Business Writing Memo

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Business Ethics Memo

(Your Product…Your Responsibility?)

Here’s the dilemma – are you going to be a GOOD person and take responsibility
for the effects of your product? Or, are you going to be a GREAT businessperson
and put profit ahead of everything else? Or, can you do both?

You are the owner of a company (306 SPORTS INC.) that produces a new,
technologically advanced skateboard. This board is smaller and much faster than any
skateboard ever created. Your creation has become the best selling sports product in
the country, with many extreme sports stars buying, using, and promoting your new
skateboard. You are making millions for you and your shareholders!

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Because of its capability for tremendous speed, the “Rocket Board” is considered an
extremely dangerous board. In the past year, several customers, some as young as 5
years old, have been injured while riding the “Rocket Board.” Injuries range from
bumps and bruises, to broken arms and legs, to concussions.

Some pediatricians and politicians claim your product should be recommended only for
advanced riders, preferably over the age of 18. And, they want a warning label printed
on the package. But, these restrictions and warnings would, of course, hurt your
sales and profits.

Your company also faces several lawsuits and tremendous public criticism because of
the injuries sustained by some users of your product. The public is calling for you and
your company to take responsibility for the injuries your product has caused.

Some want 306 SPORTS INC. held financially responsible for creating a product that
you knew to be dangerous to many users/customers. Many critics have said creating a
product such as the “Rocket Board” is unethical because skateboards are
traditionally children’s toys and your product is causing harm to many young

As owner of 306, it is time to answer your critics. How do you plan on defending your
company and its reputation and make critics happy? How do you plan to maintain sales
and keep employees, investors, and shareholders happy?


• Explain your plan to answer your critics who claim you are responsible for the
injuries and your company has behaved unethically.

• Explain what you are going to do about the current lawsuits filed against your
company and any lawsuits moving forward.

• Finally, explain what steps you are going to take to make sure the Rocket Board’s
sales continue to grow and your company remains profitable so your investors and
shareholders have confidence in your leadership.

Write a properly formatted memo to the 306 Sports Inc. Community. The readers
include shareholders, employees, and even critics. Your memo must explain your
position and answer all of their concerns. Your memo should be well-written and
detailed. Give as many specific examples that you deem necessary.

RESEARCH – Use it ONLY to Make Your Ideas Stronger

Adding research to your memo is not difficult. Even though 306 SPORTS INC and our Rocket Board are mythical, the REAL research you add can be very helpful.

Up to this point of our class and your writing, I have wanted to hear only your opinion, your thoughts, your analysis. I have asked you to stay far away from research. (Many modern writers are too quick to add outside sources because research is now so easy to find. Your phone is now a library!) This eagerness to add research has led to a lack of personal opinion and a lack of analytical skills. 

However, there are times in the business world when research WILL help you. 

If you are going to start your own business in San Bernardino, think of all the helpful information you could find by doing some research: what specific areas are fastest growing, what is the local demographic, how have other businesses fared in this area, what expenses can you predict, what might the interest rates be in the future, what have the rates been in the past? There are hundreds of research options to help prepare you to open a business.

If you plan on getting financing for your business, many banks will require you to create a business plan. Inside this business plan, you might be expected to project costs and revenue. Your research will help you calculate this information. And, you will be expected to have added this research to the business report, which the bank will use to determine your loan.

Here is how you might add research to a business report:

According to the City of San Bernardino’s official website, “San Bernardino is offering significant tax incentives to small business owners. As a result, small businesses have seen a healthy increase in profit over the past 5 years – averaging a 23% increase in sales from 2014- 2019.”(

Additionally, in a recent survey of businesses located in downtown and northern San Bernardino, 85% of business owners have noticed a “significant” increase in walk-in customers during the past calendar year. (

In a recent interview, the Mayor of San Bernardino, Bradley Cooper, had this to say about the improving conditions for small businesses, “The negativity surrounding San Bernardino is gone. People are beginning to see the benefit of living, shopping, and going to school in San Bernardino. This newfound optimism is creating a financial benefit felt throughout the city.” (

This is how I want you to approach the research aspect of this assignment. Find
 three or four sources 
that help you make your case to the reader.

