c programming

Summary of Quadratic Equation Activity

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Main Program

• if 3 numbers provided on command line
◦ convert and assign coefficient a
◦ convert and assign coefficient b
◦ convert and assign coefficient c
◦ if a is zero

▪ if b is zero
• display error message (degenerate equation)

▪ otherwise
• solve linear equation (call solve_linear and send b,c)

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◦ otherwise
▪ solve quadratic equation (call solve_quad and send a,b,c)

• otherwise
◦ display error message (must provide 3 coefficients on command line)


• calculate x = – c / b
Hint: you may need to use a cast to handle integer division

• print x


• if b2 – 4ac < 0 ◦ solve for 2 complex solutions (call solve_complex and send a,b,c)

• otherwise
◦ solve for 2 real solutions (call solve_real and send a,b,c)


• calculate x1
Hint: x1 = (-b + sqrt(b*b-4*a*c))/(2*a);

• calculate x2
• print x1 and x2


• calculate real part of solution
Hint: x_real = -b/2a

• calculate imaginary part of solution
Hint: x_imag= sqrt(b2 – 4ac)/2a

• print the real part and imaginary parts separated by a plus sign and followed by the letter i
Hint: printf(“%f + %fi\n”, x_real, x_imag);

• print the real part and imaginary parts separated by a minus sign and followed by the letter i

Computer Programming II

Quadratic Equation Assignment

The purposes of this assignment include: passing of parameters, and command line parameters.
You are to write a program to solve quadratic equations in all their possibilities (real or complex
roots, or even degenerate equations). Your program should be invoked by the command:

solvequad a b c

where a, b, and c are coefficients. The solution should print on stdout.

If the solution is complex, the output should consist of a pair of expressions such as “2 + 3i”
and “2 – 3i”. Other cases will result in either two real numbers being printed, a single real
number, or perhaps just a message.

You must use separate compilation.

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