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EDUC 840

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Journal Critique Assignment Instructions

You will analyze and critique two (2)
peer reviewed
journal articles from varying professional journals. The articles must address one of the topics in the chart below that coincide with current issues and trends in education. You must select an article 2 years old or less. Your article critique must include the following:

· A summary of the author’s position

· An analysis of the author’s key points and the extent to which it is backed up; and

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· A personal response that addresses your agreement and/or disagreement with author, and why. Additionally, your personal response should link personal experiences to the content of the article that also includes a summary statement on the overall effectiveness of the article.

Each journal article critique must be a minimum of 700 words. The assignments must reflect current APA format and should include a title page, and reference page. You must include the reference to the journal article for confirmation and professor review.

Choose from the following Topics:

Module: Week

Journal Critique

Approved Topics

Module 1: Week 1

Issues in Education

Teacher Salaries
Teacher Assignments
Teacher Turnover
Teacher Quality
Teacher Education
School Safety
School Reform

Module 7: Week 7

Trends in Education

Home Schooling
Online Public Schooling
Low Performance in Rural Areas
Disabilities Grouping and Tracking
Bring Your Own Device
iPads (1-to1)
Religious Expression in Education

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