C++ coding homework

Please find attachment. It is a coding homework with instructions in it. 

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CSIS135 – Programming in C/C++

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SEE CANVAS FOR LATE POLICY – there are no lates accepted AFTER the late DATE

DO NOT EMAIL THE HOMEWORK FOR ANY REASON – the only want o submit is


For this homework ONLY – you will SUBMIT FILES ON CANVAS

IMPORTANT INSTRUCTIONS (follow these to avoid losing points – NO LATES after the posted late date


▪ Submit your source code files (all .h and .cpp files) and your UML diagrams ON CANVAS – no hypergrade
for this assignment. I’ll go over how to submit on Canvas in class – ask me if you are unsure.

▪ You will email three files for each program (a .h file, a .cpp file for the implementation and a .cpp file for
the client code).

▪ Make sure your name is on each file you submit


▪ Make sure and use three separate files for your object-oriented programs (this means for each

program you need to submit three files on Canvas (two .cpp files and 1 .h file) plus UML diagrams.

Do not use inline functions. IF YOU VIOLATE THESE RULES – points off.

▪ NOTE: These programs require UML diagrams instead of pseudocode. This is a LONG homework with 3
programs…the reason for the length is to give you extra practice for the final.

▪ See Canvas for late policies it varies by class. If a late date is posted not lates AFTER that date (NO
EXCEPTIONS) and there will be a deduction.


Homework #7 – Program 1: Employee Class – Based on Chapter 10 Lecture

Write a class named Employee that has the following member variables:

 name: The name attribute holds an employee’s first and last name

 idNumber: The idNumber attribute is a string variable that holds an employee’s ID number

 department: The department attribute holds the name of the employee’s department

 position: The position attribute holds the name of the employee’s job title

 yearsWorked: This attribute holds the number of years the employee has worked at the


The class should have the following overloaded constructors:

 A constructor that accepts the following values as arguments and assigns them to the

appropriate data members (attributes): employee’s name and employee’s ID number,

employee’s department, employee’s position, and the number of years the employee has

worked at the company.

 A constructor that accepts the fallowing values as arguments and assigns them to the

appropriate data members (attributes): employee’s name and employee’s ID number. The

department and position attributes should be initialized to the empty string (“”) and the

yearsWorked attribute

should be initialized to zero.

 A default constructor (accepts no arguments) that initializes the name, idNumber,

department, and position attributes to the empty string (“”). The yearsWorked attribute

should be initialized to zero.

Write Get and Set methods for each attribute: name, idNumber, department, position, and


 Do not allow the yearsWorked attribute to be set to values less than zero. If an attempt is

made to set yearsWorked to less than zero, do not set the attribute and communicate the

problem to the calling program. Do not use cin or cout in the set method.

Remember that the class declaration (.h file) will contain the class attributes and function prototypes.

Name the class declaration file employee.h. The class implementation file (.cpp) will contain the

function definitions (don’t forget to include the employee.h file). Name the class implementation file


Next create a program to utilize the Employee class you created in the following manner:


three following Employee objects to your array:

Name ID Number Department Position Years Worked

Jenny Jacobs JJ8990 Accounting President 15

Myron Smith MS7571 IT Programmer 5

Chris Raines CR6873 Manufacturing Engineer 30

2. Display the data for each of the three employees to the screen (you do not need to display the

lines in the table)

The program utilizing the employee class should be in a separate .cpp file. Name this program


KEEP READING – there are two more programs in this assignment, go to the next page.

Homework #7 – Program 2: Stats Class and Rainfall Statistics Program – Based on Chapter 10 Lecture

Design and create a class named Stats that has an array of 12 doubles as one of its member variables.

The values in the array should be set by making 12 calls to a public member function named setValue

that accepts two arguments, an integer indicating which value is being provided (the first

number, the second number….etc) and a double holding the actual data value.

In addition to the setValue member function, the class should have the following additional member


 A default constructor that sets all of the values in the array to zero

 A displayValues function that displays all of the values in the array (cout is ok for this one)

 A calcTotal function that calculates and returns the total of the 12 values in the array

 A calcAverage function that calculates and returns the average of the 12 values in the array

 A calcLargest function that calculates and returns the largest value in the array

 A calcSmallest function that calculates and returns the smallest values in the array

Remember that the class specification/declaration (.h file) will contain the member variables and

member function prototypes. Name the class declaration file Stats.h. The class implementation file

(.cpp) will contain the function definitions (don’t forget to include the Stats.h file). Name the class

implementation file Stats.cpp.

Next create a program that uses the Stats class to hold rainfall data and report annual rainfall statistics.

The program should first create a Stats object named rainfall and call its setValue member function to

set each of the 12 monthly rainfall totals to a user entered amount. It should then produce an annual

rainfall report that shows the total, average, lowest and highest rainfall amounts for the year. Note that

the printing of the rainfall report should be done in the client program file not in the Stats class.

