Big Data Analytics In Organization


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This research paper is centered around how Big Data analytics can be used  with Smart Cities. This is exciting and can provide many benefits to  individuals as well as organizations. 

You are to search the Internet for other uses of Big Data in  RADICAL platforms. 

Please pick an organization or two and discuss the  usage of big data in RADICAL platforms including how big data analytics is used in those situations as well as with Smart Cities. 

Paper should include an introduction, a body with fully developed content, and a conclusion. 

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Note: Please make sure to write 4 pages excluding cover and  references pages in APA format with in-text citation and include at  least two scholarly journal articles to support your positions, claims,  and observations 

9/6/2020 Originality Report


a31b16bb2c48/originalityReport/ultra?attemptId=eedb9711-9292-48e1-8223-a9d2590811… 1/




SafeAssign Originality Report
Fall 2020 – Data Science & Big Data Analy (ITS-836-M23) – Full Term • Week 2 Research Paper

%54Total Score: High risk

Sandeep Kumar Davuluri

Submission UUID: 51d54288-3891-dec7-51a6-cc565a7d12b


Total Number of Reports


Highest Match

54 %
BigDataAnalyticsInOrganizations x

Average Match

54 %
Submitted on

11:55 AM CDT

Average Word Count

Highest: BigDataAnalyticsInOrganizations…

%54Attachment 1

Institutional database (6)

Student paper Student paper

Student paper

Student paper Student paper Student paper

Top sources (3)

Excluded sources (0)

View Originality Report – Old Design

Word Count: 1,315
BigDataAnalyticsInOrganizations x

5 4 2

6 1


5 Student paper 4 Student paper 2 Student paper



Big Data Analytics In Organizations

Sandeep Kumar Davuluri

University of the Cumberlands

Big Data Analytics in Organizations

In this technological era, big data has significantly contributed to radical alterations within the traditional data analysis platform. When conducting any particular form
of analysis either be it voluminous or complex data, they are improving the hardware platforms which seems to be a clear choice for both the software and the
hardware decision in regards to satisfying the user needs. Researchers are more focused on creating a significant data analysis approach and these have greatly
influenced the establishment of numerous algorithms as well as platforms. In regards to the radical platforms, big data plays a crucial role in aid city transformation
from a traditional city to a smart city. Additionally, organizations such as Amazon are applying big data analytics to improve their business operations. The
establishment of modern cities has greatly been influenced by the information technology concept since technology is the ultimate controller of the city. Thus, cities
need to adopt various information technology techniques to promote innovation and creativity. However, following the different issues impacting the cities force the
stakeholders to introduce better application mechanisms in the cities. Some of these problems may include waste management, congestion in traffic, and

pollution. The utilization of big data may be used to elevate these issues through the implementation of participatory sensors within the cities, hence demonstrating
the various benefits that at linked to ICT infrastructure to the different businesses as well as organizations operating within the cities. Moreover, the implemented
sensors may also promote social networking within the cities, which is the specific knowledge that big data have implemented in smart cities. The RADICAL platform
approaches tend to play a crucial role as they allow information technology to innovate new ventures that are related to operations as well as developers such as the
inclusion internet and other related ICT infrastructure. Furthermore, the radical platforms also make sure that the integration of tools and components in various
projects are supportive of the innovative services being implemented in smart cities. Thus, a company may engage in the data collection activities, data organization,
data analysis, data processing as well as visualization of big data sets content attained from the social network. On the other hand, the internet of things allows

push-offs via the programming interface application as well as by pushing the data forward through the radical respiratory (Psomakelis et al., 2016). Numerous
organizations across the globe are embracing the utilization of the radical platform approach to be in a position to effectively manage their businesses. Amazon
Company is an American based organization that has embraced the radical platform service in its business operations (“Amazon: Using big data to understand
customers,” 2020). The organization implemented the Amazon Dash Button which is a small device with Wi-Fi that allows the user or an Amazon client to order

house essentials such as toilet paper, washing powder, razor among other related products. The radical innovation in this perspective is allowing the clients to be in a
position to order essential goods and the products being delivered on time. However, this technological approach and the business model are major dependents on
the new repetitive orders. This is an innovative idea that focuses on satisfying the clients’ needs and in turn providing Amazon with a competitive advantage in its
business industry As per the radical approach the service application layer is often utilized to create the smart city services Ideally some of the scopes within


9/6/2020 Originality Report… 2/5

Source Matches (20)

