BUS5112 – Marketing Management

BUS 5112 – AY2021-T1: Assignments’ Submission and Avoiding Plagiarism

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Please be sure that you are reviewing the instructions for each assignment so that all questions and prompts are answered fully in complete sentences and in complete paragraphs, and in APA 7th edition format. 

Remember, a good solid paragraph typically consists of at least three to five complete sentences with a maximum of 10 sentences before transitioning into a new paragraph.

Also, remember that it is essential to cite in-text citations according to APA 7th edition guidelines here at the University of the People (UoPeople) to support  your claims and to avoid plagiarism. Please note that we only use direct quotes when we cannot change words without changing its meaning and that is why it is best to paraphrase. Therefore, when writing all assignments and discussions, please use your critical thinking and self-reflection skills by extending to the information found in your research and in the course textbooks. In other words, we take the information and idea from other authors’ published works and use our thinking skills and experiences and add and/or build onto that information based on our knowledge, then cite the source to support our claims and to avoid plagiarism. 

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Discussion Forum Unit 7

For Unit 7 Discussion Forum, post a substantial response to one of the following question:

· What are the risks of posting information on social media for advertising, marketing, and sales? Provide examples.

· How can an organization use all four social media zones safely and appropriately? Provide examples.

In your response to your peers, compare and contrast your ideas with theirs in complete sentences and complete paragraphs.  Please be sure that you respond to at least three of your colleagues’ posts and respond back to your colleagues who have responded to your original post to help strengthen the discussion on social media for marketing, advertising, and sales based on Unit 7’s required readings and based on your own knowledge.

Your Discussion should be a minimum of 250 words in length and not more than 750 words.  Please include a word count. Use APA citations and references for the textbook and any other sources used.

Written Assignment Unit 7

A direct marketing channel typically involves a producer and a consumer. In contrast, an indirect channel is a channel that includes one or more intermediaries (distributor, broker, or agent). Companies usually employ multiple channels to reach more customers and improve sales. Some organizations may improve sales is by forging strategic channel unions while other firms may seek methods to trim intermediaries within the channel. This process is known as disintermediation. Some of the channels through which companies make efforts to gain entrance into foreign markets include exporting, direct foreign investment, franchising, joint ventures, and licensing. With this in mind, write a short paper which provides answers to the questions below:

· Are direct marketing channels possible for some products and not others? Why or why not?

· Explain the value middlemen can add to product sales and marketing success.

· Think of the products you currently use. Are there any of them you would prefer to buy through different marketing channels? Why?

Submit a 2-3-page paper, (excluding the title page and reference page) double-spaced in Times New Roman font which is no greater than 12 points in size. Be sure to cite any sources in APA Format.

Papers will be peer-assessed using the 

Unit 7 Written Assignment rubric.

Portfolio Activity Unit 7

In this Marketing Management course, you have learned advanced concepts and tools for marketing products and services. These are the same concepts and tool which marketing managers around the world use. However, it is important to consider how marketing is perceived in different parts of the world and what the ethical dimensions of marketing strategies are.

Assume that you are a marketing manager in your country and provide responses to the questions below:

· Give some specific examples of where you think marketing “crosses the line” into unethical behavior,

· Then make some recommendations on what should change.

The Portfolio Assignment entry should be a minimum of 500 words and up to 750 words. Use APA citations and references if you use ideas from the readings or other sources. 

This assignment is graded by the instructor.

BUS5112 Unit 7 Written Assignment Rubrics
Short Paper Rubric

Unacceptable Beginning Developing Accomplished Exemplary Weight

Topic &

The topic is
irrelevant to the
specified area and no
introduction is given

The topic has little
relevancy in the
specified area and
the introduction
does not give any
information about
what to expect in
the essay.

The topic has
somewhat relevancy
in the specified area,
but the introduction
provides little
information on the

Relevant topic is
selected but the
provides too much
information about
the topic;
simply like a

The selected
topic is relevant,
and the
presents a
concise lead-in to
the paper.


Score 0 3 5 8 10

Content Central purpose or
argument is not
clearly identified. No
analysis is provided.

supports a central
purpose or
argument at times.
Analysis is vague or
too general.

Information provides
reasonable support
for a central purpose
or argument most of
the time but is not
able to
display evidence
of a basic analysis of
significance of the

reasonable support
for a central
purpose all the
time or argument
and displays
evidence of a basic
analysis of a
significant topic

presentation of
relevant and
information that
clearly supports a
central purpose
or argument and
displays evidence
of a thoughtful,
in-depth analysis
of a significant


Score 0 3 5 8 10

Organization The writing is not
logically organized.
Most of the time,
ideas fail to make
sense together.

The writing is
presented in a
somewhat logical
order. Need a little
bit more efforts in
putting the ideas to
make sense

In general, the
writing is arranged
logically, although
occasionally ideas fail
to make sense

The ideas are
arranged logically
to support the
central purpose or
argument. They are
usually clearly
to each other.

The ideas are
arranged logically
to support the
purpose or
argument. They
flow smoothly
from one to
another and are


clearly linked to
each other.

Score 0 3 5 8 10

& Grammar

No references are
documented and
very frequent
grammar and/or
spelling errors.

Minimal references
are documented
and a few grammar
and/or spelling

Most of the
references are cited
but was poorly
constructed and
more than two
errors in grammar
and/or spelling.

Document most of
the sources with
care and most of
the sources are
properly cited and
only one or two
errors in grammar
and spelling.

Documented all
sources and the
sources are
properly cited
and all grammar
and spelling are


Score 0 3 5 8 10

Synthesis and

No synthesis and no
findings were

Was not logically or
structured and
presents an illogical
explanation for

Needs some
effort to make it a
paper and the
findings needs to be
presented more

Logically organized
and makes good
connections among
ideas. Presents a
logical explanation
for findings.

Information is
logically and
organized with
Presents a logical
explanation for

Score 0 3 5 8 10

Attention to Unit
Specified Details

Could not
adequately show
understanding of
unit’s readings
through response
to unit’s questions.

Need some effort to

understanding of
unit’s readings
through response
to unit’s questions.

Made some attempt

to show
understanding of
unit’s, readings
through response to
unit’s questions

Showed adequate
understanding of
units, readings
through response
to unit’s questions

of unit’s,
response to
unit’s questions

Score 0 3 5 8 10

Total 100%

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