Business Essay

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Assignment –

Reflection Paper Directions

Instructions: You are required to answer the following questions. You should save your answers in a Word document for submission. Please do not repeat the questions on your answer sheet. Instead, please list the answers numerically/sequentially by simply utilizing 1, 2, 3, and 4. Each assignment must have a cover page listing your name, the name of the assignment, and the date. The cover page does not count towards the word count. For each assignment, you are expected to answer the assigned questions in your own words. Each assignment paper should be at least 1,000-1,500 words. Papers less than the required 1,000-1,500 words will get zero. This does not mean each question requires a 1,000-1,500-word response; rather, the total number of words for answering the questions must total more than 1,000-1,500 words. An exemplary answer demonstrates comprehension through a complete understanding by translating, interpreting and extrapolation as well as full analysis of the basic information into elements by identifying causes and relationships.

Purpose: The purpose of this assignment is to expose students to the issues and complexities of applied leadership within the hospitality and tourism industry. Students will be asked to immerse themselves in applied leadership material, reaching out to an industry leader (mentor) to discuss prescribed issues/topics, and reflect on applied leadership topics and discussion.

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Assignment –

1. Read the assigned material(s) as outlined on the course syllabus

2. From each reflection assignment:

· Select 2-4 prompts (one prompt from each chapter minimum) and write your response to each in an HTM context,

· Length/Format: 1,000-1,500 words minimum. The expected format is demonstrated below.

· Cite any outside materials or work that is not your own, including the authors of the reading.

Select the prompts, then write your response to each in an Hospitality context. Your written response should identify and include:

· Your identified mentor’s response to the selected prompts (give 1-2 examples),

· Your reflection of your mentor’s response, and

· Your personal response to each selected prompt.

. Reflection #3 – Challenge the Process –

· LC – Ch 7-8, p.143-192

· LC – Ch07 – Search for Opportunities

· Leadership Transformation through Opportunities –

· How do leaders seize challenges, turbulence and adversity and make things better?

· How do leaders take the ordinary/mundane and find improvements and excellence?

· LC – Ch08 – Experiment and Take Risks –

· Leadership and risk taking

· How can we make a safe environment while allowing risk taking?

· EO – Ch 4,5,6,7, p.87-168

· EO – Ch04 – Check the Ego

· How can egos and/or personal agenda’s hurt a team’s performance? How do you overcome this?

· EO – Ch05 – Cover and Move

· What are the best steps to overcoming “silos”, lack of teamwork, team divisions/cliques, and distrust?

· EO – Ch06 – Simple

· What steps are necessary to keep communication effective and simple/understood?

· EO – Ch07 – Prioritize and Execute

· What steps might a competent of leader take to avoid being overwhelmed if they try to tackle multiple problems or a number of tasks simultaneously?

Inspired a Shared Vision

Chapter 5 – Envision the Future

1. The percentage of time to be used to focus on future

Mentor’s response

The vision is guided by the missions and objectives of the organization. The higher percentage of time above 50% should be dedicated to the future.

Reflection on mentors response and personal response

A visionary leader should allocate more time to forecasting the future so that all the potential vulnerabilities that could negatively affect the performance by predicting the needs and challenges that might affect the organization will help the leaders develop alternative ways of solving the challenges.

As leaders, it is essential to be visionary because any organization’s success depends on long-term strategies (Iordanoglou, 2018). It is challenging to forecast the future, but it is essential to be visionary and achieve the organization’s vision as leaders.

2. How future envisioning take place

Mentor’s response

To have a proper future envisioning it is important to consider the available resources and have long term strategies of meeting the overall objective of the organization.

Reflection on mentors response and personal response

To successfully have a good and compelling vision as a leader is essential to understand where the organization is coming from, its current state, and its desired goals. The organization’s plans and vision need to be understood by the leaders. They are supposed to be clearly stated with accurate measurements to determine whether the image was achieved. Another activity of ensuring that the leader’s theoretical aspect is successful is by saying all the required actions to enable the organization to achieve its vision. The organization’s accomplishment of different tasks needs to be guided by the planned objectives at the project planning stage.

While working as a general manager, many tasks consume more time for the manager, including daily reports and data from a different department. As a leader, the general manager finds it difficult to have proper interactions with employees, making the leadership roles difficult because there are many operational roles. For the general manager to enable the organization to achieve its objective, it is essential to have a proper framework allocating different functions of adequate time. There should be a time when the general manager meets the employee and discusses with them to explain to them the organization’s mission and vision to work collectively to enable the organization to achieve its objective. Through time to share with the employees, the general manager will understand the employees’ challenges. When making long-term strategies, the challenges can be addressed.

Being close with the employee as a leader is influential because it helps ensure that the workforce’s diversity is recognized and managed to maximize the employees’ potential and minimize the weaknesses present. Personal supervision of various employees ensures that the general manager creates time to interact with employees because it will be part of the duties and responsibilities to ensure that all employees’ supervision is being conducted to understand the organization’s current state of the operations.

