Career Exploration Paper
Using the model that listed in this link:
follow the 8 steps that are laid out to choose a career path. Some of you already have your minds set on “what you want to be when you grow up.” I am asking you to do this assignment in a logical way. If you have already decided then this will be affirmation of your choice.
Here are some more fine details:
- In step 2 you must have at least 2 occupations.
- In step 3 you must have at least 3 sources of information.
- In step 5 you must conduct at least 2 short interviews via phone or email.
- In steps 6-8 you will shift your language to use I, me, and we. (i.e. first person)
Using the research completed above write a 3 page APA research paper. Follow the APA writing guide found here:
Your conclusion should shift to first person from fourth person. There should be a definitive conclusion of your career choice with support!\
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