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Mba 1st semester 

Paper #2: Macroeconomics Country Forecast-worth 20%

Forecasting the future is one of the most important things that economists are asked to do.

Governments have a few macroeconomic tools that they can use to indicate how a country’s

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economy is doing. An important part of all macroeconomic courses is to develop an

understanding of what these economic indicators are, as well as how they are created so that we

can extrapolate into the future.

• All students must pick a country that is different from their country of residence, and
cannot be from any of the following countries: Canada, United States, and United

• This is a major paper and should be a minimum of 1500 words.
• It is expected that the paper will be free of grammatical errors. This paper will be submitted

through Turnitin to review for plagiarism. (DO NOT COPY THE QUESTIONS IN THE


• “Late submissions are not accepted under any circumstances, since it is the last paper, so

please plan accordingly.”

Specifically, you have to locate the macro-economic variables in your country of choice for
four years starting with 2016 through 2019 and fill in the table below:

Variable/Year 2016 2017 2018 2019 4 year



Growth rate of Real


Inflation Rate

Unemployment Rate

Interest Rate


1. Real GDP/Person (represented in the currency of the chosen country )
2. The growth rate of Real GDP per person (% change per year)
3. The inflation rate (%)
4. The unemployment rate (%)
5. Interest rates (In this case it is asking for the Mortgage rate)

Include the following sections in your paper. The breakdown of the marks will be:

1) Introduction (10%)

Explaining what you are going to write about.

2) Background and History, (10%)

What are the important key historic factors? (For example, did the country recently receive

independence or become a member of the World Trade Organization? What is the current economy

like? Was it going through some sort of economic crisis? Did a war occur during that period? Or

any other related important information regarding that specific period of 4 years)

3) General Definitions (15 %)
o Define each variable (1 through 5).

o Explain how they are determined.

o Explain why each variable is an important economic indicator?

4) Four Year Average Representation (10%)
Using the data from the table and Excel or any other software, create a diagram for each of the
five variables over a period of 4 years.
This is done to show the variable’s decline or growth. (Hand drawn charts are not accepted)

5) Explanation behind the values (30%)
The most important part of the paper is your explanation. Use your own words. You may wish to
use historical information from other resources, but make sure to use proper APA citation.

o Carefully explain the reasons behind the growth or decline of each of the variables in the
4 years period.

o Explain why these numbers are important to the people in that country?

6) Conclusion and self reflection (15%)
The conclusion must be a minimum of one paragraph and must include a self reflection of what
you have learned from writing this paper.

7) References (10%)
References must be current and from multiple sources (Minimum of 2 references)

Be sure to use APA and reference any quotations or web material that you use in your paper. The

various chartered banks and investment dealers also prepare macroeconomic forecasts which

may be useful as a source of ideas.

MBAF 501

Assignment #6: (20%)

Length: 2,000-word (Recommendation Report) excluding cover page and references



Value: 20%

Book chapters: Chapters 10 and 11


Write a 2,000-word Report that provides a list of action plans and solutions to your key problem. Write a letter of transmittal (cover letter).

There are two documents required to complete Assignment #6, which has two parts:

Part One:

Keep in mind that all reports are intended to solve problems. A recommendation report tends to be longer than a proposal and must include recommendations that are based on evidence presented and interpreted in the document. A recommendation report could be prepared in an academic environment as the outcome of research or it could be used on the job by decision makers as the basis or even justification for decisions that would affect business.

Format: Recommendation reports have a particular structure that you will need to follow:

· Title page APA style

· Table of contents

· Abstract or summary (one short paragraph)

· Introduction that provides background and context

· Problem statement/question

· Three research questions you are investigating

· Body or middle section that summarizes your research

· Conclusion with recommendations for further action and preferred solutions to problem

· Graphics, visuals, illustrations, and/ or appendices (at least three of these)

· Headings

· Numbered lists or bullets (at least one)

· APA style in-text citations

· List of at least 10 references at the end (APA style)

Part Two: Cover letter

The letter of transmittal is a cover letter addressed to the intended reader of the report. In this case, the recipient of the letter will be your instructor.

The letter should present the report.


1. Begin with a short paragraph of one or two sentences that set up the context for the attached document.

2. Next write a brief paragraph that highlights the main contents of the report.

3. Then write a brief paragraph acknowledging any others who have assisted you or sources that have been helpful.

4. Conclude with a request for action such as the opportunity to discuss the recommendations.

This assignment is worth 20% of your final grade in the course.

Getting Started:

Your first step will be to locate a topic. The topic should be researchable, problem based, and directed toward workable (fact-based) solutions to issues and concerns in the workplace.  You will need a main idea (like a thesis statement for an essay).

 Suggested topics might include but are not restricted to:

a)      harassment, sexual discrimination, ageism, or racism at work (descriptions of situations, definitions of terms and problems, and ways to deal with and prevent  occurrences);

b)      shrinkage in retail outlets (definitions, examples, systems to track it, ways to prevent it)

c)       motivating employees in challenging workplaces (ways to handle potential downsizing, closures, firings, unfair promotions, negative attitudes, and depression/discouragement in workers)

d)      weight watchers or recovery groups at work: a good idea?

e)      community violence as it impacts workplace (for example, employees being attacked en route to places of employment)

f)       bad weather conditions and jobs that require driving or flying ( how to deal with situations of lost revenue or vehicle/aircraft mechanical failure)

g)      secrets of the best customer service (is this a lost cause? Have businesses forgotten the need for courtesy?)

h)      marketing and catering to millennials (recruitment or clientele)

i)        overcoming conflict/differences/problems with colleagues or management

Please remember some of these topics are quite large, so you need to narrow the scope/focus.

As with any research task, you will need to start with a few basic research questions relating to the topic and then search for information that will help you to answer these questions. Describing situations and then analyzing problems will be your focus in this task.  Make best use of both academic and practical research skills. Your own experience is also relevant.

Grading Rubric for Recommendation Report

Certain required elements of this recommendation report are as follows:

· Title page APA style

· Table of contents

· Abstract or executive summary (one short paragraph)

· Introduction that provides background and context

· Problem statement

· Three research questions you are investigating

· Body or middle section that summarizes your research

· Conclusion with recommendations for further action and preferred solutions to problem

· Graphics, visuals, illustrations, or appendices (5-10)

· Headings
· Numbered lists or bullets (at least one)

· APA style in-text citations

· List of references at the end (APA style)

Your report will be assessed overall, and comments will be given on the following:

1. What works in this report

2. What does not work in this report

3. Areas for improvement and suggestions on how to improve report writing for the future

4. Grammar and writing style (must be strong!)

5. Strength of letter of transmittal

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