Chapter 6- Enlist Others

1. Is the schedule of the general manager busy that has little time to interact with employees and how can it be changed.

Mentor’s response

General Managers are involved in managing all the activities being carried out at all the departments that create limited time to interact with the employees. In most cases, the general manager deals with data and communication with external stakeholders.

Reflection on mentors response and personal response

The general manager does not need to be busy dealing with external communication through emails and communication and dealing with data alone. Dealing with the external business environment only helps the manager address the organization’s threats and opportunities. Dealing with internal business as a complement to the external business environment is advisable. Interacting with employees enables the general manager to understand its strengths and weaknesses, which is essential for strategic management to allow the organization to achieve the set objectives.

To create time so that the general manager can share with the employee, there is a need to separate duties and responsibilities and assigned different individuals within the organization. By giving various tasks to supervisors and other managers, the general manager will only remain with overseeing and monitoring all the activities, which reduce the volume of work to perform; hence the general manager can have adequate time to share with the employees to understand their challenges and how best to get the best from the employees. There are new ideas generated through communication and interaction, and they are the best for the organization’s growth.

2. Ways of articulating and encouraging the constituents to buy in the shared vision.

Mentor’s response

To articulate and encourage constituents to work towards achieving the desired vision it’s important to provide guidelines and specific regulation to manage their activities towards achieving the shared vision.

Reflection on mentors response and personal response

As a leader, it is essential to direct all the constituents towards achieving the shared vision (Chen, & Rybak, 2017). Employees are diverse, based on gender, culture, educational background, experience, and social background. When workforce diversity is not managed correctly, teamwork cannot function properly, hence becoming challenging to achieve the organization’s objective. There is a need to have regulations and work standards to guide employees to work towards achieving the organization’s common goal. By being driven by the common goal, it is easier to lead the employees towards a shared vision stipulated in their vision statement.

3. What can happen when constituents are not buying a shared vision?

Mentor’s response

When constituents are not buying the shared vision the organization’s performance is negatively influenced and the primary objective of profit maximization cannot be achieved.

Reflection on mentors response and personal response

When the constituents are not buying into the shared vision, objectives fail because they will not be achieved. An image provides the organization’s desire where it wants to move to when operating at full potential. Without it, every employee will be working separately without common standards. Such operations negatively affect the organization’s performance, such as reduced productivity and an understanding of the employees. The conflict rate between employees is high in the organization, where a shared vision does not guide individuals. Without common guidelines and standards, individuals will be using a different mechanism to achieve individual targets, which creates interpersonal conflict resulting from the conflict of interest.

Chapter 3- Believe

1. How organizations align tactical mission to overall strategic goals and the expected barriers.

Mentor’s response

The organization needs to understand the vision and come up with overall strategic goals that will enable the organization to work towards the same direction to meet the desired vision. Tactical missions need to be drawn from strategic goals so that activities are implemented in a way that is within the strategic goals of the organization.

Reflection on mentors response and personal response

The tactical mission guides strategic goals for the organization. The manager needs to identify the challenges currently affecting the organization and act as an obstacle to meeting the mission. The next step is identifying various tactical strategies specific to difficulties identified to achieve the organization’s strategic goal.

After identifying the activities to be carried out to enable the organization to achieve its object so that it works towards achieving its desired vision it is important to consider strategic decisions in the implementation. Implemented strategies must enable the organization to achieve overall strategic goals which mean that tactical missions must be generated from the overall strategic goals of the organization. The obstacle in coming up with a better tactical mission is workforce diversity within the organization (Stouten, Rousseau, & De Cremer, 2018). When workforce diversity is not managed properly it leads to interpersonal conflicts hence hindering the organization from achieving its objectives.


As leaders, it is essential to be visionary because any organization’s success depends on long-term strategies. It is challenging to forecast the future, but as leaders, it is necessary to be academic and achieve the organization’s vision. The vision is guided by the missions and objectives of the organization. To successfully have a good and compelling idea as a leader is essential to understand where the organization is coming from, its current state, and its desired goals. There should be a time when the general manager meets the employee and discusses with them to explain to them the organization’s mission and vision to work collectively to enable the organization to achieve its objective. As a leader, it is essential to direct all the constituents towards achieving the shared vision. Employees are diverse, based on gender, culture, educational background, experience, and social background.


Chen, M. W., & Rybak, C. (2017). Group leadership skills: Interpersonal process in group counseling and therapy. SAGE Publications.

Iordanoglou, D. (2018). Future trends in leadership development practices and crucial leadership skills. Journal of Leadership, Accountability, and Ethics, 15(2).

Stouten, J., Rousseau, D. M., & De Cremer, D. (2018). Successful organizational change: Integrating management practice and scholarly literature. Academy of Management Annals, 12(2), 752-788.

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