blockchain implementation

 In chapter 7, the author briefly discusses how to deploy a smart contract . Once you deploy a smart contract, that smart contract code is stored on the blockchain forever (remember immutability?) Understanding that you cannot simply overwrite previously deployed smart contracts, contrast approaches to deploying traditional applications and blockchain apps. Does blockchain make deployments easier or harder? Are there any potential risks when deploying blockchain apps that either don’t exist in traditional environments or aren’t as prominent? What should a development organization do differently to mitigate these risks?  

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  • Contrast approaches to deploying traditional applications and blockchain apps.
  • Explain whether blockchain make deployments easier or harder.
  • Identify any potential risks when deploying blockchain apps that either don’t exist in traditional environments or aren’t as prominent.
  • Describe what a development organization should do differently to mitigate these risks.


  •  Think of three questions you’d like to ask .The questions must be taken from material you read in Chapter 7 or 8, and each question should start a discussion topic.

CHAPTER 7 Building Your First Ethereum Apps 109

Chapter 7
Building Your First

Ethereum Apps

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The best way to learn how to write apps for the Ethereum blockchain is to start writing them. You can read about all the components and language syntax, but until you write some code, it won’t sink in. You’ve already gone
through the steps to set up your development environment, so why not start
using it?

Don’t worry about writing code before you know what you’re doing — you start
with small, simple Solidity apps. And you learn about syntax and process as you
need it. The typos you enter and other issues you encounter will help you learn

The code you’ll write in this chapter is really simple. That’s okay. You’re going
to  learn how to write code in Solidity, and you’re going to start from the very
beginning. Whether you’re new to programming or you already know several
other programming languages, the exercises in this chapter will ensure that
you  have a working development environment and know how to write basic
Solidity code.


» Exploring your development

» Coding in


» Writing smart contracts

» Using blockchain data

110 PART 3 Building Ethereum Distributed Blockchain Apps

Validating Your Ethereum
Development Environment

When you installed the development environment components in Chapter 5, you
installed each piece to operate separately. The Geth Ethereum client connects to
the live Ethereum network by default. However, we don’t want to use the live
Ethereum network for app development and testing. For now, you won’t need to
launch Geth. You’ll use Ganache to provide the blockchain for development and
testing. You looked at the settings page when you installed Ganache to view your
blockchain’s host name, port number, and network ID. But you didn’t do anything
with that information — until now.

Truffle is the framework you’ll use to develop and test your Solidity code. Before
you can start writing code, you need to configure Truffle to use the Ganache
blockchain. You do that by editing the Truffle configuration file.

Creating a Truffle project
Truffle organizes software activities into projects, and stores project files in
directories. If you did not create a project in Chapter 5, follow the instructions in
the section on installing and downloading Truffle. (If you’d rather download the
project files, go to After initializing the new
project, type dir to see a list of files and directories Truffle created. Figure 7-1
shows a newly initiated Truffle


Depending on the version of Truffle you’re running, you may have two files in the
project directory: truffle.js and truffle-config.js. If you open these two files, you’ll
see that their contents are the same. You should always use the configuration file
named truffle-config.js. To keep things simple, if your version of Truffle created
the file truffle.js, just delete it.

You’ll be editing the file named truffle-config.js to configure Truffle to use the
Ganache blockchain.

Because Truffle runs in Windows, macOS, and Linux, it has to handle subtle dif-
ferences between the environments. The Windows operating system looks at a file
with the js extension as an executable file. That means when you type the truffle
command, Windows will find the local truffle.js file and try to execute it. That’s
why Truffle started including the truffle-config.js file as its default configuration
file. Older versions of Truffle still use truffle.js as a default configuration file-
name, but I recommend that you not use it. Always use truffle-config.js or your
own custom filename to avoid conflicts when you try to run Truffle in Windows.

CHAPTER 7 Building Your First Ethereum Apps 111

Editing the Truffle config file
You have to edit the Truffle config file to tell Truffle to use the Ganache block-
chain. Follow these steps to hook up Truffle and Ganache:

1. Get the blockchain address from the Ganache settings


Launch Ganache, and then click or tap the Settings (gear) icon in the upper-
right corner of the Ganache window. Note the hostname, port number, and
network ID values. Figure 7-2 shows the Ganache settings window with default
values. (You can get the host name and port number also from the main
window.) The RPC SERVER value shows the host name and port number
separated by a colon.

2. Launch Visual Studio Code (VS Code) for your project.
Open a Windows Command prompt or PowerShell (my favorite) and navigate
to your project directory (myProject.) From here, type the following and then

press Enter:

code .

The code command launches VS Code, and the period tells VS Code to use the
current directory as the current project. Figure 7-3 shows what your VS Code
window will look like when you launch it in your myProject directory.

Initiating a Truffle


112 PART 3 Building Ethereum Distributed Blockchain Apps

3. Modify your Truffle project configuration file to reference the Ganache

Click or tap truffle-config.js on the left side of your VS Code window to open
the file. Add the sections shown in Figure 7-4. Then save the file (choose
File ➪ Save or press Ctrl+S).

Ganache Settings


Visual Studio

Code in

CHAPTER 7 Building Your First Ethereum Apps 113

When you finish editing the truffle.js file, the uncommented lines (lines that don’t
start with /*, *, or */) should look like this:

module.exports =


networks: {
development: {
host: “”,
port: 7545,
network_id: “*” // Match any network id




Exploring the Ganache Test Environment
Before you write any code in Solidity, you should take a look around Ganache.
You’ll be coming back to this component in your development environment from
time to time, so it makes sense to take a few minutes to survey what Ganache
offers. Remember that Ganache is your test blockchain. You’ll need to simulate real
blockchain interactions as you develop and test your code, and Ganache provides
you with an environment that looks real.


Truffle project
configuration file.

114 PART 3 Building Ethereum Distributed Blockchain Apps

When you launch Ganache, the first thing you’ll see is a list of accounts. By default,
Ganache creates 10 accounts for you, each with a balance of 100 ETH. You can
change this behavior in the Settings ➪ Accounts & Keys window. Every Ethereum
account has a unique address, and every smart contract and transaction on the
blockchain has an address that associates it with an account. So, to interact with
the blockchain, you need an account address (or maybe several). You’ll use the
Ganache-generated accounts to test your code throughout development. Because
your accounts have a balance of ETH, they can pay fees and even transfer crypto-
currency just like real blockchain accounts.

After your code starts carrying out real actions and creating transactions, you’ll be
able to see those results in Ganache as well. The Blocks tab shows all blocks on
your test blockchain, and the Transactions tab lists all transactions in each block.
You haven’t created any blocks (other than the genesis block) or transactions yet,
so there isn’t any substantive data to see right now.

The most important screen for now in Ganache is the Accounts tab, which lists the
accounts you’ll use as you interact with the blockchain, as shown in Figure 7-5.
You’ll see these accounts again in this chapter.


accounts list.

CHAPTER 7 Building Your First Ethereum Apps 115

Designing Simple Smart Contracts
Designing smart contracts is different than many other types of software
development. You have to consider many blockchain nuances during all aspects
of  software design and development. For example, any time you access the
blockchain or carry out operations, you have to pay a fee. You’ll learn about paying
for blockchain access later in this chapter, but for now just be aware that a cost is
associated with storage and work, so storing too much data or doing too much
work could cost a lot.

Another thing to consider is that after you deploy code to the blockchain, that code
can’t be changed. If you need to fix a bug or add functionality, you have to tell
everyone to ignore the old code and use new code. (Well, you do if your new code
works on old data. If not, you’ll have to figure out how to bind code version to data
version.) Plus, the entire process of getting your code from your editor out to the
blockchain is a little different than in most development workflows.

