business project_Project management

Please put the PART #s to separate the sections. So I can put them into the template. At least 3 references-within 5 yearsPART 3Prepare a fictional group project. You may use one of the following for your model:enterprise resource planning (ERP) system implementation,website development project,a marketing plan for a new product,a process improvement project, oran information system development project.Develop a statement of work for the project using the following format:1. background,2. objectives,3. scope,4. tasks or requirements,5. selection criteria,6. deliverables or delivery schedule,7. security,8. place of performance, and9. period of performance.PART 4Next, create a work breakdown structure (WBS) for the project. What are the key steps, including work packages, tasks, and any related subtasks for the project?PART 5Please use at least four fictional group members, and create a responsibility matrix.All sources used, including the textbook, must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying citations and must be formatted according to APA guidelines.

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