Brand Personality Presentation

Choose an organization with which you are familiar or use the organization you chose for the Week 1 assignment.  Use: Coca Cola

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Create an 8- to 10-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation with speaker’s notes representing how this organization manages and develops its brand personality, and deliver the following:

  • Find an ad (digital or non-digital) that you feel communicates a strong brand personality. Include this ad in your presentation.
  • Describe that brand personality in terms of the dimensions in Figure 10-2 (p. 369 in Consumer Behavior: Building Marketing Strategy).
  • Describe the various techniques used in the ad (celebrity endorser, user imagery, executional factors, etc.) and how that links to the personality they are communicating.
  • Review what traits you believe are good to have in a brand personality.
  • Analyze how this brand personality impacts competitive positioning. 
  • How does this ad impact your belief in the brand or impact your motivation to purchase from this organization?

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