Business environment
Based on course concepts and components of the PESTELE analysis, answering the following
questions. What do you think San Diego County is doing right in attracting new business and
what can San Diego County improve upon to increase its competitiveness to attract new
business? ” This is to be a 500-word opinion paper. Note not all factors in the PESTELE model
need to be used in the paper. Just select factors that you think are important.
Formatting Requirements
Approximately 500 words
Include a cover page with the following: a descriptive title (not just “Report”), author’s name,
class and section numbers, and date of submission
Use business-appropriate fonts and margin
Insert page numbers (except for cover page which should NOT be numbered)
Use headings/sub-headings as necessary
Due to the short format, there is no need for a table of contents and/or executive summary
Cite references using APA style