Business project

Business project assignment

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The year 2019


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The year 2020


The year 2021


The year 2022


The year 2023


The year 2024


The year 2025 & 2026







In the current competitive world, it is needed to possess lots of expertise with the standard education qualification, particularly with in the accounting world. However, its robust to seem for a much better career with solely a graduate certificate. By realizing that, KOI enables us to be a part of business simulation, a virtual business structure, designed by Smartsims company. The business simulation offers collaboration, company coaching, leadership and to review analytics information in simulated surrounding ( Doortraining, 2019). We started the simulation with single player and shifted on to the multiplayer, which grants us to compare our company with other companies.

The year 2019

To comprehend Mikesbikes introduction multi-player, we began playing the single player, a smaller interpretation of multi-player which assisted us to rehearse with the PC as a contender. In the wake of playing single-player for half a month, I got Idea how to play and settle on choices in the game.

The primary gathering we did was in one of my colleague’s home. We as a whole sat together with our workstation and tablets and checked the market data. The multi-player began with the default item, which was a mountain item. From the market summary, we check our market share and furthermore checked the demand in the market. From that data, we determined 23000 creations for the 1st year, and the cost was chosen $690 as we spent $1,500,000 on item advertising and public relation to expanding the recognition in the market.

We got the main outcome on Sunday 12 PM. We averaged in the beginning of the year. In spite of the fact that our shareholder value didn’t get so high, the product sale and awareness were huge. The shareholder value increased, and it moved to $11.78, which was 4.9% expansion, contrasted with the most recent year, and the retails sales was $11,807,280. Due to a striking measure of use, our profit after tax was $1,094,513. Our rival, The Bali Ways, gained the most elevated situation in our reality.

The year 2020

In the subsequent year, we got two more new choice, for example, the retail margin for the retail shop and branding to improve the goodwill in the market. In our gathering, we examined generously for those two choices. We reasoned that as opposed to paying a high edge to the retailer, we picked to contribute more cash on branding get progressively potential clients in the market. We gave 61.2% margin to the retailer and burned through $300,000 on branding. We increment the item cost at $780 with 30000 units of generation.

We accomplished $13.51 shareholder value, however we expected a greater amount of our SHV esteem than what we got in the subsequent year. In any case, we were the second last in sales. Our deals in 2020 were 12,226 units and the 1st position was taken by The Bali Ways with 30,068 units. The least SHV was $12.72, which was held by Ilam organic tea in our reality.

The year 2021

With the accomplishment of the past two years, we kicked more inspiration and off to accept that we can accomplish the most noteworthy outcome in the game. We concentrated more on our gathering meeting. We attempted to offer our best input by the market data. In the third year, we got the chances to take care of our obligation for which we were paying $80,000 interest. The interest was a cost for our organization, and it diminished the benefit after expense. That is the reason we chose to pay everything of debt, which was $1,000,000. Other than that, we got a capacity planner, however we didn’t purchase any, and we put resources into efficiency and quality in that year.

The consumption in the year 2021 was incredibly high so that there was a critical downfall in the profit after tax and the shareholder value additionally dropped and it held at $7.90. The Bali Ways effectively figured out how to accomplish in front of the rest of the competition in our reality.

The year 2022

Our group was concerned about the fourth year of the game. There were tons of things to do in that year. The most significant choice was to dispatch another product. We broke down the market information and discovered that the road product would be the best one to dispatch that specific year. We launched the road item, and the value was $2,400 with 8900 units of preparations. We likewise built up the mountain item and expanded the cost. The dispatch of another item and development cost us $3,000,000 and spent exceptionally on expanding capacity, efficiency and quality. We began repurchasing the shares from the market yet avoided from giving dividend because of shortage of cash in the company.

We stood by restlessly till Sunday 12 PM to check the outcomes. The outcomes were past our desire. We imagined that we committed some generous errors in year four. However, later to having the outcomes, we understood that we settled on right choices for all components. The SHV moved to $31.49, and the expansion was 298.6% compared to the most recent year. There was an impressive growth in retail sales and profit after tax.

The year 2023

In our meeting, we checked on the consequences of the fourth year. We comprehended that it was fundamental to proceed with the marketing campaign and branding of the item to help all the items in the market. We discovered that there was another item opening, and we chose to dispatch the youth item, which was the last item in all item. We launched the item and put a cost of $388, and the production was 37000 units. We additionally improved all the current item. Including product launch and development. We burned through $5,000,000 with respect to that. We expanded the cost of the item to adapt up to the expenditure we made.

The outcome multiplied that year compared with the most recent year. The SHV of our organization soar, and it became $59.89.

The year 2024

In that year, we concentrated on the cost effectiveness and chose to deliver a dividend to our investor in our week after week meeting. We kept on building up all the current item and expanded the item value. There was another item opening to dispatch an item, however we chose not to dispatch the other item as we already launched all the item in the market. We gained all the redeemable offers and delivered $5.5 dividend per share.

Our SHV turned out to be practically double the past year, which was $114.89. The Bali Ways was still holding the first place , and Teli PTD LTY was right behind them.

The year 2025 & 2026

There was consistent accord in our group that we would not improve any item during the seventh and eighth year of the game. We kept on concentrating on cost effectiveness in our factory just as in the administration zone. We diminished the branding, efficiency and quality consumption over the most recent two years. We continued delivering a full dividend to our investors, and we quit expanding the product cost.

In the final year, our SHV raised to $242.12. Our organization accomplished the third situation in our reality The Bali ways and Teli Ptd Ltd were 1st and 2nd . They figured out how to build the SHV and got somewhat more than our SHV. Ilam Organic Tea couldn’t conquer their concern and got $4.34 SHV. In the entire class, our rank was 9, and we accept that we did well as per the effort we gave.


From the diagram above, we can see that there was a steady increment from 2018 to 2021. The sales revenue soar during the year 2021 to 2023. Over the final three years, there was a slight downfall because of the steady market demand. We did well seeing our sales revenue for all the years.


Over the two months of the Mikesbikes game, we figured out how to work together and speak with the colleagues. We comprehended the significance of cooperating in a group. We settled on all the choices together by giving crucial data and genuine belief of the colleagues. We helped each other in the hours of troubles of the game and effectively conquered them with the joined efforts. As I would like to think, the business project unit at KOI makes a stage to understand the need of teamwork at the working environment, education field and in our day by day life. We welcome the efforts of our respected instructor and tutor for allowing us to understanding the business simulation.


Doortrainingcoin. 2019. DOOR Training and Consulting India. [Online]. [1 Feb 2020]. Available from: [Accessed 3 Feb. 2020].esbikes-intro

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