Those are just some of the issues you’ll need to keep in mind as you design and
develop blockchain apps. For now, I keep things simple. The steps probably seem
confusing if you’re new to blockchain development, so I won’t throw too much at
you at once.

Your first smart contract is the familiar Hello World program. If you’ve ever writ-
ten software in any language, chances are you wrote a simple program that dis-
played the message Hello World. The Hello World program is a tradition that has
been around since the early days of computing. Writing this simple program will
give you the concrete steps you have to follow for all your development

You’ll write a smart contract that displays the message Hello World. You might be
surprised at the number of steps to display that simple message, but as your apps
become more complex, you’ll essentially follow the same process.

As you design your own smart contacts, consider what each one must do. Smart
contracts are objects, so you can think about them as a combinations of data and
functionality. Each smart contract can store some data and will always have
actions it can perform. You can think of data as nouns and actions as verbs. Your
HelloWorld smart contact has one data item, helloMessage, and can do one thing,
getHelloMessage(). In Solidity, simple data items are variables and actions are

That’s all that your HelloWorld smart contract needs to do, so you’re ready to start

116 PART 3 Building Ethereum Distributed Blockchain Apps

Coding Your First Smart Contract
Your HelloWorld smart contract has only five lines of code. To get started writing
your first smart contract, right-click the Contracts folder in VS Code Explorer, and
then click New File to create a new file in the Contracts folder.

Type HelloWorld.sol in the filename text box and press Enter. VS Code opens your
new file in a new Editor tab. Type the following text in the VS Code editor:

pragma solidity ^0.4.24;

contract HelloWorld {

string private helloMessage = “Hello world”;

function getHelloMessage() public view returns (string) {

return helloMessage;



The semicolons and curly braces may appear to be in random places, but they each
have a purpose. Don’t worry too much about punctuation right now. Just type the
code as shown.

Let’s look at each line of code. The first line is

pragma solidity ^0.4.24;

The first line of every smart contract is (or should be) the version pragma. It tells
Solidity what version of the compiler is expected to be used to compile this smart
contract. Solidity is still a new language, and it changes a little with each version.
In fact, major version updates of the compiler often will not compile all Solidity
written using earlier versions. The version pragma helps to avoid compilation
failures just because you’re using a newer Solidity compiler.

To use the version pragma, you provide the lowest version of the compiler that
should compile this code. In the example, I provided the specific Solidity version,
0.4.24. I could have used 0.4.0, which means “the latest minor version within
the 0.4 major version.” Also note that I added the caret (^) to the beginning of the
version. The caret tells Solidity to allow only minor versions of the compiler in the
0.4 major version range. In other words, don’t use a 0.5.0 compiler.

If you want to see the version of the Solidity compiler that Truffle is using, open a
terminal (in VS Code, click or tap Terminal ➪ New Terminal from the top menu
bar). Type the command truffle version. You’ll see the Truffle and Solidity
compiler versions.

CHAPTER 7 Building Your First Ethereum Apps 117

The next line of code defines the smart contract:

contract HelloWorld {

At this point, all you need to provide is the keyword contract and the contract’s
name, HelloWorld.

After defining the smart contract and giving it a name, you define a data item:

string private helloMessage = “Hello world”;

You want to store a string in memory, so you define a Solidity variable. You define
the helloMessage variable as a string datatype. You’ll learn about more datatypes
in Chapter 8; for now, we’ll use string. Before finishing this line of code, you
store the value “Hello world” in the helloMessage variable. You need to use this
variable only in the helloMessage function, so you tell Solidity that it is a private

In the next line, you define the only action, or function, in your smart contract:

function getHelloMessage() public view returns (string) {

The function keyword tells Solidity that you’re going to write some code that
you’ll execute by calling the function’s name, getHelloMessage(). To declare a
function, you provide the function keyword, the function name, who can see it and
use it, the mutability modifier, and what type of data it returns to the caller. Your
function is named getHelloMessage. You want anyone to be able to call it, so you
tell Solidity that it is a public function. The view modifier tells Solidity that this
function will be allowed to only read and return state variables. It cannot modify
the blockchain. And finally, your function will return, or send back, a string to
whatever calls it (returns).

The last line of code does all the real work:

return helloMessage;

This line of code tells the function to return control to the caller and pass the
contents of the helloMessage variable back in the process. The two lines follow-
ing the return statement are just closing curly braces to tell Solidity that the
function and contract have ended. The closing braces are like closing parentheses
when you write. They finish up whatever you’re wrapping in curly braces.

You can save the file at any time by clicking or tapping File ➪ Save on the top menu
bar, or by pressing Ctrl+S. Go ahead and save your first smart contract.

118 PART 3 Building Ethereum Distributed Blockchain Apps

Running Your First Smart Contract
The only thing left is to make your smart contract display Hello World. To do that,
you have to run your smart contract. Here are the high-level steps for running
code in the Ethereum environment:

1. Write the smart contract source code.
Write the smart contract and any supporting code.

2. Compile the smart contract.
This step creates the bytecode that the EVM executes.

3. Deploy the compiled smart contract to the Ethereum blockchain.
This step writes your smart contract code to a block on the blockchain.

4. Call (invoke) a function in the smart contract.
This step finds your smart contract code and carries out the actions you

Writing your code
You’ve already written the source code for your HelloWorld smart contract, but
that isn’t all you need to do. You also need a way get your code onto the block-
chain. That process is called deploying code (as noted in Step 3 in the preceding
steps). The deploy step runs deployment, or migration, code.

You should go ahead and write it now while you’re still in code editing mode:

1. In VS Code, right-click the Migrations folder in Explorer, and then click
New File to create a new file in the Migrations folder.

2. Type 2_contracts_migration.js in the filename text box and press Enter.
VS Code opens your new file in a new Editor tab.

3. Type the following text in the VS Code editor:

var HelloWorld = artifacts.require(“HelloWorld”);

module.exports = function(deployer) {



CHAPTER 7 Building Your First Ethereum Apps 119

We won’t go into many details of this JavaScript code. This file finds the Hello-
World compiled bytecode and calls a deploy function to place the code in a block
on the blockchain. You learn more about deploying smart contracts when you
write more complex smart contracts. For now, just enter the preceding code to set
up your project to deploy your new smart contract.

Compiling your code
You can compile your smart contract code at any time in VS Code by pressing the
F5 key. When the compile starts, VS Code opens a new view at the bottom of your
window with four tabs: Problems, Output, Debug Console, and Terminal. I hope
the compile completes without errors. If you do see errors, go back and make sure
that your code looks exactly like the example HelloWorld smart contract in the
preceding section.

Sometimes you’ll get errors because of a mismatch between compiler versions.
The safest option when learning Solidity is to ensure that your VS Code extension
and Truffle use the same Solidity compiler version. You already know how to find
the Truffle compiler version (type truffle version at a PowerShell prompt). Click
or tap the Output tab in the new view that opened when you started the compile.
It should display the compiler version it uses for compiling code in VS Code. If the
version doesn’t match your Truffle Solidity version, you should change it in VS
Code to match the Solidity version that Truffle uses.

If you need to change the Solidity compiler version that VS Code uses, you can do
that from within VS Code:

1. Find the version of the compiler you need by launching your browser and
navigate to

This page lists all Solidity releases.

2. Scroll down until you find a file named soljson-v followed by the version
of the compiler that you want.

In the case of HelloWorld, the version is 0.4.24. You’ll see a list of files for each

3. Find the file that has +commit after the version. Click or tap the descrip-
tion next to the filename.

4. In the next window, copy the complete compiler version.
The version will start with v0. For the HelloWorld smart contract, the version is

120 PART 3 Building Ethereum Distributed Blockchain Apps

5. Back in VS Code, click or tap the .vscode folder in Explorer view, and then
click or tap settings.json to open the file in the VS Code editor.

