Biology Discussion

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I chose the Fibroblast cell.  It is a connective tissue cell.  It is found in our skin and tendons and other tough tissues in our body and it secretes collagen.

     Fibroblast cells are found in our connective tissue.  They secrete collagen proteins that are used to maintain a structural framework for tissue.  They are also important in healing wounds.

     The Fibroblast cell is found in the skin and tendons and other tough tissues in our body.

     The function of the Fibroblast cell is to make the extracellular matrix and collagen.  They achieve this by secreting extracellular matrix (EMC) precursors that are required for formation of connective and other fibers.

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     For mechanical homeostasis the mechanical loads that are acting on a tissue are perceived by resident cells as stimuli that are transmitted through constituents of the extracellular matrix (EMC), matrix receptors, and intracellular structures.

     The characteristics of the Fibroblast are large, flat, elongated (spindle-shaped) cells possessing processes that extend out from the ends of the cell body.  It produces a tropocollagen, which is a gel-like matrix that fills the spaces between cells and fibers in connective tissue.  Yes, there are organelles in Fibroblast cells.

     No, Fibroblast cells do not contain any unique components.  They all appear similar to one another, wherever they occur in connective tissue.

     Fibroblast cells can regenerate functional tissue. They are involved in all three stages of wound healing: inflammation, cell proliferation, ECM deposition and remodeling.

     Yes, Fibroblast cells are also found in animals.  They do the same thing in animals as in humans.  They produce the structural framework in their tissues and play a critical role in wound healing.  They are the most common cells of connective tissue in animals.

Reply 2

 I chose to write about the red blood cell. What type of organism is the cell found in?Erythrocytes how are oxygen transporting cells found in mammals and other organisms they travel through links in the body which are known as blood vessels. Where in the organism is the red blood cell found? A type of blood cell that is made in the bone marrow and found in the blood. Red blood cells contain protein called hemoglobin, which carries oxygen from the lungs to all parts of the body. What is the function or duty of a red blood cell? The function or duty of a red blood cell is carrying oxygen from our lungs to the rest of the body. Then the red blood cells return taking carbon dioxide back to our lungs to be exhale. How does a red blood style contribute to the ability of the organism to maintain homeostasis? Red blood cell homeostasis depends oninteractions between the integral membrane protein band 3 with other membrane cyoskeletal proteins, key enzymes of metabolic pathways. Describe the red blood cells characteristics. Are there organelles? A red blood cell what is what is known as a biconcave shape. Both sides of the cells surface curve inward like the interior of a fear or the shape of a bell the shape of the red blood cell helps it move through small blood vessels to deliver oxygen to the body. Does the red blood cell contain components that are unique to the type of cell? Red blood cells are unique not only in shape but they lack of nuclei make them so flexible that they can pass through extremely small blood vessels. Red blood cells produce bone marrow, which is soft fatty tissue inside the bone. Can the red blood cell produce if so how does this occur? Red blood cells cannot divide or replicates like other bodily cells they cannot independently synthesis proteins. Is the red blood cells found in other type of organisms? Yes, most animal cells red blood cells from fish, amphibians, reptiles and birds all contain DNA in nuclei.  

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