Student paper 75%

Student paper 76%

Student paper 63%

Student paper 100%

business industry. As per the radical approach the service application layer is often utilized to create the smart city services. Ideally, some of the scopes within

the smart cities tend to comprise citizen journalism as well as urbanism participatory (Townsend, 2016). The integration of these kinds of services also tends to allow
the citizens to be in a position to effectively report particular events within the city. The citizens may utilize their common knowledge as well as devices such as smart
phones to report an event. For instance, if cycling safety within the city is threatened as cyclists may report crucial information regarding the cycling issue through his
or her smart phone. On the other hand, the urban noise Decibel measurement application is another crucial application within the radical platform approach

that involves the utilization of big data. Implementation of noise sensors within the cities tends to efficiently reduce the noise by providing noise reports and reporting
them to the relevant authorities within the city. However, for this application to work more efficiently there is the need of implementing and utilizing the use of public
services to allow the users to provide feedback regarding the reported issues (Strohbach, Ziekow, Gazis&Akiva, 2015).


Thus the service needs to allow data collection specifically the venue as well as displaying the appearance of the traffic within the city. The main merit of such an

approach within the city is that it promotes effective decision making within the organizational context. Additionally, the attainment of such innovative ideas needs to
include a traffic map of all the city venues. Fundamentally, this concept tends to be dependent on big data to foster an understanding of city appearance. Additionally,
through attaining a detailed understanding of the city appearance a researcher is also able to point out different areas within the city that require to be improved,
and thus, through the utilization of big data, it is quite easy to establish several approaches to improve the city operations. On the other end, the establishment of
services also contributes towards resolving specific issues within the city. Another essential concern regarding the plans of implementing big data to resolve the
various issues within the cities is that they need to be provided with sufficient allocation of resources and also reasonable budget needs to be developed to support
the efficient running of the application. Providing sufficient resources as well as budget allocation towards big data applications may not harm the financial ability of
the organization or the city because it provides solutions to the experienced problems within the city and it allows more innovative ideas to be implemented to create
an efficient city. Fundamentally, it tends to take a long period to necessitate the various needed changes within the city. Often various factors such as expenditure in
regards to finance tend to come in during renovations or remodeling of the city for transformations. Through the application of big data analytics, the gathering

of data within the entire city is quite possible and easier (Hashem et al., 2016). After the collected data has been selected and evaluation of that data then follows to
provide feedback on the specific areas that require to be improved or upgraded as well as to offer strategies on the best way to improve the conditions in the
identified areas to achieve a smart city. Thus, appropriate investments as well as strategic investments are essential when it comes to city transformations.

Majorly, big data plays an essential role in city transformation for the creation of smart cities.


Amazon: Using big data to understand customers. (2020). Bernard Marr.

Hashem, I. A. T., Chang, V., Anuar, N. B., Adewole, K., Yaqoob, I., Gani, A., …&Chiroma, H. (2016). The role of big data in smart cities. International

Journal of Information Management, 36(5), 748-758. Psomakelis, E., Aisopos, F., Litke, A., Tserpes, K., Kardara, M., & Campo, P. M. (2016). Big IoT and social

networking data for smart cities: Algorithmic improvements on Big Data Analysis in the context of RADICAL city applications. arXiv preprint arXiv:1607.00509.
Strohbach, M., Ziekow, H., Gazis, V., &Akiva, N. (2015).Towards a big data analytics framework for IoT and smart city applications. In Modeling and processing for next-
generation big-data technologies (pp. 257-282). Springer, Cham. Townsend, A. M. (2016). Smart cities: Big data, civic hackers, and the quest for a new utopia. WW

Norton & Company.


4 6 4

Student paper


Original source

Big Data Analytics, 1(1)

Student paper

2 Big Data Analytics In Organizations

Original source

Big data in the organizations Big data in
the organizations

Student paper
Sandeep Kumar Davuluri
Original source

Sandeep Kumar Poddutturi

Student paper

University of the Cumberlands

Original source
University of the Cumberlands

9/6/2020 Originality Report… 3/5

Student paper 82%

Student paper 62%

Student paper 67%

Student paper 73%

Student paper 68%

Student paper 69%

Student paper 65%

Student paper

Big Data Analytics in Organizations

Original source

Big data in the organizations

Student paper

Some of these problems may include
waste management, congestion in traffic,
and pollution.