6. Click or tap User Settings in the upper-right window, and scroll down in
the middle window until you see Solidity Configuration.

7. Click or tap Solidity Configuration and then click or tap solidity.

8. Type the following three lines in the upper right window (right under the
Place your settings here to overwrite the Default Settings message):


“solidity.compileUsingRemoteVersion”: “v0.4.24+commit.e67f0147”

Replace v0.4.24+commit.e67f0147 with the compiler version that you copied in
Step 4 above.

9. Save the file and close it (by clicking or tapping the X on the tab for this

Now your VS Code compiler should match the version Truffle uses.

After your smart contract compiles in VS Code, you can proceed to the next step.

Deploying your code
After you have finished writing your smart contract code, it’s time to test it and
eventually place it into production. As mentioned, the process of copying smart
contracts to the blockchain is called deployment. When you deploy smart contracts,
you copy the code into a new block. The new smart contract gets an address and
can be run on the EVM.

Because you’re using the Truffle framework, the process to deploy your smart
contracts is simple. Open the Terminal window (click or tap Terminal in the menu
bar), and type the following:

truffle deploy –reset

Make sure that Ganache is running before you type the deploy command. If you
use Microsoft Windows and Ganache isn’t running, click or tap the Windows
button and then type Ganache. The Windows Search function should find Ganache
and highlight its shortcut. Click or tap the Ganache shortcut to launch the Ganache
program. Because the purpose of building dApps is to send smart contracts to
the blockchain, a blockchain has to be available.

CHAPTER 7 Building Your First Ethereum Apps 121

Truffle compiles your smart contracts and then uses the JavaScript files in the
Migrations folder of your project to migrate, or deploy, your smart contracts to
the blockchain. Figure 7-6 shows the output of the deploy command. Note that
Truffle places each smart contract into a block and returns the address of the
smart contract. You’ll use this address to find the smart contract again and invoke
its functions.

This is the first time you’ve interacted with the blockchain. The deployment
process created a new block and placed your smart contract code into it. To see
this activity, click or tap the Blocks tab in Ganache to see the blocks on your

Each action in the deployment process created a new block with a single transac-
tion. At least four blocks should be on the blockchain now. Figure 7-7 shows the
blocks view in Ganache.

You can see the bytecode for smart contracts, too. Click or tap the Transactions tab
to list the transactions in your blockchain. Click or tap a Contract Creation button
to view the contents of a smart contract. Figure 7-8 shows the contents of a smart
contract in the Ethereum blockchain. TX Data contains the bytecode for the smart



122 PART 3 Building Ethereum Distributed Blockchain Apps

Invoking your code’s functions
The final step in running smart contract code is to invoke one or more functions
in your smart contract. You have only one function, getHelloMessage(), in your
smart contract, so that’s the one you’ll invoke.

Ganache blocks
after deploying

smart contracts.


of a smart
contract block.

CHAPTER 7 Building Your First Ethereum Apps 123

Before you can invoke code in a smart contract, you have to know where it resides
on the blockchain. First, let’s get some information about the smart contract,
including its address from the blockchain. In your Terminal window, launch the
Truffle console. Type the following command and then press Enter:

truffle console

The Truffle console allows you to interact directly with the blockchain. Type the
following command at the Truffle console prompt and then press Enter:

HelloWorld.deployed().then(function(instance) {return instance });

This command goes to the blockchain and reads an instance of the HelloWorld
deployed smart contract. It creates a lot of output, including the bytecode and the
original source code of your smart contract.

Figure 7-9 shows the Terminal window with the results of the preceding com-
mand. Note the deployedBytecode and source values.

Now that you have an instance of your smart contract (that is, a pointer to where
your smart contract is running in memory), you can use it to invoke any of its
functions. Type the following command at the Truffle console prompt, and then
press Enter:

HelloWorld.deployed().then(function(instance) {return instance.

getHelloWorld() });

This command invokes the getHelloMessage() function in the HelloWorld smart
contract and displays the results. You should see the “Hello world” message in the

Smart contract


124 PART 3 Building Ethereum Distributed Blockchain Apps

Terminal window. That may seem like a lot of work just to display a message, and
it is. But the process you just learned is one that you’ll use over and over to develop,
test, and deploy smart contracts, regardless of how complex they may be.

Paying as You Go
You may have noticed in Ganache that blocks and transactions each have a Gas
Used value. The Ganache main window also shows the Gas Price and Gas Limit for
the blockchain. You learn a lot more about gas in Chapter 8, but you need to know
a little about transaction costs now, before you start writing bigger and more
functional smart contracts.

Gas is a unit of value in Ethereum. Every operation that a smart contract carries
out costs some number of gas units. For example, you have to pay 30 gas to
calculate a Keccak256 hash, plus another 6 gas for every 256 bits (not bytes) of
data you want to hash. The amount you pay for operations is called the gas cost.

Charging gas for computation forces smart contract developers to think about
how they write code. You can write inefficient code, but it will cost you. Also, gas
provides a great way to keep malicious code from taking over EVMs. Every
transaction has a gas limit, and when the EVM reaches that limit, it stops the
contract. Gas limits protect EVMs from many types of denial of service (DoS)

Every transaction sets a gas price, which is the highest amount of ETH that
transaction is willing to pay for each gas unit. Transactions also set a gas limit,
which is the maximum amount of gas the transaction is willing to pay. If the
execution consumes enough gas to equal the gas limit, the EVM stops execution of
the transaction. That is one reason a transaction may not succeed. Alternatively,
if the gas price is set too low, a transaction may never be added to a block because
miners did not want to waste their processing time on a transaction with too small
of a reward. Miners generally try to mine blocks with transactions that have a high
enough gas price to make the mining process profitable.

The takeaway is that creating transactions in the Ethereum blockchain requires a
fee. That fee is charged in gas units and can be limited to a range with which you
are comfortable. Paying more gas often means getting your transaction processed
quicker, but paying too much wastes money. As you write smart contract code,
pay attention to the operations that incur gas cost. As you learn more about
Solidity in Chapter 8, you’ll learn ways to write code that conserves operations
that require gas.

CHAPTER 8 Learning about Smart Contracts 125

Chapter 8
Learning about Smart

Smart contracts are the functional part of any blockchain solution. Just like the objects you learn about in Chapter 7, a blockchain solution is a combina-tion of data and actions on that data. The data is the content of the blocks on
the blockchain. You already know that after data is added, it stays there forever.
(Although you could technically change blockchain data, doing so without any
other node detecting your change is next to impossible.) Because blockchain data
is immutable, it is important to carefully control how that data is added.

The actions that operate on the blockchain data are the smart contracts. You
already know that smart contracts, like the data, are stored in blocks on the block-
chain. But smart contracts execute on all EVMs and have to work the same way
and produce the same results on all EVMs. Smart contracts govern the way that
data is added to the blockchain and how that data can be used.

In Chapter 7, you wrote a simple smart contract, but it didn’t do anything useful.
The only way to create a smart contract to do anything useful is to identify a real-
world problem and then create a blockchain solution that solves the problem. One
use case that is a good fit for a blockchain solution is supply chain management.


» Describing Supply Chain and its

» Exploring a blockchain solution to
supply chain

» Handling data and computation in

» Coding to limit gas cost

» Controlling execution flow and
responding to errors

126 PART 3 Building Ethereum Distributed Blockchain Apps

In this chapter, you learn about some supply chain challenges and how blockchain
can address some of them. You also learn more about Solidity smart contracts by
developing a solution to a current supply chain problem.

Introducing Supply Chain and
Common Challenges

In today’s economy, nearly every product you use or service you consume comes
from some other source. Although you might grow your own vegetables and herbs,
you likely don’t raise livestock as a meat source as well. Everything that you buy
comes from an original producer. In the case of food products, the original producer
could be a grower, a rancher, a fisherman, or a producer of any other type of food.

