Business Continuty plan and disaster Recovery


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You own a consulting company and you are providing the following information to a company that you select. 

1: Find a company that has suffered a security breach in 2019. Provide background information on the company such as the type of business, their services, public or private, locations, etc. The reader should have a good understanding of the company after reading the bio. Next, provide information on the security breach; the Who, What, When, Where, Why, and How.

2. Create an Incident Response Plan (IRP) for the company. You can use the breach as a foundation if desired. The IRP should be a professionally looking document that is included as an attachment to step 1 (appendix is acceptable). 

3. Create a Disaster Recovery Plan (DRP) for the company. Again, you can use the previous breach as a foundation if desired. The DRP should be a professionally looking document that is included as an attachment to step 1 (appendix is acceptable).

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The submission needs to be 1 file, coming from your fictitious consulting company. The document you are preparing will be handed to senior executives in the company. It needs to be a minimal of 15 pages total (including the two plans). You need to use a minimal of 5 scholarly resources. Remember, the IRP and DRP need to be something a company would publish internally and implement without changes. 

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