career development plan

The student will submit a career development plan

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1. First, describe the  role of the healthcare manager/administrator based upon Biblical principles. Include a discussion of the Lord’s call on your career to serve in this capacity

2. Using the Bureau of Labor Statistics Occupational Outlook Handbook, provide analysis of the demand for the position, skills and knowledge needed described in Field Activity – Part 2

3. Provide an evaluation of the gap between the your current KSAs and what will be needed to be qualified for the job that was described in the Field Activity – Part 2 assignment.

4. Include research conducted to identify the need for this position and the impact a successful hospital administrator can have on patient/client care.

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5. Then, describe your career development plan to obtain the KSAs needed. Use the SMART acronym to guide you. Ensure it is specific, measurable, action-oriented, realistic, and includes a time line for each step of the plan. 

The paper should be 8-10 pages, excluding title page, abstract, and references, in length, include at least 5 scholarly sources, the course text, Bible and all other sources utilized.

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