As society has moved from being self-sufficient to relying on others to supply
products services, consumers have become detached from producers. Geographic
distances, regulations, and the suppliers’ desires for greater reach and higher
profits have given rise to aggregators and middlemen to handle goods. These
middlemen provide benefits to producers and consumers but also require fees for
their services. These fees increase the consumer price, and the processing may
slow down the time it takes for goods to arrive to the market or consumer.

Describing supply chain
Consider what happens when you buy fish. If you live near the coast, you might go
to the docks and purchase fish directly from the fishing boat. However, it is more
likely that you bought the last fish you ate from a market or a restaurant. That
means one or more parties were between the fishermen (the producer) and you
(the consumer). The framework that connects consumers to producers, along with
the system that manages it, is called a supply chain. A supply chain might have only
a single participant between the producer and consumer, or it might contain many
participants along the way. A supply chain manages all assets, along with han-
dling the payments tendered in exchange for the products or services.

In a simple supply chain, fishermen may sell their fish directly to markets near
the docks where their ships bring a fresh catch each day. Consumers shop at the
markets and purchase fish from a single middleman. If you don’t live near a mar-
ket like that, the fish may go to a processor, then to a shipper, then on to a ware-
house, and finally to a retail store, where the consumer purchases the fish. That is
an example of a common supply chain. As consumers demand more options, sup-
ply chains exist to help producers provide the products and services that consum-
ers demand.

CHAPTER 8 Learning about Smart Contracts 127

Supply chain participants provide value to small and large producers. For the
small producers, an aggregator can collect product from multiple producers and
provide larger shipments to processors or warehouses. Large producers benefit
from having local points of entry into the supply chain, without having to handle
point-to-point shipments to all outlets for their products.

Consumers benefit as well because the supply chain makes available a wide variety
of products from many producers.

Explaining difficulties when implementing
a supply chain
So far, a supply chain sounds like a great way to get products and services to a
wide variety of consumers. And it does do all that. But the current supply chain
approach has obstacles, or limitations. In general, five types of obstacles are
encountered in today’s supply chain implementations, as listed in Table 8-1.

TABLE 8-1 Supply Chain Obstacles
Obstacle Description

Lack of

Today’s supply chain participants often manage their own data systems and don’t publish
their internal data. Separately managed data systems makes it difficult to see how items
are processed at each step in the chain.

Lack of

With limited transparency at each step, the data required for tracing products to their ori-
gin is often not available, making authenticity claims and recall notices for points of origin
difficult or impossible.

Transfer time

Transferring products from one participant to another requires synchronization between
organizations and might not occur in real time. Many transfers occur in batches based on
scheduled operations. This can cause delays at every stage, resulting in cumulative delays
throughout the chain.

data loss

Each participant receives, manages, and passes along its own core set of data. Even with
decades-old standards, such as Electronic Data Interchange (EDI), some data items might
not be passed along from one participant to another, resulting in granular data loss along
the supply chain. Also, any data that must be re-keyed because it isn’t passed along is sub-
ject to human error.

unavailable sta-
tus tracking

Because each participant generally manages its own data, status updates might not be
available at each stage. Some participants might either decline to provide status updates
or provide them in a manner that is incompatible with status updates from other partici-
pants. In the latter case, the status update requestor is required to assimilate status
updates in various formats and harmonize them into meaningful output.

128 PART 3 Building Ethereum Distributed Blockchain Apps

The items in Table 8-1 represent just some of the obstacles in supply chain imple-
mentations in production today. These problems tend to be more pronounced as
the complexity of a supply chain increases. But as many markets mature and
become more global, supply chains nearly always become more diverse and com-
plex. Pursuing solutions to these obstacles is important to global commerce.

Examining How Blockchain Can Help
Resolve Supply Chain Problems

Blockchain technology can help address many of the supply chain obstacles. While
no single solution is a perfect fit for any situation, blockchain, and Ethereum is
particular, can help resolve the majority of the shortcomings of today’s supply
chain implementations. Table 8-2 lists the obstacles from the previous section,
and how Ethereum can help resolve each one.

Ethereum provides a level playing field for many uses, including supply chains. In
an environment that includes participants who do not fully trust one another, or
are even competitors, Ethereum makes it possible to conduct business in a fair

TABLE 8-2 Ethereum Solutions to Supply Chain Obstacles
Obstacle Description

Lack of

Blockchain technology does not have a central authority. All transactions are published
to the shared blockchain. Any participating node can view transactions and verify their

Lack of

Because all nodes have access to all transactions on the blockchain, linking transactions is
almost trivial. Any node can easily construct a complete chain of transactions between
the original producer and the final consumer.

Transfer time

Smart contracts provide the capability to assess the current blockchain state and make
decisions on demand. Legacy solutions often require human interaction, which depends
on set working hours. Blockchain introduces the opportunity for smart contracts, not
humans, to make certain decisions immediately. This benefit can remove the need for
human intervention in some types of decisions.

Translation data

Ethereum smart contracts define data needed for each transaction and ensure that all
participants provide the same input. In short, every node uses the same rules — the rules
don’t change from participant to participant as you move along the supply chain.

unavailable sta-
tus tracking

Instead of each participant responding individually to status update requests, all neces-
sary information is in blocks on the blockchain. Anyone who can access the blockchain
can determine the current status of any digital asset.

CHAPTER 8 Learning about Smart Contracts 129

manner. Supply chain implementations can be far more comprehensive than just
tracking how products move to the consumer. Participants along the supply chain
can also add their own value.

For example, an elaborate supply chain can operate like a distributed manufactur-
ing or assembly line. High-end corporate aircraft often undergo customizations
after the aircraft leaves the manufacturer but before delivery to the customer. For
example, the aircraft might go to several other companies for interior fitting,
painting, and even aftermarket performance upgrades. Each step likely includes
additional services and products that add to the original aircraft — for a fee.

Ethereum makes it possible to track and control products through multiple steps,
and provides a secure way to provide transparency and traceability for all products
to all parties.

Describing a Blockchain
Supply Chain Solution

You’ve learned about what an Ethereum supply chain solution can do, but you still
need to see how it will operate before you start writing code. For the rest of this
book, you’ll implement a simple supply chain solution in Solidity. This solution
will provide the absolute basic actions you’ll need to track and manage products
and payments from initial production to the final consumer.

Your supply chain solution will consist of two smart contracts. One smart contract
will handle payments and the other will handle the asset tracking and manage-
ment. Because you’ll be focusing on learning about smart contracts, your solution
won’t implement every imaginable supply chain function. But when you’re done,
you’ll appreciate how powerful Ethereum is and, I hope, be motivated to write
your own smart contracts to solve your own problems.

Paying for supply chain services
Each link in a supply chain provides a service. A supply chain participant might
ship goods from one place to another, store goods in a warehouse, add value to
products, or even place goods on shelves at retail locations. Unless your organiza-
tion is a non-profit, the main goal for participating in supply chain is to make
money. That means you’ll have to pay every time a product moves from one par-
ticipant to another.

130 PART 3 Building Ethereum Distributed Blockchain Apps

Although you could use traditional payment processing, you’re going to learn how
to do it using Ethereum! The easiest way to send and receive funds in Ethereum is
by using a token. An Ethereum token is a type of cryptocurrency for a particular
dApp. You’ll be creating a supply chain token based on the popular ERC-20 Ethe-
reum token standard.

Although several Ethereum token standards are available, ERC-20 is by far the
most popular. You can see how many tokens exist by navigating to https:// and click or tapping Tokens — ERC-20 Top Tokens. At the time of
this writing, there were more than 155,000 different ERC-20 tokens.