Original source

Some of the issues that come up in the
cuties include traffic congestion, waste
energy and pollution

Student paper

On the other hand, the internet of things
allows push-offs via the programming
interface application as well as by
pushing the data forward through the
radical respiratory (Psomakelis et al.,

Original source

The internet of things enables pushing
off through the application programming
interfaces and also forwarding of the
data by RADICAL respiratory (Psomakelis
et al., 2016)

Student paper

The organization implemented the
Amazon Dash Button which is a small
device with Wi-Fi that allows the user or
an Amazon client to order house
essentials such as toilet paper, washing
powder, razor among other related
products. The radical innovation in this
perspective is allowing the clients to be in
a position to order essential goods and
the products being delivered on time.

Original source

The company implemented Amazon
Dash Button concerning a small Wi-Fi
connected device that allows the user to
order essentials of the house, such as
washing powder, razor, and toilet paper,
among others The radical innovation in
this perspective enables customers to
order such goods, and the products are
delivered to them in time

Student paper

As per the radical approach the service
application layer is often utilized to
create the smart city services. Ideally,
some of the scopes within the smart
cities tend to comprise citizen journalism
as well as urbanism participatory
(Townsend, 2016).

Original source

The use of the service application layer,
as stated previously from the RADICAL
approach, most smart city services are
created Ideally, some scopes in the
intelligent cities encompass citizen
journalism and participatory urbanism
(Townsend, 2016)

Student paper

On the other hand, the urban noise
Decibel measurement application is
another crucial application within the
radical platform approach that involves
the utilization of big data.
Implementation of noise sensors within
the cities tends to efficiently reduce the
noise by providing noise reports and
reporting them to the relevant
authorities within the city.

Original source

Additionally, the urban noise Decibel
measurement application is another
important application of the RADICAL
approach involving the use of big data
The deployment of noise sensors within
the cities efficiently minimizes noise by
giving reports to relevant authorities
concerning the noise around the city

Student paper

The main merit of such an approach
within the city is that it promotes
effective decision making within the
organizational context.

Original source

The importance of such an approach is
that effective decision-making is
enhanced in an organizational context

9/6/2020 Originality Report… 4/5

Student paper 68%
Student paper 62%
Student paper 65%
Student paper 100%
Student paper 100%
Student paper 100%
Student paper 100%
Student paper

Through the application of big data
analytics, the gathering of data within the
entire city is quite possible and easier
(Hashem et al., 2016). After the collected
data has been selected and evaluation of
that data then follows to provide
feedback on the specific areas that
require to be improved or upgraded as
well as to offer strategies on the best way
to improve the conditions in the
identified areas to achieve a smart city.

Original source

By applying big data analytics, the
collection of data is possible all over the
city (Hashem et al., 2016) After the
selection of data, the evaluation of data
follows to provide feedback on the areas
to be upgraded and to give strategies on
how to improve on the conditions of
such areas, to have a smart city

Student paper

Majorly, big data plays an essential role
in city transformation for the creation of
smart cities.

Original source

In conclusion, big data plays an
important role in the transformation of
the city so that it can be a smart city

Student paper

Using big data to understand customers.

Original source

Big data helps the organization to
understand customers’

Student paper

T., Chang, V., Anuar, N.

Original source

T., Chang, V., Anuar, N


Student paper

B., Adewole, K., Yaqoob, I., Gani, A.,
…&Chiroma, H.

Original source

B., Adewole, K., Yaqoob, I., Gani, A.,
…&Chiroma, H

Student paper

The role of big data in smart cities.
International Journal of Information
Management, 36(5), 748-758. Psomakelis,
E., Aisopos, F., Litke, A., Tserpes, K.,
Kardara, M., & Campo, P.

Original source

The role of big data in smart cities
International Journal of Information
Management, 36(5), 748-758 Psomakelis,
E., Aisopos, F., Litke, A., Tserpes, K.,
Kardara, M., & Campo, P

Student paper

Big IoT and social networking data for
smart cities: Algorithmic improvements
on Big Data Analysis in the context of
RADICAL city applications. arXiv preprint
arXiv:1607.00509. Strohbach, M., Ziekow,
H., Gazis, V., &Akiva, N.

Original source

Big IoT and social networking data for
smart cities Algorithmic improvements
on Big Data Analysis in the context of
RADICAL city applications arXiv preprint
arXiv:1607.00509 Strohbach, M., Ziekow,
H., Gazis, V., & Akiva, N

9/6/2020 Originality Report… 5/5

Student paper 97%

Student paper 100%
Student paper

(2015).Towards a big data analytics
framework for IoT and smart city
applications. In Modeling and processing
for next- generation big-data
technologies (pp.

