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This week, you will find three scholarly, peer-reviewed research articles on your topic.

“Lack of Affordable Housing a Public Health”.

Would a preventative approach to affordable housing improve child development?

Remember that next week you will submit a paper on Scientific and/or Mathematical/Analytical perspectives of inquiry, so use this week’s assignment to prepare materials and collect information for that purpose.

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Use articles that will help you explain and describe scientific issues and/or statistical data or economic information related to your topic. You will analyze and evaluate these articles in your submission, which should include:

· A brief introductory paragraph.

· Three separate paragraphs, one for each of the three articles, each presenting:

. A brief 3–4 sentence summary of the article (use in-text citations)

. An explanation as to what makes this source credible (in the WCU Library go to Research Guides > Research Basics > Evaluating Resources)

. An explanation of why the article will be useful in addressing your problem or issue

· A brief conclusory paragraph

· An APA Style reference list on a separate page

Your paper should be 1–3 pages in length (including the References page). Adhere to APA Style throughout.


Highly Competent

Fairly Competent



Points Range:9 (45.00%) – 10 (50.00%)

All of the responses fully address all elements of the writing prompt. All of the responses provide detail and/or quality examples, demonstrating a depth of understanding.

Points Range:8 (40.00%) – 8.9 (44.50%)

Almost all of the responses address all elements of the writing prompt, but one or two may be vague or incomplete. Most details or examples support the prompt very well, demonstrating a strong understanding.

Points Range:7.3 (36.50%) – 7.9 (39.50%)

Multiple components of the prompt are not addressed. Details and examples may be missing in more than two occasions, demonstrating some understanding.

Points Range:0 (0.00%) – 7.2 (36.00%)

Responses are inaccurate or unrelated to the prompt and/or most components of the prompt are not addressed. There are no details or examples.


Points Range:8.1 (40.50%) – 9 (45.00%)

There is a sophisticated, concise introduction, body, and conclusion to the paper. The introduction provides an overview of the topic. The information in the body is relevant and presented in a logical order. The conclusion summarizes the topic and includes the writer’s thoughts on the subject.

Points Range:7.2 (36.00%) – 8.01 (40.05%)

There is a well-written introduction, body and conclusion to the paper. The introduction provides a general overview of the topic, but may be incomplete or wordy. The information in the body is mostly relevant and mostly presented in a logical order with one or two exceptions. The conclusion summarizes the topic, but may somewhat be brief or abrupt.

Points Range:6.57 (32.85%) – 7.11 (35.55%)

There is an obvious introduction, body, and conclusion to the paper, but there may be a few instances that are off topic or vague. The information in the body is generally relevant, but not concise. Much of the information is not presented in a clear, logical order. The conclusion may be incomplete, or slightly off-topic.

Points Range:0 (0.00%) – 6.48 (32.40%)

There is no clear introduction, body, or conclusion. The paper does not follow the required format.

Mechanics and APA Format

Points Range:0.9 (4.50%) – 1 (5.00%)

The paper is written in a clear, concise, formal, and organized manner. The paper is error free. Information from sources is appropriately paraphrased and accurately referenced and cited in APA when applicable. The paper meets assignment length requirements.

Points Range:0.8 (4.00%) – 0.89 (4.45%)

Most of the writing is clear and organized, but there may be one or two instances where it is not concise or formal in language. Minor errors exist in spelling and grammar with no interference with readability or comprehension. Most information from sources is paraphrased, referenced, and cited correctly in APA when applicable. The paper meets assignment length requirements.

Points Range:0.73 (3.65%) – 0.79 (3.95%)

In three or more instances, the writing is unclear and unorganized. Several errors in spelling and grammar somewhat interfere with readability. Information from a few sources is missing or improperly cited. The paper does not fully meet assignment length requirements.

Points Range:0 (0.00%) – 0.72 (3.60%)

Mechanical errors significantly interfere with the readability of the paper. No attempt to follow the required format is indicated. The paper does not come close to meeting assignment length requirements.

Name:Written Paper Rubric

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