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EDUC 840

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Case Study Assignment Instructions

Your 3-Year Strategy:

Place yourself in the position of a district superintendent. As the superintendent, you have been presented with a mandate from your board to create a district-wide strategy that implements technology to improve learning opportunities within the district’s buildings and population. The board is made up of parents and business leaders in the community. Your district has 1 high school, 2 middle schools, and 4 elementary schools with a total of 2,500 students. Most of your teachers (75%) are older, experienced veterans, and 25% of your teachers are new and in their first or second year of teaching. Your district scores on state testing are slightly above the state average. The board has allotted a major portion of funding for this strategy. You are expected to make a major presentation to the board at a public meeting, and the entire community is invited.

Your assignment is to:

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1. Create a 1,000-word presentation outlining your strategy for the next 3 years that you will present at the public meeting;

2. Create a 1-page visual table of your 3-year strategy that you will show at the public meeting; and

3. Create a 1-page agenda schedule for your public presentation that includes any additional presenters or materials.

Your submission must include a title page, the 1,000-word (written narrative) presentation, the visual table, and the agenda for the meeting.

EDUC 840

Case Study Grading Rubric


Levels of Achievement

Content 70%




Not present

Presentation Content Development

66 to 70 points
· Thoughtful and scholarly approach to presenting the case study strategy.
· Major points are stated clearly and are well-supported in written narrative form.
· Strategy presents a strong blend of technology related elements for learning.
· Strategy is balanced and aggressive in creating effective change.

61 to 65 points
· Limited scholarly approach to presenting the case study strategy.
· Major points are stated, but clarity and support is limited in written narrative written form.
· Strategy presents a limited blend of technology related elements for learning.
· Strategy shows limited balance and aggressiveness in creating effective change.

1 to 60 points
· Poor scholarly approach to presenting the case study strategy.
· Major points are unclear or are insufficiently supported.
· Strategy does not present a blend of technology related elements for learning.
· Strategy does not show balance or aggressiveness in creating effective change.

0 points
Not present.

Visual Development

38 to 40 points
Visual is creative. Visual is persuasive, comprehensive, and clear. Visual encompasses the condensed 3 year plan aligned with the presentation.

35 to 37 points
Visual shows limited creativity. Visual has limited persuasiveness, comprehensiveness, and clarity. Visual is limited as it encompasses the condensed 3 year plan aligned with the presentation.

1 to 34 points
Visual shows poor creativity. Visual is not persuasive, comprehensive, and/or clear. Visual is unclear and does not encompass the condensed 3 year plan aligned with the presentation.

0 points
Not present.

Agenda Development

28 to 30 points
Agenda provides a varied list of items and varied stakeholder participation. Agenda is organized, follows an effective flow, and ensures a persuasive conclusion to the presentation.

26 to 27 points
Agenda provides limited variation of listed items and varied stakeholder participation. Agenda shows limited organization and flow. A persuasive conclusion to the presentation is included.

1 to 25 points
Agenda lacks a varied list of items and/or varied stakeholder participation. Agenda lacks organization, does not follow an effective flow, and does not ensure a persuasive conclusion to the presentation.

0 points
Not present.

Structure 30%




Not present

Grammar and Mechanics

19 to 20 points
Spelling and grammar are correct. Sentences are complete, clear, and concise. Paragraphs contain appropriately varied sentence structures. There are 0–1 errors present that distract the reader from the content.

17 to 18 points
Some spelling and grammar errors are present. Sentences are presented well. Paragraphs contain varied sentence structures. Spelling and grammar are correct. There are 2–3 errors present that distract the reader from the content.

1 to 16 points
Spelling and grammar errors distract. Sentences are incomplete or unclear. Paragraphs are poorly formed. Several errors exist that distract the reader from the content.

0 points
Not present.


19 to 20 points
The use of current APA formatting standards is correct for each source. A title page and reference page are included in current APA style. No errors are present in formatting.

17 to 18 points
The use of current APA formatting standards is mostly correct for each source. A title page and reference page are included in current APA style. There are 2–3 errors are present in formatting.

1 to 16 points
The use of current APA formatting standards is incorrect for the majority of sources. The title page or reference page is missing. There are more than 3 errors in formatting.

0 points
Not present.


19 to 20 points
Presentation word count is a minimum of 1000 in written narrative form; 1-page visual table included; 1-page agenda is included.

17 to 18 points
Presentation word count of 950–999 words included in written narrative form; 1-page visual table included; 1 page agenda is included.

1 to 16 points
Missing components of the paper: presentation word count is fewer than 950 words included, or 1-page visual table included, or 1-page agenda is included.

0 points
Not present.

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