Original source

Towards a big data analytics framework
for IoT and smart city applications In
Modeling and processing for next-
generation big-data technologies (pp

Student paper

Big data, civic hackers, and the quest for
a new utopia. WW Norton & Company.

Original source

Big data, civic hackers, and the quest for
a new utopia WW Norton & Company

9/6/2020 Originality Report


a31b16bb2c48/originalityReport/ultra?attemptId=eedb9711-9292-48e1-8223-a9d2590811… 1/




SafeAssign Originality Report
Fall 2020 – Data Science & Big Data Analy (ITS-836-M23) – Full Term • Week 2 Research Paper

%54Total Score: High risk

Sandeep Kumar Davuluri

Submission UUID: 51d54288-3891-dec7-51a6-cc565a7d12b


Total Number of Reports


Highest Match

54 %
BigDataAnalyticsInOrganizations x

Average Match

54 %
Submitted on

11:55 AM CDT

Average Word Count

Highest: BigDataAnalyticsInOrganizations…

%54Attachment 1

Institutional database (6)

Student paper Student paper

Student paper

Student paper Student paper Student paper

Top sources (3)

Excluded sources (0)

View Originality Report – Old Design

Word Count: 1,315
BigDataAnalyticsInOrganizations x

5 4 2

6 1


5 Student paper 4 Student paper 2 Student paper



Big Data Analytics In Organizations

Sandeep Kumar Davuluri

University of the Cumberlands

Big Data Analytics in Organizations

In this technological era, big data has significantly contributed to radical alterations within the traditional data analysis platform. When conducting any particular form
of analysis either be it voluminous or complex data, they are improving the hardware platforms which seems to be a clear choice for both the software and the
hardware decision in regards to satisfying the user needs. Researchers are more focused on creating a significant data analysis approach and these have greatly
influenced the establishment of numerous algorithms as well as platforms. In regards to the radical platforms, big data plays a crucial role in aid city transformation
from a traditional city to a smart city. Additionally, organizations such as Amazon are applying big data analytics to improve their business operations. The
establishment of modern cities has greatly been influenced by the information technology concept since technology is the ultimate controller of the city. Thus, cities
need to adopt various information technology techniques to promote innovation and creativity. However, following the different issues impacting the cities force the
stakeholders to introduce better application mechanisms in the cities. Some of these problems may include waste management, congestion in traffic, and

pollution. The utilization of big data may be used to elevate these issues through the implementation of participatory sensors within the cities, hence demonstrating
the various benefits that at linked to ICT infrastructure to the different businesses as well as organizations operating within the cities. Moreover, the implemented
sensors may also promote social networking within the cities, which is the specific knowledge that big data have implemented in smart cities. The RADICAL platform
approaches tend to play a crucial role as they allow information technology to innovate new ventures that are related to operations as well as developers such as the
inclusion internet and other related ICT infrastructure. Furthermore, the radical platforms also make sure that the integration of tools and components in various
projects are supportive of the innovative services being implemented in smart cities. Thus, a company may engage in the data collection activities, data organization,
data analysis, data processing as well as visualization of big data sets content attained from the social network. On the other hand, the internet of things allows

push-offs via the programming interface application as well as by pushing the data forward through the radical respiratory (Psomakelis et al., 2016). Numerous
organizations across the globe are embracing the utilization of the radical platform approach to be in a position to effectively manage their businesses. Amazon
Company is an American based organization that has embraced the radical platform service in its business operations (“Amazon: Using big data to understand
customers,” 2020). The organization implemented the Amazon Dash Button which is a small device with Wi-Fi that allows the user or an Amazon client to order

house essentials such as toilet paper, washing powder, razor among other related products. The radical innovation in this perspective is allowing the clients to be in a
position to order essential goods and the products being delivered on time. However, this technological approach and the business model are major dependents on
the new repetitive orders. This is an innovative idea that focuses on satisfying the clients’ needs and in turn providing Amazon with a competitive advantage in its
business industry As per the radical approach the service application layer is often utilized to create the smart city services Ideally some of the scopes within


9/6/2020 Originality Report… 2/5

Source Matches (20)

Student paper 75%

Student paper 76%

Student paper 63%

Student paper 100%

business industry. As per the radical approach the service application layer is often utilized to create the smart city services. Ideally, some of the scopes within

the smart cities tend to comprise citizen journalism as well as urbanism participatory (Townsend, 2016). The integration of these kinds of services also tends to allow
the citizens to be in a position to effectively report particular events within the city. The citizens may utilize their common knowledge as well as devices such as smart
phones to report an event. For instance, if cycling safety within the city is threatened as cyclists may report crucial information regarding the cycling issue through his
or her smart phone. On the other hand, the urban noise Decibel measurement application is another crucial application within the radical platform approach

that involves the utilization of big data. Implementation of noise sensors within the cities tends to efficiently reduce the noise by providing noise reports and reporting
them to the relevant authorities within the city. However, for this application to work more efficiently there is the need of implementing and utilizing the use of public
services to allow the users to provide feedback regarding the reported issues (Strohbach, Ziekow, Gazis&Akiva, 2015).


