Business Information Systems

1.  A supply chain consists of all parties involved, directly or indirectly, in obtaining raw materials or a product. Type a one page paper (minimum) on supply chain management. Please double space your paper and cite your references. ( 320 words)

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2.  Research 3D printing – the costs, the types (at least three), the price for ink (printing media).  After researching answer the following questions:

  1. Define 3D printing and its impact on business.
  2. Explain CRM and how 3D printing could affect customer relations.
  3. Provide an example of how 3D printing might affect the global economy.
  4. Analyze how 3D printing is affecting supply chains. 

Your responses should be one page (Minimum). They don’t have to be one page per question, but your total paper containing your responses should be at least one page. Please double space and cite your sources. ( 350 words)

3. Please prepare project paper from the topic uploaded below (4 to 5 Papers)

Please make all the questions in separate documents 

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Accurately reflect the important mutual dependence between MIS and business processes, “time is money” to say that the old business principle of “time is money” that needs to be updated. Refers to the absence of a system downtime, do not waste time to sink from the plan at any time, tornado, electrical interference from network failures can strike up to a number of reasons. Seem to have the most devastating natural disasters MIS failures, they very often or very expensive.

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