So, you are required to do several things – answer your critics about the safety of the Rocket Board and the  “ethical” nature of your company; explain what you are going to do about the current lawsuits; and what you plan to do moving forward to keep 306 SPORTS INC profitable.  You need to use research to convince the readers (306 SPORTS INC community) your plans and ideas are sound. The research you add is, of course, up to you, but I want it to be legitimate. Find actual sources that support your ideas. 

First, you have to answer your critics who claim you and your company behaved unethically. They claim you knew this product was dangerous and could harm users. Do you have a responsibility to protect your customers? NO?  Too bad, kid – you should have worn a helmet. Buyer beware? It’s the parents’ fault? Is this really what an ETHICAL PERSON AND COMPANY want to say to the public? Perhaps you want to explain how your company actually HELPING is society by providing skateboards.

How about this approach: during the COVID pandemic, the CDC recommends people (especially children) find ways to stay physically active while maintaining social distancing (CDC/COVID-19/ SKATEBOARDING IS THE PERECT SPORT – it requires no teammates, no coaches, no arena. Skateboarding is the safest and most effective sport for users to remain healthy and avoid large groups and thereby avoid a possible COVID infection. 306 SPORTS INC is not behaving unethically – we are helping the community stay active and healthy during these tough times. If riders of the Rocket Board wear the required safety gear, the chances of injuries is significantly lessened.

What research can you think of to help you address the issue of responsibility? Are there laws that protect you and other businesses from responsibility? Are there other companies that have faced similar situations? Come up with a response (ideas and a plan) then GO FIND research to help you make your position clear and strong!

What about those lawsuits? What’s the plan? FIGHT? Do you want to see users of your product in court? Do you want them to explain to a jury how they bought your product and were severely injured? Some of the injured are young children. Is it wise to make this issue more public? How will this impact your business?

Is the plan to SETTLE these lawsuits? Do you have the money to do this? Do you admit you are responsible? How will this impact your profit?

You can use research for a possible solution; what have other companies done when facing similar lawsuits? 

Finally, business is about ONE thing – as we have said during this BUSINESS ETHICS discussion = MONEY$$!!!

Let’s say you want to remind your readers that selling skateboards (especially one of the most popular models) is very profitable and your company will remain very profitable if it continues to focus on the extreme model – the Rocket Board:

We know the demand for “extreme sports equipment” is very high. The website 
Skateboard Heroes 
predicts sales of the top skateboard brands will exceed 10 million units this holiday season. Our own marketing department predicts our share of these sales will be 2 million units, which translates to $10 million in profits this year. Those readers who want you to consider limiting sales of the Rocket Board might change their minds when they see the potential profit!

So is your plan to continue doing what you are doing? Do you plan to alter the product? add warning labels? create age restrictions? REALLY? All of these options would damage sales and profit won’t they?  Create a plan and use research to help you.

Now, what about sources?

How do I add the sources to my memo?

I want you to add the name of the website to your memo whenever you use source material. 
You can add it to the text:
 According to the website, “In 2016, 115 deaths had been linked to extreme sports participation. But only two of those deaths were associated with skateboarding and both deaths were determined to be user error.”

OR, you can 
add the website in parenthesis
 at the end of the information: “In 2016, 115 deaths had been linked to extreme sports participation. But only two of those deaths were associated with skateboarding and both deaths were determined to be user error.” (  The PERIOD goes outside the parenthesis and the name of the website is italicized.

Where do I find sources?

The library! Yeah, right. What decade is it? Yes, the library used to be the place that housed all research material. Now, your pocket has the material you need. Most research (not all) is found on-line. So, you can use your phone or other electronic resources to find research.

What kinds of sources should I use?

Well, what subject are you researching? If you are writing an academic paper about infectious viruses, you would NOT want to use The National Enquirer, right? But, if you are writing an academic paper about the impact the paparazzi has had on our opinions of celebrities, then the Enquirer might be a great place to find source material. 

So, for this assignment, use legitimate, respected, reputable sources. Most newspapers, government sites, national magazines, and journals are fine. Consumer groups’ website are tricky, but most are effective. Use your own judgment and use quality sources. There is no shortage of sources, so you should have no trouble finding credible information.

How Many Sources Should I Use?