Thus the service needs to allow data collection specifically the venue as well as displaying the appearance of the traffic within the city. The main merit of such an

approach within the city is that it promotes effective decision making within the organizational context. Additionally, the attainment of such innovative ideas needs to
include a traffic map of all the city venues. Fundamentally, this concept tends to be dependent on big data to foster an understanding of city appearance. Additionally,
through attaining a detailed understanding of the city appearance a researcher is also able to point out different areas within the city that require to be improved,
and thus, through the utilization of big data, it is quite easy to establish several approaches to improve the city operations. On the other end, the establishment of
services also contributes towards resolving specific issues within the city. Another essential concern regarding the plans of implementing big data to resolve the
various issues within the cities is that they need to be provided with sufficient allocation of resources and also reasonable budget needs to be developed to support
the efficient running of the application. Providing sufficient resources as well as budget allocation towards big data applications may not harm the financial ability of
the organization or the city because it provides solutions to the experienced problems within the city and it allows more innovative ideas to be implemented to create
an efficient city. Fundamentally, it tends to take a long period to necessitate the various needed changes within the city. Often various factors such as expenditure in
regards to finance tend to come in during renovations or remodeling of the city for transformations. Through the application of big data analytics, the gathering

of data within the entire city is quite possible and easier (Hashem et al., 2016). After the collected data has been selected and evaluation of that data then follows to
provide feedback on the specific areas that require to be improved or upgraded as well as to offer strategies on the best way to improve the conditions in the
identified areas to achieve a smart city. Thus, appropriate investments as well as strategic investments are essential when it comes to city transformations.

Majorly, big data plays an essential role in city transformation for the creation of smart cities.


Amazon: Using big data to understand customers. (2020). Bernard Marr.

Hashem, I. A. T., Chang, V., Anuar, N. B., Adewole, K., Yaqoob, I., Gani, A., …&Chiroma, H. (2016). The role of big data in smart cities. International

Journal of Information Management, 36(5), 748-758. Psomakelis, E., Aisopos, F., Litke, A., Tserpes, K., Kardara, M., & Campo, P. M. (2016). Big IoT and social

networking data for smart cities: Algorithmic improvements on Big Data Analysis in the context of RADICAL city applications. arXiv preprint arXiv:1607.00509.
Strohbach, M., Ziekow, H., Gazis, V., &Akiva, N. (2015).Towards a big data analytics framework for IoT and smart city applications. In Modeling and processing for next-
generation big-data technologies (pp. 257-282). Springer, Cham. Townsend, A. M. (2016). Smart cities: Big data, civic hackers, and the quest for a new utopia. WW

Norton & Company.


4 6 4

Student paper


Original source

Big Data Analytics, 1(1)

Student paper

2 Big Data Analytics In Organizations

Original source

Big data in the organizations Big data in
the organizations

Student paper
Sandeep Kumar Davuluri
Original source

Sandeep Kumar Poddutturi

Student paper

University of the Cumberlands

Original source
University of the Cumberlands

9/6/2020 Originality Report… 3/5

Student paper 82%

Student paper 62%

Student paper 67%

Student paper 73%

Student paper 68%

Student paper 69%

Student paper 65%

Student paper

Big Data Analytics in Organizations

Original source

Big data in the organizations

Student paper

Some of these problems may include
waste management, congestion in traffic,
and pollution.

Original source

Some of the issues that come up in the
cuties include traffic congestion, waste
energy and pollution

Student paper

On the other hand, the internet of things
allows push-offs via the programming
interface application as well as by
pushing the data forward through the
radical respiratory (Psomakelis et al.,

Original source

The internet of things enables pushing
off through the application programming
interfaces and also forwarding of the
data by RADICAL respiratory (Psomakelis
et al., 2016)

Student paper

The organization implemented the
Amazon Dash Button which is a small
device with Wi-Fi that allows the user or
an Amazon client to order house
essentials such as toilet paper, washing
powder, razor among other related
products. The radical innovation in this
perspective is allowing the clients to be in
a position to order essential goods and
the products being delivered on time.

