
Write a 2 page report on one of the topics listed below. Your paper must include a title, your name, an introduction, a bodyincluding facts and pros & cons about the situation or possible solutions to the situation, and a conclusion touching on all the points you discussed. You also need to include a glossary of terms that were new to you or could be new to your classmates and an annotated list of resources you used with a comment for each resource on why you chose it and your assessment of how reliable or credible the resource is.

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  • Formatting instructions:

    Use Times New Roman 12 pts
    Use single-line spacing
    Use 1-inch margins

  • Submit your report as MS word document (* or * x) or as a pdf-file (* ) using Canvas


    1. Ogallala Aquifer: Should it be conserved?
    2. Colorado River: How could the conflicting demands for the water of the Colorado River be solved?
    3. Everglades: Should they be restored?
    4. Missouri River: Should it be restored?
    5. Long distance water transfer: Is this a good approach to deliver water to cities and agriculture in need of water?
    6. Cities running out of water: How could this be prevented?
    7. Effects of global warming on water resources in the USA: Can we ignore these effects?
    8. Water Quality: Why should we care?

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    Lab 11 Water Resources

    1. Introduction

    Water is a reusable resource that is increasingly becoming rare due to pollution, overuse, and natural

    droughts. This is creating conflicts between the users of water. For example, the water of a river could

    provide habitat for an endangered fish species, be used to irrigate farm fields, or provide water to a

    growing city. As water is an essential resource, potential solutions to these conflicting demands need to be

    carefully evaluated.

    2. Research

    Research one of the following topics:

    1. Ogallala Aquifer: Should it be conserved?
    2. Colorado River: How could the conflicting demands for the water of the Colorado River be


    3. Everglades should they be restored?
    4. Missouri River: Should it be restored?
    5. Long distance water transfer: Is this a good approach to deliver water to cities and agriculture in

    need of water?

    6. Cities running out of water: How could this be prevented?
    7. Effects of global warming on water resources in the USA: Can we ignore these effects?
    8. Water Quality: Why should we care?

    3. Report

    Once you have gathered all information, write a 2-page report that has to include the following items:

    • Title

    • Your name

    • Introduction: Describe the situation that led to the question, problem, or situation

    • Present advantages of or arguments for a particular solution or answer.

    • Present disadvantages of or arguments against a particular solution or answer.

    • Conclusion: present your conclusion, justify your conclusion.

    Submit also using additional pages:

    • Glossary of terms that may be unfamiliar to your classmates

    • Annotated list of resources you used (e.g., web sites, books, newspaper articles) and provide a

    comment to each resource why you chose it and your assessment how reliable or credible the

    resource is.

    Formatting instructions:

    • Use Times New Roman 12pts

    • Use single-line spacing

    • Use 1-inch margins

    Submit your report as MS word document (* or * x) or as a pdf-file (* ) using Canvas.

    Water Resources Evaluation Rubrics for Reports

    Needs Work (1 pts) Adequate (2 Pts) Excellent (3 pts)

    Introduction information lacking or

    includes accurate information, though
    lacking in volume or depth

    includes accurate and relevant

    Facts/pro and cons information lacking or

    includes accurate information, though
    lacking in volume or depth
    includes accurate and relevant

    Conclusions inaccurate accurate information, though lacking
    in volume or depth accurate and all angles covered

    glossary information lacking or

    information lacking or

    Creativity and format

    organization and
    presentation of content
    unclear and uninteresting;
    major errors in layout or

    organization and presentation of
    content mostly clear and interesting;
    minor errors in layout or grammar

    organization and presentation of
    content clear and interesting;
    no errors in layout or grammar

    Total 14 pts possible

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