For this assignment, teams are assuming the role of consultants.

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The CEO of Spark Inc. (a hypothetical multinational company) that manufactures fully-electric passenger electric cars wants to expand its operations into one of the two countries mentioned above. Spark’s CEO is asking your consulting company to conduct country, industry, market, and consumer analyses of the one country in relation to the electric vehicles industry (BMW), and recommend ONE country for market entry i.e., the country that has an acceptable business environment for commercialization of electric passenger cars.

Your Team analysis should focus on the major risks and opportunities the that
present as indicated by a thorough search of databases, journals and other sources. The report should demonstrate your ability to collect and summarize necessary country, industry, market, and electric passenger consumer data; work as a team, and present your major points in a clearly written report.

C. Develop a value proposition for your product that is geared towards the consumers in your recommended country.

A value proposition is simply “a positioning statement that explains what benefit you provide for who and how you do it uniquely well. It describes your target buyer, the problem you solve, and why you’re distinctly better than the alternatives” (Skok, 2013, para. 3).

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Essentially, a value proposition is the value that a company is providing to its customers, and which compels them to buy its products.

Read this article: 

4 Steps to building a compelling value proposition.

Skok, M. (2013). 4 Steps to building a compelling value proposition. Forbes. Retrieved from

6. Customer satisfaction

7. CSR

8. Employees’ satisfaction

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