Original source

The company implemented Amazon
Dash Button concerning a small Wi-Fi
connected device that allows the user to
order essentials of the house, such as
washing powder, razor, and toilet paper,
among others The radical innovation in
this perspective enables customers to
order such goods, and the products are
delivered to them in time

Student paper

As per the radical approach the service
application layer is often utilized to
create the smart city services. Ideally,
some of the scopes within the smart
cities tend to comprise citizen journalism
as well as urbanism participatory
(Townsend, 2016).

Original source

The use of the service application layer,
as stated previously from the RADICAL
approach, most smart city services are
created Ideally, some scopes in the
intelligent cities encompass citizen
journalism and participatory urbanism
(Townsend, 2016)

Student paper

On the other hand, the urban noise
Decibel measurement application is
another crucial application within the
radical platform approach that involves
the utilization of big data.
Implementation of noise sensors within
the cities tends to efficiently reduce the
noise by providing noise reports and
reporting them to the relevant
authorities within the city.

Original source

Additionally, the urban noise Decibel
measurement application is another
important application of the RADICAL
approach involving the use of big data
The deployment of noise sensors within
the cities efficiently minimizes noise by
giving reports to relevant authorities
concerning the noise around the city

Student paper

The main merit of such an approach
within the city is that it promotes
effective decision making within the
organizational context.

Original source

The importance of such an approach is
that effective decision-making is
enhanced in an organizational context

9/6/2020 Originality Report… 4/5

Student paper 68%
Student paper 62%
Student paper 65%
Student paper 100%
Student paper 100%
Student paper 100%
Student paper 100%
Student paper

Through the application of big data
analytics, the gathering of data within the
entire city is quite possible and easier
(Hashem et al., 2016). After the collected
data has been selected and evaluation of
that data then follows to provide
feedback on the specific areas that
require to be improved or upgraded as
well as to offer strategies on the best way
to improve the conditions in the
identified areas to achieve a smart city.

Original source

By applying big data analytics, the
collection of data is possible all over the
city (Hashem et al., 2016) After the
selection of data, the evaluation of data
follows to provide feedback on the areas
to be upgraded and to give strategies on
how to improve on the conditions of
such areas, to have a smart city

Student paper

Majorly, big data plays an essential role
in city transformation for the creation of
smart cities.

Original source

In conclusion, big data plays an
important role in the transformation of
the city so that it can be a smart city

Student paper

Using big data to understand customers.

Original source

Big data helps the organization to
understand customers’

Student paper

T., Chang, V., Anuar, N.

Original source

T., Chang, V., Anuar, N


Student paper

B., Adewole, K., Yaqoob, I., Gani, A.,
…&Chiroma, H.

Original source

B., Adewole, K., Yaqoob, I., Gani, A.,
…&Chiroma, H

Student paper

The role of big data in smart cities.
International Journal of Information
Management, 36(5), 748-758. Psomakelis,
E., Aisopos, F., Litke, A., Tserpes, K.,
Kardara, M., & Campo, P.

Original source

The role of big data in smart cities
International Journal of Information
Management, 36(5), 748-758 Psomakelis,
E., Aisopos, F., Litke, A., Tserpes, K.,
Kardara, M., & Campo, P

Student paper

Big IoT and social networking data for
smart cities: Algorithmic improvements
on Big Data Analysis in the context of
RADICAL city applications. arXiv preprint
arXiv:1607.00509. Strohbach, M., Ziekow,
H., Gazis, V., &Akiva, N.

Original source

Big IoT and social networking data for
smart cities Algorithmic improvements
on Big Data Analysis in the context of
RADICAL city applications arXiv preprint
arXiv:1607.00509 Strohbach, M., Ziekow,
H., Gazis, V., & Akiva, N

9/6/2020 Originality Report… 5/5

Student paper 97%

Student paper 100%
Student paper

(2015).Towards a big data analytics
framework for IoT and smart city
applications. In Modeling and processing
for next- generation big-data
technologies (pp.

Original source

Towards a big data analytics framework
for IoT and smart city applications In
Modeling and processing for next-
generation big-data technologies (pp

Student paper

Big data, civic hackers, and the quest for
a new utopia. WW Norton & Company.

Original source

Big data, civic hackers, and the quest for
a new utopia WW Norton & Company

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