Input Validation: If any amount less than 0 is passed into the setValue function, a default value of 0

should be used in his place.

The program utilizing the employee class should be in a separate .cpp file. Name this program


KEEP READING – there are two more programs in this assignment, go to the next page.

Homework #7 Program 3 – Gift Box Class and Client Program (to give you more practice)

Step 1: Design a GiftWrap class

Design a GiftWrap class that a gift wrapping store could use to calculate the price of wrapping

rectangular gift boxes and generate invoices/receipts for their customers. The class will allow a gift

wrapping store to calculate the cost of wrapping various sized rectangular boxes. The class will have

member functions to calculate the price of the gift wrap box being wrapped, tax on the gift wrap sold,

and the total cost of the gift wrap both including and excluding tax.

The class should have the following member variables:

 length– this variable holds the length of the box in inches

 width – this variable holds the width of the box in inches

 height – this variable holds the height of the box in inches

 taxRate –this variable holds the sales tax rate for the company

 pricePerInch– this variable holds the price per inch of the gift wrap

The class should have the following member functions:

 Two Constructors:

o One constructor should be a no argument (no arg) constructor. This constructor should set the

length, width and height member variables to 1.0, the pricePerInch member variable to 0.0036,

and the taxRate member variable to 0.08.

o One constructor that accepts the following two values as arguments (so the constructor should

have two parameter variables) and assigns them to the appropriate member variables: the tax

rate and the price per inch. This constructor should set the length, width and length member

variables to 1.0.

▪ Do not allow the pricePerInch member variable to be set to numbers less than zero.
Use reasonable default values. It’s up to you to know how to design this based on class

lecture on object oriented


▪ Do not allow the taxRate member variable to be set to a number less than zero or
greater than one. Use reasonable default values. It’s up to you to know how to design

this based

on class lecture on object oriented programming.

 Five Set Functions:

o Design a set function for each member variable: length, width, height, pricePerInch, and


▪ Do not allow the length, width, height, and pricePerInch member variables to be
set to numbers less than zero. It’s up to you to know how to design this based

on class lecture on object oriented programming.

▪ Do not allow the taxRate member variable to be set to a number less than zero or
greater than one. It’s up to you to know how to design this based on class

lecture on object oriented programming.

 Five Get Functions:

o Design get function for each member variable: length, width, height, pricePerInch, and taxRate

o It’s up to you to know how to design these functions based on class lecture on object oriented


 calcSubtotal Member Function:

o This member function should calculate the price of the gift wrap BEFORE tax. The price of the
gift wrap before tax is calculated as follows:

1. First calculate the surface area of the box.

o Surface Area = (2 * length * width) + (2 * length * height) + (2 * width * height)
2. Next multiply the surface area of the box by the price per inch. This is the subtotal for the

gift wrap.

 calcTax Member Function:

o This member function should calculate the tax on the gift. The tax is the subtotal * the tax rate.
Be efficient and use existing functions if you can.

 calcTotal Member Function:

o This member function should calculate the overall total price of the gift wrap which is the

subtotal + the tax. Be efficient and use existing functions if you can.

Step 2: Create a Program to test utilize the GiftWrap class

Next create a program to utilize and test the GiftWrap class. This program is for a small gift store called

“Sally’s Gifts”. (HINT: keep your program simple)

First steps: First create a string type variable to hold the name of the gift store: “Sally’s Gifts”. Next, use

the constructor that takes two arguments to instantiate a GiftWrap object/instance named sallys. When you

call the constructor pass in .0925 for the tax rate and .0025 for the price per inch of the gift wrap.

Next: Display the following menu:



a)Generate Gift Wrap Invoice


–If the user enters ‘a’ or ‘A’:
o First, ask the user the length of the box being wrapped and call the proper class member function.

Then ask the user the width of the box being wrapped and call the proper class member function.

Than ask the user the height of the box being wrapped and call the proper class member function.

Make sure and handle any input validation issues as needed using the techniques we learned in class

during the object oriented lecture (you should know them for listening to lecture).

o Next, display a gift wrap invoice/receipt similar to the once below (make sure and format it) by

calling the proper class member functions (use a variable to print the company name, don’t hard

code it):



Box Length: 10.0

Box Width: 10.0

Box Height: 10.0

Price Per Inch: 0.0025


TAX: 0.14


TOTAL: 1.64

–If the user enters anything other than ‘a’, ‘A’, ‘Q’ or ‘q’:

– Print the message “Invalid Selection”

–The user should be able to generate as many gift wrap invoices for Sally’s as they want until they

select ‘q’ or ‘Q’ to quit

–If the user enters ‘q’ or ‘Q’ quit the program

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