Business proposal

create your final business proposal document. Evidence of revision from instructor feedback will be assessed on the final business proposal, which should include each of the sections listed below.

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  1. Executive Summary (250 words) provides a short summary of the entire proposal so key stakeholders can see an overview of the proposal and understand it without reading the entire document.
  2. Purpose Statement (100 words) provides clear statement of why the business proposal is being made.
  3. Problem Statement (revised as needed from Topic 1 assignment feedback) including specific data (statistics and numbers) related to how the problem impacts the business. This part of the proposal should include the graph/chart/data you collected in Part 1 of the Topic 2 assignment.
  4. Data and Research Findings (250 words) should include a summary of what you learned from conducting research related to what has already been done to address the organizational problem. This part of the proposal should include the graph/chart/data you collected in Part 2 of the Topic 2 assignment.
  5. Proposed Solution (250 words) should include a summary of the top three problem solutions you considered to address the problem. In addition to including the graph/chart/data you collected in Part 3 of the Topic 2 assignment, this section should provide a succinct discussion of the pros and cons of implementing each of the top three solutions being considered to address the problem.
  6. Stakeholder Analysis and Benefits (500 words, revised as needed from Topic 3 assignment feedback) summarizes all data and information related to the key stakeholders affected by the proposed problem solution along with a summary of benefits to be gained by stakeholders if the problem solution is implemented.
  7. Change Management Plan (250 words) clearly articulates specific methods and strategies to be utilized to manage organizational changes associated with the selected solution implementation.
  8. Implementation Methods (250 words) summarize specific strategies that will used to implement the problem solution, including time and costs associated with implementation of the solution.
  9. Evaluating Success (250 words) summarize specific measures you will use to evaluate the success of the problem solution.
  10. Conclusion/Call to Action (100 words) provides specific steps you would like key stakeholders and sponsors to take in the implementation of the proposed solution.

It is important to include specific data throughout the business proposal. Include statistics that support the problem statement that can be used to establish and track goals; relate to specifics of implementation, timing, and cost; and illustrate stakeholder benefits. The proposal is an internal document that will be read by stakeholders within the organization where the problem exists, so keep this in mind and focus on this audience as you write. Within the Word document, include subsection titles to organize content according to the categories listed above to provide easy reference points for the reader.

Running Head: SUMMARY 2


Student’s name: Gregory Dayes

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Instructor: Susan Wind

Course: BUS 470

Date: October 29, 2020


Question 1

The problem will affect some stakeholders more than the others. For instance, if the call center representatives continue failing in their responsibilities, the communication between different stakeholders within the organization will also be affected. Consequently, the activities of different stakeholders will be affected in different ways such as the poor employee engagement, poor consumer-organization communication and even poor communication of feedback from different levels in the organization. Stakeholders such as customers and shareholders will be affected the least (, 2016). Shareholders will only be affected if they lose money due to poor sales.

Question 2

The human resource department is likely to get excited by having to do performance reviews. This will help in increasing employee motivation by letting them know how they are performing. The employees will also gain more skills from the training sessions they will undergo, especially those working the call center. Due to the costs incurred, investors and the organizational leaders may not be comfortable with the solutions at the beginning. However, they are likely to enjoy more profits in future since the turn-over rates will be reduced.

Question 3

The human resource strategies in the company are aligned with the ultimate organizational strategic plan. The HR strategy will minimize costs and turnover rates, thus enhancing the profitability of the company (, 2016). Therefore, the department is able to be more influential, thus increasing the revenue generation of the company. From the data, poor quality services from call center representatives led to 2% decrease in clients, 5% increase in voluntary employee attrition, and $550,000 loss in annual revenue. The increased attrition levels costed the business $80,000 annually. The assessment and improvement of the call center representatives’ services by the human resource department will be instrumental in reducing the costs incurred due to poor quality services.

Question 4

The stakeholders who will act as sponsors in the implementation of the problem solution are the CEO and shareholders. I chose them mainly because they will be able to appreciate the value of the hard work that they do for the success of the business. They will also be able to share their vision, and make it easier to align their strategies.

Question 5

The call center representatives will be directly affected by the problem solution. They will implement different approaches of performing their duties, with the aim of performing better. Therefore, they will be required to adjust to their new ways of working.

Question 6

If the executive leaders in the company do not support the problem solution, they will be potential roadblocks to solving the problem. If the HR manager and other executive leaders oppose the change, the problem solution will not be followed through (de, 2018). If there will be no follow-up, then the implementation of the problem solution will not be effective. Therefore, it is important for the executive leaders to identify the importance of performance appraisals within the company.