This is easy. The “rule of thumb” for most research assignments is: use, on average, one source per page. If you have a 10 page research paper, you should have approximately 10 sources. If you have a 25 page research paper, you should have about 25 sources. This is for future papers you will write.

What are we creating? A 2, 3, 4 page memo. You should have a few sources, 3 or 4 is good. Obviously, 6-10 is way too many. But using 1 or 2 sources is probably too few.

You do not have to create an external works cited page. Because we are using just a few sources, you can add the information to the text of the memo.


Remember, I want YOUR IDEAS, YOUR OPINION, YOUR ANALYSIS. The quality of your writing is still the main focus of this assignment. The majority of your grade is based on the writing you create. 

Research is designed to assist you as you make your points to the reader. So, do NOT begin this memo by doing research about the positives or negatives of skateboarding. Begin by writing down your ideas. Answer each part of the memo’s questions, first. Figure out what you want to say – THEN go find some research that will help you make your position stronger and more effective.

After watching the film Lord of War, most would agree that one of the predominant themes was product responsibility and the ethical implications. Yes, Yuri is a GREAT businessman, and he sells a product in high demand, and his customers are happy. But at what cost? How much responsibility does Yuri (or any businessperson) have for the effects (results) of his product? 

ISSUE: Does the SELLER (business) have any responsibility for the effect of the product?

If Yuri is not responsible for the effects of his product, who is? Andre? the soldiers? the locals? society? If harm and suffering occurs, we always strive to find the cause. We want to find the responsible party and hold them legally, criminally, and morally responsible. Why do some hold Yuri responsible? All he does s supply a product, right? What product would you be willing to sell to make money? Would you sell a product that might cause harm -just to make a few bucks? Would the money makeup for the ethical sacrifice you might be making?

ISSUE: Is selling one product the same as selling any other product? Unethical Product?

Yuri claims selling guns is the same as selling vacuum cleaners. Some of you businesspeople might even agree. A product is a product, right? Not so fast. A baseball bat can cause harm, so can a vacuum cleaner. BUT – those products are not DESIGNED to inflict harm are they? NO. One is designed to to hit a ball – not a person. A vacuum cleaner is designed to clean and make life easier. 

Is it possible that a product is unethical? I would argue that GUNS are an unethical product because its ONLY purpose is to cause harm. Guns are DESIGNED to inflict damage. Gun powder was created to cause explosions and help win battles – not to advance or help humans. (Sorry gun owners – it’s true.)

Guns? When USED properly, what are they designed to do? Let’s be grownups. Guns are not designed for hunting, or target practice, or other casual uses. They are created to inflict harm and damage. Is this product, by its very nature and design, unethical? It can lead to great profit and great suffering. We see this with Yuri’s business.  

ISSUE: Is Knowledge the Key?


What do we do when we KNOW? What if we DO NOT know? If a businessperson KNOWS his/her product causes harm to consumers, what is society to do? Does Yuri know his guns are used to kill people? Does it matter? What if he never knew?

Consider this scenario: a  salesperson sells a gun in San Bernardino gun shop and that gun is used to kill someone. The salesperson claims he did not know the customer was going to use the gun to kill his neighbor. Is the businessperson ethically OK?

Now, what if a customer came in and said he wanted a big gun because he is having issues with his neighbor and he wants to be “ready.” Does this KNOWLEDGE now make the businessperson’s behavior ethcially questionable? Does KNOWING make the businessperson responsible for the effect of the product???

If you know a person is going to intentionally harm others, would you stop this person? Do you have an ethical responsibility to do this?

Time for you to decide. The business ethics memo prompt is below. You are required to write a detailed and convincing MEMO.

You remember MEMO format from earlier this semester I am sure. However…

Just to refresh your memory, I will add the MEMO Powerpoint slides here. You can use these slides to create an effective and properly formatted MEMO:    

306_Creating a Memo_2019


306_Creating a Memo_2019 – Alternative Formats


Remember what this lecture focuses on: 
ethics and the role they play in business.
 Most business products are designed to increase production and drive profit. This question was created with this in mind. You can write as much as you want to write, but be absolutely sure your ideas are clear and detailed. And, be sure you have addressed the ethical issues raised by the question.

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