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This discussion board pertains to diets and macromolecules

In this discussion board, discuss why “diets” that completely limit or otherwise prohibit the consumption of certain food groups such as carbohydrates, fruits, protein, solid foods, fats, etc., are not wise alternatives to overall nutrition.

Generally, they are considered to be ” unhealthy” if used for more than a short-term basis.

1. You will pick a “fad” diet and tell me all about it by describing what are you supposed to do in this so-called diet. This may take some research – and magazines this one time are ok to use when coming up with the fad diet. However, you must then find a peer-reviewed source to dispute the diet.

2. Dissect out the diet by relating its components back to what you have learned about the importance of macromolecules (aka proteins, carbohydrates and fats). This is where you will likely tell me what is wrong with the diet you found.

3. You may include in your discussion of what a healthy diet would have included things such as moderation and why prolonged use or on-again-off-again misuse of these diets can be more detrimental than not dieting at all.

4. DO NOT just write a discussion board about a healthy diet or healthy lifestyle. If this is the discussion board you write, you will receive no credit. Your goal is to find a bad – “fad” diet and essentially “make fun of it.”

5. No two people may use the same “fad” diet. Please refrain from everyone referencing only the SouthBeach or Atkins diets. There are thousands of diets out there, but what most have in common is that they do not pertain to is the overall needs for simple biochemistry in the body. They also force the body to undergo a metabolic pathway it normally would not. This is why they are usually seen as “fads.”

6. You will need to include the source of the “fad” diet and the source of all info you used to tell me why it was unhealthy. This will likely include your textbook. Remember, all sources must be listed following MLA documentation.

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