Business Policy Decision Year 6 Summary

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Company co-managers must make decisions relating to R&D, component usage, camera performance, product line breadth, production operations, work force compensation, outsourcing, pricing, sales and marketing, and finance.

a. [GIS 1] Teams will be formed to function as decision-makers of various firms within an industry. Each should facilitate “cross-fertilization” and synergistic decision making. You will develop and submit a name for their company, an organizational chart, and job descriptions. You will justify your choices. Two scores are given: The criteria for the first score is the depth of analysis of the company name associated with branding; the criteria for the second score is your ability to create meaningful and comprehensive roles and responsibilities

b. [GIS 2] You must conduct a study on the technical aspects, characteristics and attributes of digital cameras and the technological trends in manufacturing and product innovation. submit a summary that includes technical aspects and characteristics, associated consumer benefits, and emerging trends in the industry. One score will be given, based on the quality of the research and the resulting structural variables;

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c. [GIS 3] You will evaluate your company’s position in various international markets (Europe, Asia, Middle East, North America, etc.) The initial market position will vary across the international markets, in terms of market share (leader in some, follower in others). Since the game closely resembles reality, you will submit a report (3- 5 pages) that includes:

i. A market potential study for each of the international and domestic markets, based on the data contained in GLO-BUS®, as well as other business sources. A score will be given based on identification of the proper determinants of the market potential ;

ii. A study on employees’ attitudes and motivations to assist in establishing a proper mix of training, performance incentives, and base salary. A score will is given based on the ability to ascertain culture-specific motivational structures ; and

iii. A study of consumer perceptions and attitudes in different cultures toward product attributes quality and price. A score will be given and based on the ability to identify culture-specific differences.

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