biblical Christianity

and lectures notes reflecting on the positions of Martin Luther, John Calvin, and Richard Hooker. Construct your answer into the following 3 parts:

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Part 1: In 1 paragraph of at least 100 words, explain why you believe 1 particular theologian’s views on government best reflects biblical Christianity. The important point is not which individual you choose but how well you explain and defend your choice. Be specific.

Parts 2 and 3: In 2 paragraphs of at least 100 words each, explain why you did not choose the other 2 theologians. In each of these parts, explain why you did not believe the theologian was the most scriptural in his views of government. You may also reference points where you do agree with these theologians.

Therefore, the thread must be laid out as follows: Part 1 must be the theologian you chose, and parts 2 and 3 must be theologians you did not choose. Your thread must be at least 300 words and incorporate 3 citations in current Turabian format. Acceptable sources include the textbooks and the Bible.

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