Bartel, C., Baldi, C., & Dukerich, J. M. (2016). Fostering stakeholder identification through expressed organizational identities. The Oxford handbook of organizational identity, 474-493. Retrieved from

de Vries, H., Tummers, L., & Bekkers, V. (2018). A stakeholder perspective on public sector innovation: why position matters. International Review of Administrative Sciences, 84(2), 269-287. Retrieved from

Current-State Matrix



Support/High Influence


INFLUENCE Negative High Positive
Negative Support/Moderate Influence
Positive Support/Moderate Influence
Negative Support/

Low Positive Support/Low Influence

Stakeholder Template

Level of Support Level of Influence

High Positive High Low Negative Low

High level of knowledge

High Positive High

High level of knowledge

High Positive High

High level of knowledge

High Positive High

High level of knowledge

High Positive High

High level of knowledge

High Positive High

High level of knowledge

High Positive High

High level of knowledge

High Positive High

High level of knowledge

High Positive High

High level of knowledge

High Positive High

High level of knowledge

High Positive High

High level of knowledge

High Positive High

High level of knowledge

High Positive High

High level of knowledge

High Positive High

High level of knowledge

High Positive High

High level of knowledge

High Positive High

High Positive High

Name of Stakeholder Description of Stakeholder Role of Stakholder Level of Knowledge in Program Available Resources, Information, Influence, Money, Staff, Technology, etc. Level of Interest Level of Support Level of Influence Level of interest
Example: Call Center Manager Leader of the Call Center in Phoenix Project Sponsor High level of knowledge Funding of project and internal resources from call center
Chief Executive Officer Highest ranking in an organization (de, 2018) The CEO oversees all organizational operations and ensures that the organizational goals are achieved. A proper understanding of every department in the organization, and its funtion.
Operations Manager Key part of a management team who oversees high level HR duties Ensures that various operations such as market entry are completed efficiently and effectively. An understanding of policy planning and strategy.
Logistics Manager The person who oversees the products purchasing and distribution in a supply chain. Ensures that the right decisions are made in order to meet the clients’ needs more efficiently. This enhances creation of an assurance as far as organizational success is concerned. Ability to work well with a team, manage and motivate other staff members.
Legal manager The management personnel in charge of organization’s legal functions. Ensures that the company acquires all the regulatory compliance of different regulations that affect the economic sector. Access to legal information that regulate business operations.
Purchasing manager One who buys or sells products for organizations to use or resell. Ensures that the right purchasing choices are made based on the organizational purchasing trends. Deep knowledge of supply chain and inventory management.
Human resource manager One who directs and coordinates the administrative functions of an organization. The role of the human resource manager is to ensure that the optimum pool of employee is maintained within the organization, and the employees are motivated to perform optimumly. Adequate information about the activities within an organization, and the needed pool of employeess.
Information technology Manager One who manages the organizational technology systes. The information technology manager ensures that the organization uses the best technology in management of the data flow within the system (, 2016). Computing and electric communication devices and services and enough funding to purchase updated and high-quality technological devices.
Customer service manager One who ensures that customers are satisfied with the products and services offered at all times. Ensures that customer’s needs are fulfilled. They also make sure that all the enquiries and complaints are responded to. Knowledge of customer’s consumtpion patterns.
Project Leaders A professional who leads people and ensures that a project is completed as required. The role of project leaders is to ensure that the various projects that work teams are assigned are completed within the stated budget and time constraints. Budget, a properly-outlined time schedule.
Work Team Leaders They guide and instruct a workgroup to ensure its functionality. They ensure that all employees perform optimumly in the duties delegated to them, especially while working as a team. A well-established strategic plan
Sales and Marketing manager The sales and marketing manager has a role to ensure that customers are attracted to buy goods and services from the organization, with the aim of earning maximum returns Information about market trends and consumption behaviors (, 2019).
Research and development manager They research and develop new marketing opportunities. The research and development manager oversees the research and development department that aims at establishing the best strategies towards achievement of organizational goals. Adequate funding for field work study
Finance and Accounting Manager The lead person who manages the financial and accounting operations. The role of financing and accounting manager is to manage organizational assets and other important elements such as budget. They ensure that resources are distributed efficiently in the different organizational departments. Access to financial and accounting information in the organization.
Shareholders People who hold stock in any given company. The role of shareholders is to provide assets and capital needed to run a business through investment Access to information about the operations within the organizations
Employees People hired to work in an organization. Employees/staff members complete different tasks that lead to the success of an organization (Lehtinen & Aaltonen, 2020). Necessary skills for their respective jobs within the organization.
Customers One who purchases the products or services offered by a business. Customers/clients are the source of profits and revenue in most organizations, especially because they purchase the produced goods and services. Information about the kind of products offered by a business, and the level of utility they offer.

Bartel, C., Baldi, C., & Dukerich, J. M. (2016). Fostering stakeholder identification through expressed organizational identities. The Oxford handbook of organizational identity, 474-493. Retrieved from
de Vries, H., Tummers, L., & Bekkers, V. (2018). A stakeholder perspective on public sector innovation: why position matters. International Review of Administrative Sciences, 84(2), 269-287. Retrieved from
Reypens, C., Lievens, A., & Blazevic, V. (2019). Hybrid Orchestration in Multi-stakeholder Innovation Networks: Practices of mobilizing multiple, diverse stakeholders across organizational boundaries. Organization Studies, 0170840619868268. Retrieved from
Lehtinen, J., & Aaltonen, K. (2020). Organizing external stakeholder engagement in inter-organizational projects: Opening the black box. International Journal of Project Management, 38(2), 85-98.


Source of Date Date Data Collected Description of Data Type of Data Anticipated Hypothesis Test

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