Capital Punishment

To complete this assignment, you will need to conduct additional research using scholarly journals only. You must utilize a minimum of (2) two scholarly references in the assignment. Scholarly resources are considered: peer-reviewed journal articles (i.e.: ProQuest), government websites, textbooks, and criminal justice publications. Failure to provide appropriate references will result in a large point deduction.

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You can access scholarly journals by clicking on the Library Link in the Course Introduction section.

In a 4-5-page (1500 word) essay you will address the following points:

  • Discuss      the history of capital punishment.
  • What      current methods are utilized for the death penalty (as of 2018)?
  • How many      states removed capital punishment in the United States?
  • Provide a      case study (example of a recent case) and discuss one case in which the      defendant was given capital punishment (any case within the past ten      years).
  • Do you      agree? Why or why not?



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/Formatting Instructions


1500 Words



Calibri – 11 point font


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Submit in Word only



Should be pasted into the Word document if possible.


Referencing system

APA referencing system is necessary in assignments,   especially material copied from the Internet.

For examples   of correct citations, visit the following links:

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