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Some motivational speakers are paid hundreds of thousands of dollars to speak to stadium-sized crowds. People buy books, listen to podcasts, and attend seminars—all in the hope of finding the motivation to accomplish their goals or make their dreams come true. Without question, people want to be motivated! However, there is probably a difference between a celebrity speaker stirring up a crowd and someone who can genuinely motivate others to reach their goals. Motivational speaker Tony Robbins recently got into some trouble when sixty people were injured while trying to walk barefoot across a bed of hot coals after attending one of his presentations (read about it here –

Tony Robbins Hot Coal Walkers Burned

). Was that motivation? You decide.

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True motivation sets a person on a path that he or she can continue to travel even after the individual who lit the spark is gone. These are the motivating people we want to identify and talk about here.

For the purpose of discussion, choose an individual known for providing motivation to others. This person can be alive or deceased, from business, politics, or society at large. You’ll need to select someone you can research and provide proof of that research to your classmates and instructor.

For Discussion

  1. Tell your classmates whom you selected and why.
  2. Provide an example (supported by research) of a time when this individual served as a motivator for others.
  3. Based on the material you studied in this module, the experience of being motivated yourself, and your experience motivating others, what is it about this person that you believe made or makes them a motivator. Do they motivate YOU? Why?

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