analyst in marketing.

I will find the most significant criteria that I will use for the marketing of products and services. The method that I will avail myself should be reliable and efficient for the working environment. Through the research I conducted, I will be able to apply the knowledge and skills learned in marketing to ensure I will be able to adapt to marketing strategies. Good

My method that I will utilize will be primarily secondary research in carrying out the study. I will conduct other research through reading academic journals. I will be able to develop my marketing strategies that will help to foster my skills in marketing. Primary research (interview) is also required.
Highlight the two research questions you have identified for the final report.
I, therefore, request permission to continue with this research. Provide request for approval with suggested timeline as well as preferred contact channel.

Business management is a broad discipline that entails different career opportunities such as retail management, sales, marketing, and human resource management. There are difficulties in choosing the area, which someone decides to major. It’s significant for students to gauge their preferences, areas of skills, and the required market for specific concentration. In my proposal, I propose to carry out why first-year students should consider marketing as an exemplary aspect of business management. Define Marketing here.
State of the problem
Professionals and students who tend to enhance their education experience difficulties in selecting an area they want to further their studies. It becomes more confusing when someone wants to major in a discipline that contains many sub-disciplines. Therefore, it will be significant to analyse wisely areas that have dilemmas before making informed decisions (Bacon, 2017, p.114). Students tend to undergo various knowledge processes, including self-awareness, such as values, abilities, and identifying interests. While in school, students tend to experience a career awareness process that will enable them to gain knowledge in various fields (McCabe, 2017, p.85). Finally, they will be left to focus on areas that they have made a decision. It will be prudent to narrow down our scope to specific to provide students and professionals who will decide to enhance their studies with prior information to make the right decision. OK, but this does not relate directly to assignment requirements
Literature review
The international trend currently has introduced marketing systems and strategies in developing countries (Rana et al., 2016, p.98). Marketing research has been increased in those countries to create a market for their own produced goods. The increasing trend of marketing research has enabled both scope and quantity to be explored to be familiar with it. It is ideal to have future customers if the quality of the products is considered. Currently, the majority of the firms are devoted to increasing their development in marketing potentials. They should identify both the existing and new products in the market to identify some of the prospects used to ensure their firm’s work can meet market demand globally (Rana et al., 2016, p.100). Some of the developing countries have limited access to the internet and the outside world. This will make them have low marketing for their products and services. Both small and medium-sized enterprises have limited access to legal marketing services. It will be essential to access better marketing strategies that will enable those developing countries economically to increase the market for their products to improve their living standards (Rana et al., 2016, p.102). Insert space between paragraphs, and start a new paragraph when you change topics.
Digital marketing has developed most firms because it allows them a platform where they will sell the products. Digital marketing has most of the countries to market and sell their products.

Remember to introduce all visuals before the visual.

Remember to provide source after each visual.
Insert heading or subheading here to signal new topic
Controversies on the marketing strategy of different firms go beyond considering the number of customers purchasing certain goods, the price of the commodities, and the quality of the goods sold depending on the business (Blanchet et al., 2016, p.46). However, most small business owners tend to use the old marketing strategies method, hence hindering the possibility of forming a new strategy. Most of the marketing strategies are not only meant for wealthy people who require marketing planners (Blanchet et al., 2016, p.50). Marketing strategies tend to help those who want to organize themselves to sell their products globally and advertise their products. Good
Personal interest
This topic’s primary idea is to enable students or professionals who want to enhance their studies to identify some critical areas that will allow them to prosper. People have their interest in carrying out their specialization in fields they are competent with. It will enable them to make the right decisions hence making them attain their goals. OK, but why are you interested in being a Marketer, and what is your personal interest in these topics?
Research questions

Introduce all lists with a sentence or a phrase. Do not simply follow a heading by a list without an introduction.
1. What are your crucial consumer trends?
2. Can we be able to find out our marketing partners? Comment by Panteli: These questions do not relate to the field of Marketing for Year One students. They relate directly to a business that is doing Marketing.
3. What is the size of our target market?
4. Do we have a better customer understanding of our ideal market?
5. How can we be able to identify our new target segment?
6. What are most of the preferences our customers like?
7. Is an online platform an ideal opportunity for business growth?
8. Which commodity does the majority of the customers prefer?
Relate above questions it more directly to Year One students whoa re interested in Marketing. What are the implications of this information?
The majority of the customers will prefer products that have the right quality that will enable them to enjoy. It will be prudent for customers to be offered the right products to increase the goods’ market demand. An online platform is ideal for the marketing process that enables business owners to develop a network business hence offering a ready market. It will allow producers to reach a large number of customers, therefore providing them ready market. Students who will be conducting marketing as a career course will benefit from the field because they already have the necessary skills and knowledge required for the career.
This is good information, but relate it more directly to Year One students. What are the implications of this information?
Selects and at least two, open-ended and viable research questions
Marketing, as a career, has a tremendous responsibility for marketing strategies for corporates and investment firms. When comparing with an ideal job that has clearly outlined cons and pros, marketing strategies tend to be better. Therefore, people with a steered mind on a career are more likely to succeed in this field of business management and be ready to sacrifice their interests. Those students who are planning to achieve a marketing analyst position should prepare well for the education and skills needed and practice on your their interpersonal skills and always be ready to confront and challenge during your their career path.
Insert page break to separate Works Cited from the rest of report

