business research and report writing


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Literature review (see below) 

Theory and Research Model (see below) 

Managerial Implications (see below) 

Conclusion (see below)


Literature review (single space, size 12, at least two pages), a summary of researches that have been published about a particular subject. It provides the reader with an idea about the current situation in terms of what has been done, and what we know. It could include suggestions about what needs to be done to increase the knowledge and understanding of a particular problem. 

The articles used must be from professional journals, which mean we can trust that the authors are trained professionals, and others have examined their work. Some studies are more easily read and summarized than others. Once you have found the articles, read them and take notes. Write the literature review from your notes.

A literature review should include four sections: 

1) Introduction: Introduce your topic and briefly explain why this is a significant or important area for study. Define terms if necessary. 

2) Summary of articles: In a paragraph or two for each study, briefly explain the purpose, how it was conducted (how information was gathered), and the major findings. When referring to an article, use the last name of author or authors and date of publication in the text.


Calvin and Brommel (1996) believe family communication . . .

Communication serves two primary functions in families–cohesion and adaptability (Galvin and Brommel, 1996).

3) Conclusion: Briefly summarize the major findings of the studies chosen. Comments about what questions need to still be answered may be included. 

4) References: List the studies used on a separate page according to APA style format. 

Theory and Research Model: has to include three sections (single space, size 12; 2-3 pages):

1. Theoretical framework and explanation.

2. At least two Hypotheses.

3. Explanation for each hypothesis.

A theoretical framework represents the author’s beliefs on how certain phenomena (constructs/variables/concepts) are related to each other and an explanation on why these variables are associated to each other.


The diversity of the workforce (according to different ethnic origins, races, and nationalities) contributes more to organizational effectiveness because each group brings its own special expertise and skills to the workplace. This synergy can be exploited, however, only if managers have special talents to manage the diverse work group; otherwise, they will be useless.

Hypothesis 1:  The diversity of workforce has positive effect on organizational effectiveness.

Hypothesis 2:  The effect of diversity on effectiveness is weaker when there is less managerial expertise.


Managerial Implications (single space, size 12; 1 page): 

1. State the relevance or the relationship between your proposed managerial actions as a result of your expected findings of your study.

2. Address the need to solve the original business issue/problem by suggesting the managerial actions for solving the problem.

3. Focus on the impacts of the managerial actions and discuss what outcomes could be after implementation of the managerial actions.

Conclusion (single space, size 12; 1 page): 

Make the point of your paper and emphasize what focus is on the main aspects of business management. In this final section of paper, you should summarize the main conclusions in each of these areas you mentioned before. Then you may turn to assess the limitations or directions for future research and, finally, drawing out the recommendations from your study. Last, the summary/conclusion should offer the reasons why your work strongly contributes to the field.

Reference (by APA format, single space, size 12; 1 page):

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