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Corey A.Phillips Phillips1

Professor Dodd


31 August 2020

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“The wedding jitters

Anyone who has ever had the pleasure of meeting me will tell you offhand ,I’m a very nice individual.I will be the first to admit however,when they were passing out the public speaking trait,my genetics were on an extended bathroom break! Two years ago, I was given the honor to be the best man in a childhood friend’s wedding. Although initially being elated with joy, upon realizing that a speech may be entailed I grew very anxious.The majority of people there would be the bride and the groom’ family collectively,former classmates ,and also others I may have or may not have known.Even as I got up to speak to the crowd, I could hear my wife cheering me on,I was visibly shaken,my words were shaken,and relaxing seemed close to impossible.The reason for my nervousness I felt,had to be because there were so many people, quite a few that I didn’t know ,the vibe felt intimidating.It was almost beyond being out of your comfort zone.

Honestly speaking,the audience I prefer to communicating with ,would be comprised of family and friends.Small audiences also take the edge off some of my nervousness,for me it’s very intimidating to speak to a large group of people,I can honestly even say why.Because I prefer a more informal audience,this academic audience differs greatly from my preferred audience because of the intimidation factor. In an academic audience, you feel the pressure to be perfect,you feel a sense of judgement,and that all familiar twinge of nervousness that says:”What if I mess up?”In contrast,with an informal audience, you can be yourself,as you may be surrounded by like minded individuals that you don’t feel compelled to over exaggerate your intelligence, or that fear of failing as far as communication goes.

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