You can think of a token as a college student ID with money in a special account.
To avoid carrying around cash or multiple cards, many college students pay for
things on campus using their IDs. The “college cash” attached to their ID is good
only on campus, but it’s convenient and makes it easy for on-campus vendors to
identify students and offer special pricing.

Your token smart contract will contain all the rules to manage your balance of
cryptocurrency. You’ll write the code to check your balance, transfer funds to
another Ethereum address, and receive funds from another Ethereum address.

Managing assets on the supply chain
The main smart contract for your supply chain will contain the core functions to
manage assets. From a technical sense, Ethereum can’t manage physical assets. It
can manage only digital assets. Think about tracking your bags when you fly on a
commercial airline. Many airlines provide status updates via a mobile app. They
tell you when your bag gets loaded on the airplane and where to pick it up when
you arrive at your destination. However, the airline isn’t tracking your bag  —
they’re tracking the tag on your bag. The tag is a generated version of a digital
asset that the airline tracks.

The difference between a physical asset and a digital asset is obvious on one hand
but subtle on the other hand. Continuing the airline luggage example, problems
can occur at the cyber-physical barrier. If the human or device that attaches the
tag to the bag doesn’t get it right, nothing works from there on. When I recently
flew from San Antonio, Texas to Atlanta, Georgie, I arrived but my bag did not.
When the airline baggage representative investigated, we found that my baggage
tag was attached to another traveler’s bag. Because the airline tracks and manages
their tags, they sent the wrong bag (with the right tag) to Atlanta. Unfortunately,
my bag (with the other traveler’s tag attached to it) went to Mexico City. It took
me almost a week to get my bag back.

CHAPTER 8 Learning about Smart Contracts 131

That story should help point out how important it is to maintain the cyber-physical
relationship. Physical goods have to be associated with a digital asset to be man-
aged in any computing environment. In many cases, that means the entry point of
the supply chain creates a tag or other method of positively identifying the physical
asset. Regardless of the identification option you choose, you’ll need a number or
an identifier that corresponds to a single physical asset. Table  8-3 lists a few
options for associating physical assets with their digital mirror assets.

Your supply chain smart contract assumes that some external device or other
entity creates a trusted digital string or number that uniquely identifies a physical
asset. After you have a digital asset ID, your smart contract will define functions
that will carry out these actions:

» Creating a new supply chain participant: Validates a new participant and
authorizes the participant to become part of the supply chain process.

» Adding a new product to the supply chain: Puts a product into the supply
chain process.

» Transferring ownership of a product to another participant: Carries out
the main action of transferring a product from one supply chain participant to

» Tracking a product: Provides status updates of a product and its history on
the supply chain.

TABLE 8-3 Connecting Physical Assets to Digital Assets
ID Method Pros Cons

Engraving an identifier
on each product

Unique to each item and difficult
to alter

Expensive and slow

Attaching a printed
label to each product

Unique to each item and useful
for a wide variety of products

Labels can be damaged or lost

Attaching a printed
label to a box of

Fast for products managed in

Difficulty handling opened boxes with missing

Using a manufacturer-
generated identifier

Integrates with manufacturer’s
data, and fast if identifier can be

Potentially different formats or locations for
different manufacturers, and depends on
external data provider

Attaching an RFID tag Fast and easy to scan More expensive than printed labels, and tags
can detach

132 PART 3 Building Ethereum Distributed Blockchain Apps

Your two smart contracts will work together every time a product transfers from
one participant to another. At the moment a product’s owner changes, the partici-
pants making the transfer will use the ERC-20 token to exchange funds to pay for
the asset. Figure 8-1 show how your supply chain process will work.

Digging into Solidity
Solidity is the language you’ll use to write smart contracts in the examples in this
book. Solidity was proposed by Gavin Wood in August 2014. Although it isn’t the only
language you can use to write smart contracts, it is the most popular language for
writing smart contracts that run in the Ethereum. It enjoys solid support from the
Ethereum community and was developed by the Ethereum project’s Solidity team.

Solidity was designed to be similar to JavaScript and was influenced by a few other
popular programming languages as well, including C++ and Python. The goal of
Solidity is to provide a language that is familiar to web application developers but
targeted at smart contract development. Solidity isn’t intended not as a general-
purpose language but to support blockchain specific operations with code that
runs in the EVM.

Before your code can run in the EVM, you have to compile it. That’s why one of the
components you installed when building your development environment was a
Solidity compiler. You first write your Solidity source code in an editor. Then you
compile it into bytecode, which are the instructions that run in the EVM. After you
deploy your smart contract bytecode, it runs on all Ethereum nodes.

Ethereum supply

chain flow.

CHAPTER 8 Learning about Smart Contracts 133

Because smart contracts run on all nodes, Solidity must enforce determinism, that
is, the results must be the same for all nodes running your smart contract code
with the same input. If you look at the Solidity documentation, you won’t find a
random() function. That omission is specifically to support Solidity’s determin-
ism. Your code gets run first by the node that mines a new block, but then all
nodes verify the block and run the code to ensure that they don’t get a different

In many ways, Solidity is similar to other programming languages. The biggest
differences are in how the programs are run and how Solidity deals with data.
You’ll learn more about Solidity data handling later in this chapter. But for now,
note that Solidity deals with data only in the EVM or the blockchain.

Solidity doesn’t interact with the outside world much, but it is possible. Solidity
supports the concept of an oracle, which is a trusted source of information from
the outside world. Calling an oracle is easy. One problem is being able to trust the
oracle. Another problem is dealing with oracle data that may return different data
each time it’s called. Before using any oracles, you must ensure that the data
source is trustworthy and consistent. It is common for oracles to return data and
some proof of authenticity.

The concept of trust with respect to oracles is just an extension of blockchain trust.
Remember that blockchain technology provides a trusted ledger of data in an envi-
ronment of trustless network nodes. Because trust is such a foundational property
of blockchain, it isn’t surprising that trusting an oracle is an important concern.

Describing Basic Smart Contract Syntax
You’ve already seen a little Solidity syntax. Now it’s time to learn some more.
When you write Solidity source code, you save that code in a file with the exten-
sion .sol. You may recall from Chapter 7 that you stored your Hello World smart
contract in the file HelloWorld.sol.

A Solidity program has several main sections, as follows:

» Pragma: This tells Solidity what versions of the compiler are valid to compile
this file.

» Comments: Developers should use comments for documenting code.
» Import: An import defines an external file that contains code that your smart

contract needs.

» Contract(s): This section is where the body of your smart contract code resides.

134 PART 3 Building Ethereum Distributed Blockchain Apps

Declaring valid compiler version
The pragma directive should be the first line of code in a Solidity file. Because the
Solidity language is still maturing, it is common for new compiler versions to
include changes that would fail to compile older programs. The pragma directive
helps avoid compiler failures due to using a newer compiler.

Here is the syntax for the pragma directive:

pragma Solidity <>;

Here is a sample pragma directive:

pragma Solidity ^0.4.24;

All statements in Solidity end with a semicolon.

The version number starts with a 0, followed by a major build number and a minor
build number. For example, the version number 0.4.24 refers to major build 4 and
minor build 24. The caret symbol (^) before the version number tells Solidity that
it can use the latest build in a major version range. In the preceding example,
Solidity can use a compiler from any build in the version 4 build range. This is a
way to tell readers that your program was written for 0.4.24 but will still compile
for subsequent version 4 builds.

Although using the caret in the pragma directive provides flexibility, it is a better
practice to drop the caret and tell Solidity exactly what compiler version you

Commenting your code
Adding comments to your code is an extra step that adds a professional look and
feel to your code. A well-commented source code file is easier to read and under-
stand and helps other developers quickly understand what your code is supposed
to do. Even simple comments can cut down on the time required to fix bugs or add
new functionality. Comments can also provide input for utilities to generate doc-
umentation for your smart contracts.

