1)Breast cancer Paper (5-7 pages)  

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2)PowerPoint slides ( slides topics to align with the paper outline as listed in the attached criteria and rubric). APA format, double spaced, zero plagiarism, and references.


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To maximize your points, include the following topics and following the APA outline guide.

Paper Topics:

Neoplasm type, etiology and pathophysiology

Prevalence and Incidence

Clinical manifestations

Current treatment:
including but not limited to medications and Innovation (Patient care technology)-medical technology

Implications for Nursing
: Responsibility of nursing in managing care of patient with the identified condition

6. a.
Client teaching
: Discuss goals of treatment and client plus family engagement to achieve the desired treatment outcome

(Align with treatment goals. Example- Chemotherapy often results in neutropenia. Discuss strategies the client must follow to prevent infection, medications used to improve neutropenic condition) c.
Health promotion
(Cancer prevention, early detection)

6. PowerPoint (PPT): Slide topics to align with the paper outline (#1-5 as listed above plus reference slide)

Criteria (APA, 5-7 pages, double spaced) Points Cancer type

Criteria (APA, 5-7 pages, double spaced)


Cancer type, etiology and pathophysiology


Prevalence and Incidence


Clinical manifestations


Current treatment: including but not limited to medications and Innovation(Patient care technology)-medical technology


Implications for Nursing: Responsibility of nursing in managing care of patient with the identified condition


PPT Presentation












Paper& PowerPoints Available/Achieved

Cancer type, etiology and pathophysiology of chosen neoplasm condition

Addresses topic area, etiology and pathophysiology of chosen neoplasm condition

The content addresses topic area, etiology, but pathophysiology does not provided or lack depth in the description. Content a little confusing or lacks concise description of content

All content related to topic but fails to address all definitions/ subtopics wordy or lack concise organization

Failure or very vague, with identifying topic, definitions and/or subtopics.


Prevalence and Incidence of chosen neoplasm condition

Utilize scientific resource to report current measures of disease frequency in terms of both prevalence and incidence

Reports measures of disease frequency in terms of both prevalence and incidence, however uses outdated (> or = 10 years resource)

Reports measures of disease frequency in terms of both prevalence and incidence, include one or more none scientific resource, and an outdated (> or = 10 years resource)

Utilize non-scientific resource to report measures of disease frequency


Describe clinical manifestations of the primary clinical manifestations, including clinical manifestations as a result of secondary conditions (ex: Clinical manifestations secondary to metastatic involvement versus primary cancer locations)

Describe the primary clinical manifestations, including clinical manifestations that result due to secondary conditions (ex: Clinical manifestations secondary to metastatic involvement versus primary cancer locations)

Describe the primary clinical manifestations, but no discussion regarding clinical manifestations as a result of secondary conditions


Current Treatments: Include current therapy (Medications, and applications of current strategies to improve client outcomes (Ex: Precision medicine, Patient care technology in acute care or home care settings) or any non-traditional strategies discovered in the literature

Includes current treatment regimens: Oral or IV medications, current strategies to improve therapy effectiveness and client outcome. Discuss the use of technology in acute care or home environment.

Includes current treatment regimens: Oral or IV medications, current strategies to improve therapy effectiveness and client outcome. Discussion of technology use in the acute care settings but no mention of technology use in the home settings.

Includes current treatment regimens: Oral or IV medications but no discussion of current strategies to improve therapy effectiveness and client outcome. Minimal discussion of technology to include general use of hospital electronic health record but no patient care technology

Discuss oral and IV treatment options, but no discussion of current strategies to improve client outcomes. No discussion of patient care technology or other innovation used to manage the cancer


Implications for Nursing: Responsibility of nursing in managing care of patient with the identified condition Client teaching : Discuss goals of treatment and client plus family engagement to achieve the desired treatment outcome Safety (Align with treatment goals. Example- Chemotherapy often results in neutropenia. Discuss strategies the client must follow to prevent infection, medications used to improve neutropenic condition) Health promotion (Cancer prevention, early detection)

Implications for Nursing: Responsibility of nursing in managing care of patient with the identified condition Client teaching : Discuss goals of treatment and client plus family engagement to achieve the desired treatment outcome Safety (Align with treatment goals. Example- Chemotherapy often results in neutropenia. Discuss strategies the client must follow to prevent infection, medications used to improve neutropenic condition) Health promotion (Cancer prevention, early detection)

Implications for Nursing: Responsibility of nursing in managing care of patient with the identified condition. Includes 2 of the 3 required Nursing responsibilities.

Implications for Nursing: Responsibility of nursing in managing care of patient with the identified condition. Includes 1 of the 3 required Nursing responsibilities.

General discussion of nursing responsibilities but does focus on client teaching, safety, or health promotion.


PPT Presentation

The PPT is comprehensive, logical, and organized.

100% Correct APA format. No grammatical errors or incorrectly spelled words. Coherent flow of ideas or/sentences

The PPT is not comprehensive, logical, or organized

1 error on APA format. Two to three grammatical errors, no incorrect spelled words. Flow of ideas a little confusing but concepts are identified.

The PPT is has comprehensive attributes, some logical but disorganized.

2 errors in APA format. Four to five grammatical errors and at least two incorrectly spelled words. Flow of ideas/concepts are difficult to follow

The PPT is Somewhat comprehensive but not logical and not well disorganized

3 or more errors in APA format. More than five grammatical errors and several incorrectly spelled words

13(Pt for PPT presentation)

Paper and PPT; Grammar

The paper is comprehensive, logical, and organized.

100% Correct APA format. No grammatical errors or incorrectly spelled words. Coherent flow of ideas or/sentences

The paper is comprehensive, logical, and organized

1 error on APA format, or Two to three grammatical errors, no incorrect spelled words. Or Flow of ideas a little confusing but concepts are identified.

The paper has comprehensive attributes, but disorganized. Or

2 errors in APA format. Or

Four to five grammatical errors and at least two incorrectly spelled words. Flow of ideas/concepts are difficult to follow.

The paper is somewhat comprehensive but not logical and not well organized.

Or 3 or more errors in APA format. Or

More than five grammatical errors and several incorrectly spelled words


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