Work cited
Bacon, Donald R. “Revisiting the relationship between marketing education and marketing career success.” Journal of Marketing Education 39.2 (2017): 109-123.
Blanchet, Vivien, and Colette Depeyre. “Exploring the shaping of markets through controversies: Methodological propositions for macromarketing studies.” Journal of Macromarketing 36.1 (2016): 41-53.
McCabe, Mary Beth. “Social media marketing strategies for career advancement: An analysis of LinkedIn.” Journal of Business and Behavioral Sciences 29.1 (2017): 85.
Rana, Sudhir, and Somesh Kumar Sharma. “A review on the state of methodological trends in international marketing literature.” Journal for Global Business Advancement 9.1 (2016): 90-107.
Good secondary sources, but primary source is missing
See feedback sheet below for grade and further comments



Headings (Bold or Caps)—sufficient and meaningful.


White Space (margins, text/heading separation, etc.)

Good effort—see Page Breaks

Small modular paragraphs

Good effort—see comments

Stacked lists used appropriately


Consistent alignment for headings and text.



FORMAT: TO:FROM:DATE: RE: with specific subject line
Introductory statement summarizes key issues.
Body paragraphs summarizes key findings.
Closing paragraph requests action from audience.

Good effort—see comments


Good effort—see comments

Good effort—see comments


Identifies the topic precisely, explains the basic parameters (scope) of the research, and defines any technical terms. (Cites sources)

See comments/corrections

Describes some current issues surrounding the proposed topic. Identifies controversy or complexity (Cite sources)


Describes some international trends related to the field and explains their personal and professional significance (Cite sources)


Explains reason this topic/area is of personal interest.

See comments/corrections

Introduces and lists at least 8 possible research questions.

See comments/corrections

Selects and explains at least two, open-ended and viable research questions.


Explains how each research question will benefit classmates, and supports claims with sources.


Three visuals, at least one table and one figure—with at least one in International Trends section.
Table(s): Introduced, titled, and interpreted. (Source Citation)
Figure(s): Introduced, titled, and interpreted. (Source Citation)

2 visuals missing

See comments/corrections

RESEARCH: Works Cited Page: one primary and three secondary sources.
Sufficient In-text Citation—cites sources appropriately.

Primary source missing

See comments/corrections


Objective language and perspective throughout
Appropriate use of headings and white space to signal topic shifts (e.g., new paragraph for new topic)
Precise and concise writing style, with appropriate word choice
Proper and appropriate use of lists
Proper spelling, grammar, syntax and sentence structure


Good effort—see comments

Good effort—see wording corrections



Jiangyue ,

Please see comments, questions and corrections. Primary source and 2 visuals missing. Some information not related to the assignment.





The Career Research PowerPoint is Assignment #7 (A7) from our CMNS 1140 Course Outline.

Worth: 10% of course grade

DUE: Friday, December 04, 7:00 pm (posted to Moodle)

Note: Assignment details for A6 Report requirements are on separate Word file.


For obvious reasons, the Career Research Report needs to be completed before the Career Research Presentation.

You can use either PowerPoint or Prezi for this presentation.
Learning Context:
We will apply the following critical communication skills and principles to convert document the perceived in a report that integrates text with visual elements:



Critical analysis of a written document (report) to identify key information relevant to new context (oral presentation) and media (PPT or Prezi).



Integration of text (with visual elements into a formal, audience centred presentation.



Conversion of the Problem Definition Report into PowerPoint (or Prezi) presentation.



Conversion of written text into visual information relevant to context, audience and purpose.



Developing and presenting an interesting and persuasive oral report appropriate for audience and purpose.

See Assignment Overview and Assignment Criteria on following presentations.



Panteli Tritchew © 2019

Please have a look at the following overview of the minimum requirements for your Career Research Presentation.
Slide 2


Definition of Career Field

Statement of 2 research topic(s)

Statement of WHY you chose these 2

Slide 1


Your Name

Course Name


Slide 3



Bulleted points

4 bullets maximum

Slide 4



Bulleted points

4 bullets maximum

Slide 6


Bulleted points

4 bullets maximum

Slide 5



Bulleted points

4 bullets maximum

Note: These are the minimum requirements for the A7 Career Research PPT. You can use more slides if required.



Adequate and precise headings (Bold or Caps)

Adequate white space – Avoided excessive text or full sentences or paragraphs

Consistent alignment for headings and text.

Font style, size and format (bold, italic, underline, shaded) consistent/appropriate/readable.

As a general rule, followed 7×7 rule (no more than 7 lines per screen, or seven words per line.

Visual (s) relevant and informative.


TITLE OF PROJECT/Student Name/ Course Name/Date


Your Name
Name of your program
Reasons for choosing this project
Definition of Career Field
Statement of research topic(s)


Table or Figure
from Career Research Report)

Bulleted points (4 max) that explain significance of visual


Table or Figure
from Career Research Report)

Bulleted points (4 max) that explain significance of visual


Table or Figure
from Career Research Report)

Bulleted points (4 max) that explain significance of research and findings


Bulleted points (4 max) that summarize Conclusions and Recommendations

3 | Page
Panteli © Fall, 2020

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