You can use single-line or multiline regular comments. Single-line comments
start with two forward slashes. Multiline comments start with the /* characters
and end with the */ characters. Here is an example of Solidity comments:

// Here is a single line Solidity comment

/* I have a lot more to say with this comment, so I’ll

CHAPTER 8 Learning about Smart Contracts 135

use a multiline comment. The compiler will ignore
everything after the opening comment characters, until
it sees the closing comment characters.


A third type of Solidity comment is called the Ethereum Natural Specification
(NatSpec) directive. You can use NatSpec to provide information about your code
for documentation generators to use to create formatted documentation the
describes your smart contracts. NatSpec directives start with three forward slashes
and include special tags with data for the documentation. Here is an example of
using NatSpec directives:

/// @title Greeter smart contract
/// @author Joe Programmer
/// @notice This code takes a person’s name and says hello
/// @param name The name of the caller
/// @return greeting The greeting with the caller’s name

You can find NatSpec documentation and additional information at https://

Importing external code
The import section is optional but can be powerful. If your smart contract needs
to refer to code in other files, you’ll have to import those other files first. Import-
ing files makes it as though you copied the other code into the current file. Using
imports helps you avoid actually copying code from one place to another. If you
need to access code, just import the Solidity file that contains it.

The syntax for importing other files is simple. You use the import keyword and
then provide the filename for the file you want to import. For example, to import
the file myToken.sol, use this syntax:

Import ‘myToken.sol’;

Defining your smart contracts
In the last main section of Solidity, you define the contents of your smart contract.
It starts with the keyword contract and contains all of the functional code in your
smart contract. You can have multiple contract sections in Solidity. That means
a single .sol file can define multiple contracts. Here is an example contract
section (you might recognize this code from Chapter 7):

contract HelloWorld {
string private helloMessage = “Hello world”;

136 PART 3 Building Ethereum Distributed Blockchain Apps

function getHelloMessage() public view returns (string) {
return helloMessage;

Inside the contract section is where you define all of your variables, structures,
events, and functions. There’s a lot more to the contract section of your code, but
for now, you know how to set up a Solidity smart contract. In the next section you
learn more about what goes into the contract section.

Handling Data in Solidity
Solidity is particular about where you can store data. You generally define two
types of variables in Solidity: state variables and local variables. You define state
variables in the contract section, and those variables are available anywhere in
the smart contract. These variables store the state of your smart contract by saving
the values in a block on the blockchain. You define local variables inside functions.
Local variables don’t save their values between function calls. Those values aren’t
stored on the blockchain and go away when the function ends.

Solidity defines three places for storing data:

» Stack: Where Solidity stores local simple variable values defined in functions.
» Memory: An area of memory on each EVM that Solidity uses to store tempo-

rary values. Values stored here are erased between function calls.

» Storage: Where state variables defined in a smart contract reside. These state
variables reside in the smart contract data section on the blockchain.

Variable storage location is one of the more confusing aspects of Solidity. I cover
the basics now, and come back to some finer points in Chapter 9. The Solidity
language doesn’t have a stack keyword but does have memory and storage key-
words. Solidity uses its own defaults, depending on where you define variables
and how you use them, but you can override some of these defaults and also use
the keywords to modify how Solidity treats variables.

Here are a few rules that help keep things straight when learning about storing
data in Solidity:

CHAPTER 8 Learning about Smart Contracts 137

» State variables are storage by default (values are stored in the blockchain).
» Local variables in functions are memory by default (values are stored tempo-

rarily in memory).

» Structs are storage by default (values are stored in the blockchain).

Solidity can handle different types of data and provides different types of variables
to handle each type. When you define variables, you have to specify the datatype
of the variable. The datatype tells Solidity how much space to allocate for the value
you will store in the variable and how to treat the data. Table 8-4 lists the data
types that Solidity supports.

As your smart contracts become more complex, you’ll probably need to represent
more complex types of data. For example, you might want to define a physical
address type that contains several pieces of information, including street address,
city, state, and postal code.

You also might need to store tables or lists of data. Solidity allows you to create
your own data structures with the struct complex data type. You can also define
arrays that store groups of similar data items. Solidity arrays can be groups of
simple data types or groups of structs. You use structs and arrays in the smart
contracts you write in Chapter 9.

Here is a smart contract that demonstrates some of Solidity’s simple data types.
In this example, you’re using only state variables, which means you’re writing to
the blockchain. Defining all of your variable as state variables is not a good idea
unless you want to store data forever. Data stored to the blockchain requires
expensive operations and shouldn’t be used unless you need to store your data
persistently. For now, you’ll use state variables, but in Chapter 9 you learn how to
define local variables as well.

Open VS Code for the myProject project:

To open VS Code in the myProject project, open a Windows Command prompt or
PowerShell (my favorite) and use the cd command to navigate to your project
directory (myProject.) From here, just enter the following command and press

code .

138 PART 3 Building Ethereum Distributed Blockchain Apps

Then type the following code. (If you’d rather download the project files, go to

pragma solidity 0.4.24;



* @title Solidity data types

* @author Michael Solomon

TABLE 8-4 Solidity Data Types
Data type Comments Example When to use

uint 32-byte (256 bit) unsigned inte-
ger. You can also define smaller
uints as uint8, unit16, . . . up
to uint256 (which is the same
as uint).

uint x = 10;

uint16 x = 44;

To store positive integers.
Using smaller uints (such as
uint8) saves storage space
and processing cost.

int 32-byte (256 bit) signed integer.
You can also define smaller ints
as int8, int16, . . . up to
int256 (which is the same as

int x = -10;

int32 x = 45;

To store integers with negative
and positive values. Using
smaller ints (such as int8)
saves storage space and pro-
cessing cost.

byte A single byte. You can also
define arrays of 1–32 bytes using
the type bytes2, byte3, . . . up
to bytes32.

byte singleChar =

bytes16 msgHello =
‘Hello, world!’;

To store any number (up to
32) bytes. The bytes datatype
makes it easy to access and
manipulate array contents.

string 32-byte array of characters. This
datatype is most often used to
store strings of UTF-8 characters.

string myString =
“Hello, world!”;

To store character strings.
Solidity strings are difficult to
manipulate directly. In most
cases, using bytes is more

bool Boolean, or logical, values
(yes/no or true/false).

bool isOK = true; To store yes/no, true/false

address 20 byte Ethereum address. address myAddress; To store an Ethereum address.

mapping A dictionary that relates key to a
value. Mappings provide an easy
method to lookup a value that
corresponds to a key.

mapping (address
=> uint) balances;

To lookup data for a specific
key, such as finding the bal-
ance of an account.

enum Enumerated list of options. enum surveyResult
{ StronglyDis-
agree, Disagree,
Neutral, Agree,
StronglyAgree };

To store meaningful values
from a limited set of choices.

CHAPTER 8 Learning about Smart Contracts 139

* @notice A simply smart contract to demonstrate simple data types available in


contract DataTypes {

uint x = 9;

int i = -68;

uint8 j = 17;

bool isEthereumCool = true;

address owner = msg.sender; //Ethereum address of the message sender

bytes32 bMsg = “hello”;

string sMsg = “hello”;

function getStateVariables() public view returns (uint, int, uint8, bool,

address, bytes32, string) {

return (x, i, j, isEthereumCool, owner, bMsg, sMsg);


The steps to deploy and test your smart contract are the same as the steps you
learned in Chapter 7. Go to that chapter for details.

