BUS plan

around 15 pages

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Rating: 1 = Points from business plan template are ineffectively or not addressed; 2 = Addresses points in template;

3= Addresses and uses appropriate research to critically analyze points in template; 4 = Addresses and uses a

range of research to critically analyze points in template and has used feedback from past sessions and mentor to

improve business; 5 = Addresses and uses a range of research to critically analyze points in template and has

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used feedback from past sessions/mentor/peers to improve business; has developed an airtight section, which is

concise, well-written, and easy to understand

4 sections, around 15pages

around 4-5 pages for the first 3 sections and around 2 pages for risk part, but it all depends on you, be flexible

quality: make sure the business plan you wrote will be ready to review for potential investor

deadline: you have 5days, up to one week to finish it

here are some reference: help4 gorup do marketing in different ways, they start with the existing customers, some of existing customer would like to try our box, then they contact local community to see if they would like to try,and they also do online shopping, influcer marketing, use WeChat, weibo, flyer, mouth by mouth,boardcast, a lot of way do marketing, please google imperfect food and Misfits markets, visit their website, it will help you more about the business model, BOX A help4 gorup did just like what they did.

Help4 gorup don’t have too much people work for now, it have 3 full time employee, 6 part time and a lot of volunteers, they need recruit more if they wanna laungh box program

See the sample what I uploaded, write professional business plan

Let me know if you have any concerns

5.0 Marketing and Sales Strategy

Begin with a brief description of your target market and how you will apply key marketing components to competitively sell your products and services.

5.1 Plan to Reach Target Market

a. Positioning

· What customer needs does your product or service meet?

· What distinguishes your product or service from other available options?

b. Pricing

· What are your pricing strategies? Do you intend to generate a profit or


· What is the price for your products/services?

· What are your pricing tactics? For example: flat fee, sliding scale or package

options. c. Promotion

· What is your promotion strategy?

· What tactics will you use to increase awareness of your products or services? For

example: personal outreach, direct marketing, advertising, sales promotions

and/or public relations.

d. Place (Distribution)

• Where will customers be able to purchase your product or service? What distribution outlets will you use?

5.2 Sales Strategy

a. b.

Sales Structure

· What is the sales process?

· Who is responsible for sales and how are they compensated/rewarded?

Sales Targets

Social Business Plan Template

6.0 Operations

This section provides the reader with a detailed description of the lifecycle of your product/service.

6.1 Description of Daily Operations

Begin with a brief overview of the process required to produce your product or deliver your service. Consider addressing the following elements:

1. People

· What people are needed? What roles do you need to fill?

· How will you train staff? How frequently? In what?

· How will the process be supervised? Who will supervise?

2. Capital and Equipment

· What capital is needed?

· What equipment is needed?

· What types of facilities are needed?

3. Materials

· What materials will be used?

· Where will you purchase materials?

· How will supplies/inventory be managed? Who is responsible?

· How will you manage your supply chain?

4. Systems

· What systems need to be developed?

· What are the working hours?

· Who is responsible for planning/scheduling?

· What is the process to fulfill orders and deliver your product/service?

· How is customer service monitored?

· What is your capacity in product/service?

· How will you distribute/deliver your product/service?

5. Measurement and Evaluation

· What are your productivity goals and how will you measure them?

· What are your program/venture outcomes and how will you measure and

evaluate them?

6.2 Operations Process Flow

Create a diagram that identifies each step required to produce your product or deliver your service if needed/appropriate.

Social Business Plan Template

7.0 Organization and Management

This section identifies the structure of both the parent organization (if applicable) and the venture, as well as clarifies the relationship between the two. Key management and staffing needs are also discussed.

7.1 Organization Chart

Include a high-level organization chart of the organization which highlights/identifies the relationship between the parent organization (if applicable) and venture. If the parent organization will manage/oversee the venture, make sure to include information on this relationship. Briefly describe any agency-level support that the parent organization will provide the venture. This may include back office support functions such as accounting or administrative support, type and percentage of time from the Executive Director and/or management team or reporting requirements.

7.2 Venture Organization Chart

Include a detailed organization chart for the venture.

7.3 Key Management Functions

Identify each key management position as well as the associated roles and responsibilities. If you know who will assume the position, include a brief description of their experience and why they will succeed in this role. Include succession plans, if available.

7.4 Line Staff Requirements

Identify the line staff required, including a description of duties, skills needed and training required.

7.5 Performance Management

Describe how you plan to manage performance and incentivize management and line staff. Consider addressing the following questions:

· What performance standards will be used to monitor management and line staff?

· What are acceptable performance standards for management and line staff?

· What procedures will be used to monitor performance?

· Who is responsible for monitoring performance?

· How will management and line staff be incentivized?

7.6 Advisory Council

Describe the role of the Advisory Council and how their involvement will benefit the venture. Include a list of members, including bio, in the Appendix.

9. Risk Management

Begin this section with a brief introduction to the key (2-4) risks that could impact your venture, and the mitigation strategies you have identified to manage or reduce each risk. Remember, risks can be both positive and negative.

9.1 External Risks

1. What are the primary external (macro) risks to your venture? For example:

· What if a law/regulation changes?

· What if a new technology is developed?

· What if a direct competitor drastically drops prices?

2. What impact will each risk have on your venture?

3. How can you mitigate or manage each risk? What is your contingency plan?

9.2 Internal Risks

What are the primary internal (micro) risks to your venture? For example:

· What if a key manager resigns?

· What if demand is higher than anticipated?

· What if costs are higher than budgeted?

What impact will each risk have on your venture?
How can you mitigate or manage each risk? What is your contingency plan

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