Before you can deploy and test your new smart contract, you need to add it to the
migration JavaScript script. In VS Code, open the 2_contracts_migrations.js
file in the Migrations directory. Then add the two lines with comments so your file
looks this:

var HelloWorld = artifacts.require(“HelloWorld”);

var DataTypes = artifacts.require(“DataTypes”); // Add this line

module.exports = function(deployer) {


deployer.deploy(DataTypes);// Add this line


Don’t forget to save your file after adding the new text!

Here are the steps you can use to deploy and test your new smart contract:

1. Make sure you have Ganache running.
2. In VS Code, click or tap the Terminal tab, type the following, and then

press Enter:
truffle deploy –reset

140 PART 3 Building Ethereum Distributed Blockchain Apps

3. Type truffle console and press Enter.
4. At the Truffle console prompt, type the following and press Enter:

DataTypes.deployed().then(function(instance) {return
instance.getStateVariables() });

Figure 8-2 shows the values that your new smart contract returns. Truffle dis-
plays the return values in an interesting way. Numbers are returned as BigNumber
objects. You can call functions in a BigNumber library to convert them, but for now
just read the values directly. For the numeric returned values, the first value, s: is
the sign of the number, and the third value, c: is the unsigned value the function
returned. Also note that the address and bytes32 values are in hexadecimal format.

Learning about Computation and Gas
One of the difficulties encountered when writing distributed applications is bal-
ancing the workload among participating nodes. The way blockchain technology
is designed, all nodes do the same amount of work. In fact, all nodes duplicate the
same work. This redundancy is necessary to ensure consensus among the nodes.

Workload balance isn’t a problem, but node overload is a big problem. Consider
what would happen if a malicious user submitted a smart contract that consumed
so much computing power that the node running the code couldn’t do anything
else. That would be a denial of service (DoS) attack. And what’s worse, every node
would be required to do the same amount of work. If malicious smart contracts
were allowed to run, they could render the entire blockchain network unusable.

To avoid DoS attacks and to reduce the overall work network nodes have to carry
out, Ethereum introduced the concept of paying for the work required to carry out

Smart contract
return values.

CHAPTER 8 Learning about Smart Contracts 141

a transaction. Ethereum also includes a charge for storing data on the blockchain.
These requirements encourage smart contract developers to use the blockchain
only when necessary, thereby keeping the blockchain from growing unrestrained.
Requiring transaction creators to pay for usage is a way of promoting conservative
use of shared resources.

As you learned earlier, Ethereum measures the work required for operations by
using gas. The amount of work required for each operation is used to calculate the
fee to carry out the operations that make up a transaction. According to the Ethe-
reum Yellow Paper (the formal Ethereum definition), every transaction requires a
minimum of 21,000 gas units to complete.

The Ethereum Yellow Paper contains the formal definition of Ethereum. You can
find the Yellow Paper by opening your browser and navigating to this address: .

Miners are nodes on an Ethereum network that carry out the intensive mathemati-
cal calculations to find a nonce value that satisfies the hash requirements for the
block. You learn about mining, hashes, and nonce values in Chapter 2. Paying gas
provides an incentive to miners to commit their computing power (and electricity)
to the blockchain. Every user that submits a transaction pays a fee in gas, and
miners in turn select transactions they think will be profitable and build new
blocks with those transactions. The miner that is successful in solving the math-
ematical puzzle gets the gas fees for the transactions in that block.

So, who pays all these fees to miners? Well, we all do! Every Ethereum transaction
requires a small processing fee. Although this might sound like the middlemen
that blockchain is supposed to replace, Ethereum fees are tiny compared to exist-
ing systems in use today. However, even a relatively tiny Ethereum gas process
can grow to be not so tiny during times of heavy network congestion.

Calculating gas fees requires several inputs, including gas price, gas limit, and gas
(computation) cost. The user who submits a transaction (that is, initiates some
action that invokes a smart contract) sets the highest acceptable gas price and the
total limit of gas he or she will agree to pay. The total fee is the amount of gas used
in the transaction multiplied by the gas price the miner charges. All of these val-
ues can change from transaction to transaction. Table 8-5 lists the main compo-
nents of gas charges and how they contribute to transaction fees.

If you want to know how much gas will cost, open your browser and navigate to This web page shows gas statistics for recent
Ethereum transactions. Figure 8-2 shows the recommended gas prices at the time
of this writing. Note that a safe low gas price is 2.8 Gwei, the standard gas price
is 4 Gwei, and if you want your transaction picked up quickly, you should set your
gas price to 20 Gwei. 1 ETH is worth 1 billion (1,000,000,000) Gwei, so 4 Gwei is
worth 0.000000004 ETH. At the time of this writing, 1 ETH is worth $89.40 USD,

142 PART 3 Building Ethereum Distributed Blockchain Apps

so the standard gas price of 4 Gwei (a standard gas price) is worth $ 0.0000003576.
If a transaction requires a minimum of 21,000 Gwei, a transaction costs at least
0.0000003576 * 21,000 = $0.0075096. That’s less than a penny.

You can find the gas cost for operations in Ethereum in a spreadsheet located at:
NK950dUzMQPMJBxRtGCqs/edit#gid=0 .

Although the minimum transaction fee doesn’t look like it is very expensive, the
fees do add up if you waste computation. From a strict cost per computation, it isn’t
hard to pay for your own node to carry out calculations. But what you’re paying for
is transparency and validity among a large number of untrusted participants.

Exploring Access Modes and Visibility of
Smart Contract Functions and Data

You can restrict who can invoke Solidity functions and who can access variable
values. These access keywords are called visibility modifiers. You can use four visi-
bility modifiers when you define functions and variables, as shown in Table 8-6.

TABLE 8-5 Ethereum Gas Charges
Component Comments

Gas price The highest price per gas unit a transaction originator is willing to pay. Miners use this limit
to determine if the transaction is worth including in a block. If the value is too low, the trans-
action might not be profitable. If too many transactions are selected with very high gas
prices, it might take too long to mine the block and the miner might lose to another node.

Gas limit The total number of gas units the transaction originator is willing to pay. It must be high
enough to allow all operations to complete. If this value is too low, the EVM will terminate
the transaction and undo all of its operations. Also, each block has a gas limit, so miners
can’t just choose the transactions with very high gas limits — they have to choose transac-
tions with gas limits that are cumulatively lower than the block gas limit.

Gas cost The cost of a single operation. For example, the ADD operation costs 3 gas and the MUL
operation costs 5 gas.


The total fee for computations in a transaction. The formula is: transaction fee = total gas
cost * gas price.

Unused gas The amount of unused gas returned to the transaction originator if the gas limit for the
transaction is greater than the actual gas cost.

CHAPTER 8 Learning about Smart Contracts 143

The Solidity compiler automatically creates a getter function for each public
state variable, which provides an easy way to fetch the value of any variable. The
name of the function is the same as the name of the variable. When the getter
function is called, it returns the value stored in the state variable. So if you define
a public state variable of type uint named myVar, the function myVar() will
return a uint that is the current value of myVal.

Solidity visibility modifiers make it possible to write functions and define vari-
ables that are available only to a specific subset of users. You might want some
functions and variable to be available only to other functions in the same contract,
say, for internal maintenance. In other cases, you might want other functions or
variables to be available to anyone. A getter function (function that gets the value
of some data item and returns it) is often a public function. That makes it avail-
able to anyone, while an internal function that manages a contract’s date may be
a private or internal function.

In addition to providing visibility modifiers, you can specify function access mod-
ifiers. Access modifiers restrict how functions are allowed to access state variables.
Older versions of Solidity used a single access modifier, constant, to indicate that
a function did not modify any state variable. Starting with Solidity 0.4.17, two
new access modifiers replace the constant modifier: view and pure. A function
that exceeds its access modifier will result in a compiler error.

Here are the meanings of each access modifier:

» constant: This access modifier, which was deprecated in Solidity 0.4.17, was used
to inform the compiler that the function would not modify any state variables.

» view: This access modifier, introduced in Solidity 0.4.17, is a replacement for
constant and informs the compiler that the function will not modify any
state variables.

TABLE 8-6 Solidity Visibility Modifiers
Visibility What It Means for Functions What It Means for Variables

public Anyone can call this function. Anyone can access this variable’s value.

external Only external functions can call this

This doesn’t apply to state variables, and
only external functions can access this local
variable’s value.

internal Only functions in this contract and any con-
tract deriving from it can call this function.

Only functions in this contract and any
contract deriving from it can access this
variable’s value.

private Only functions in this contract can call this

Only functions in this contract can access
this variable’s value.

144 PART 3 Building Ethereum Distributed Blockchain Apps

» pure: This access modifier, introduced in Solidity 0.4.17, is more restrictive
than view and informs the compiler that the function will not even read any
state variables.

Controlling Execution Flow
The simple smart contract code that you’ve seen so far doesn’t do much. It just
executes from the top of the code to the bottom. Programs that do something use-
ful have statements in them that alter the flow of execution based on input and
calculations. Some statements, called conditional statements, enforce conditional
expressions and execute only under certain circumstances. Other statements,
called iteration statements or loops, repeat sections of code a certain number of times.

These types of statement are called flow of execution statements. Solidity implements
many of the flow of executions statements you’ll find in JavaScript. Table 8-7 lists
the conditional and iteration statements in Solidity.

TABLE 8-7 Solidity Conditional and Iteration Statements

Statement What it does Example

if-else Executes a group of statements if a condition is
true, and optionally executes another set of
statements if the condition is false (else).

numDonuts = purchasedQty;

if (numDonuts >= 12)

giveDozenPrice = true;


giveDozenPrice = false;

While Executes a group of statements zero or more
times until some condition is true (pre-test
repetition structure.)

numDonuts = 1;

giveDozenPrice = false;

While (numDonuts < purchasedQty) {


if (numDonuts >= 12)

giveDozenPrice = true;



CHAPTER 8 Learning about Smart Contracts 145

Handling Errors and Exceptions
The last topic in your introduction to Solidity smart contract development is
knowing how to handle errors and exceptions. By far the best way to handle errors
is to avoid them in the first place. A naïve and unproductive way to handle errors
is to leave it completely up to the user interface. A much better design practice is
to anticipate as many errors and exceptions as possible and design your code to
handle them. If you can envision an error during the design phase, you can develop
code to handle it and even develop a test to ensure that your code handles it

In versions of Solidity before 0.4.10, the only way to handle an error was to throw
an exception when something bad happened. For example, pre 0.4.10 code to
ensure that a code segment would run only if initiated by the code’s owner might
look like this:

if (msg.sender != owner( { throw(); }))

Statement What it does Example

do-while Executes a group of statements one or more
times until some condition is true (post-test
repetition structure.) Note that a do-while
loop always executes at least once.

numDonuts = 1;
giveDozenPrice = false;

do {

if (numDonuts >= 12)
giveDozenPrice = true;

} (while numDonuts < purchasedQty);

for Executes a group of statements zero or more
times until some condition is true (pre-test
repetition structure.) This differs from a while
loop in that the test condition is defined in the

giveDozenPrice = false;

for (numDonuts=1;
numDonuts<=purchasedDonuts; numDonuts++) {

if (numDonuts >= 12)
giveDozenPrice = true;

146 PART 3 Building Ethereum Distributed Blockchain Apps

If a smart contract ever encountered a throw() function, all changes to state
variables would be undone, the contract would return to the caller passing back an
invalid opcode error, and all remaining gas would be used up. In other words, if
your code encountered a throw() function, you would never get any gas back. And
to make matters worse, you didn’t get anything done for that gas.

Starting with Solidity version 0.4.10, you have more options for handling error
conditions. Current smart contracts can use the revert(), assert(), and
require() functions to proactively handle errors. Table 8-8 lists each of the new
guard functions and what each one does.

Although there is far more to Solidity than what you’ve seen here, you’ve learned
enough to get started writing your own code. Before you know it, you’ll be ready
to create your own Ethereum dApps.

TABLE 8-8 Error-handling Guard Functions
Function What It Does Example

revert() Undoes all state changes, allows a return value, and refunds
remaining gas to the caller. You should use this function to catch
expected conditions that indicate that a transaction should be

if (msg.sender !=
owner( { revert();

assert() Undoes all state changes and uses up all remaining gas — that is,
like the legacy throw() function, does not return unused gas.
You should never encounter this function in properly functioning

== owner);

require() Undoes all state changes, allows a return value, and refunds
remaining gas to the caller. You should use this function to pro-
actively execute code when prerequisite conditions have not
been met.

== owner);

CHAPTER 9 Writing Your Own Smart Contracts with Solidity 147

Chapter 9
Writing Your Own Smart
Contracts with Solidity

You learn about the basics of developing Solidity smart contracts for Ethereum in Chapter 8. You also learn about difficulties encountered with traditional supply chain applications and how Ethereum can help address
some of those problems. Developing distributed applications, or dApps, for the
Ethereum blockchain may look similar to writing code in other languages, but it
does have specific advantages over non-blockchain environments. However, you
have to approach the software development process a little differently when
working with blockchain.

Before starting to write a dApp for the Ethereum blockchain, make sure that you
understand what your dApp should do and why a blockchain environment is a
good fit. Getting these points cleared up in the beginning can help you avoid mis-
takes that waste time and money. Knowing the tips and tricks of blockchain devel-
opment before you start writing your own dApps will help you develop better
software than just learning as you go.

Ethereum dApps focus on providing some functionality that interacts with data
stored in the blockchain environment. Due to the design of blockchain technology,
each interaction with the blockchain has an associated cost. Understanding how
your dApp will have to pay for blockchain access is critical to getting it right the
first time. In this chapter, you learn how to use Solidity to write effective smart
contracts for the Ethereum blockchain environment.


» Creating your new smart contract

» Developing functions and events

» Protecting ownership and security

» Making your functions work

148 PART 3 Building Ethereum Distributed Blockchain Apps

Reviewing Supply Chain
Design Specification

As you discover in Chapter 8, a supply chain is a framework that connects produc-
ers to consumers and manages how products and services make their way toward
the consumers. In simple cases such as a farmer’s market, consumers buy their
produce directly from the growers. But in most other cases, at least one interme-
diary helps get products from producers to consumers. Intermediaries can provide
transportation, warehousing, retailing, and other value-added services.

Implementing a supply chain solution in a blockchain environment can reduce the
overall cost of providing products and services to consumers and make the entire
process more transparent. If you store every step of a product’s journey on the
blockchain, anyone can track the product along its way.

The first step in developing a supply chain dApp is to look at the data and actions
the dApp will need to provide the required functionality. For your supply chain
dApp to do its job, you need at least four types of data. Here is a list of the types of
data you’ll need:

» Products: This data uniquely identifies a specific product that is eventually
bought by a consumer.

» Participants: This type of data is a description of all supply chain participants,
including manufacturers, suppliers, shippers, and consumers.

» Registrations: This type of data is a snapshot of which participant owns a
product at a specific point in time. Registrations track products along the
supply chain.

» Payment token: Participants use payment tokens to pay one another for
ownership changes of products. For example, a supplier can purchase a
product from a manufacturer and use a payment token to pay the

To provide minimal functionality, your supply chain dApp needs to include the
following capabilities:

» Initialize tokens: Establish an initial pool of payment tokens.
» Transfer tokens: Move tokens between accounts (that is, pay for products

with tokens).

» Authorize token payments: Allow an account to transfer tokens on behalf of
another account.

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