BHD461 Module 4 SLP

Module 4 – SLP


Now that you have all of the necessary information/components, assemble and complete your mini-grant application.

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Up to this point in this course you have:

  1. Described a health-related problem for an educational program and identified a mini-grant for development.
  2. Developed a concept paper for your health educational program.
  3. Developed a budget.
  4. Discussed community partnerships, coalitions, and personnel.

Remember, this is a practice exercise, so you will not actually be submitting your proposal /application to the funding source; you will merely upload the document by the end of this module for review by me. Nevertheless, here are some things to keep in mind were you to actually await a decision on your proposal:

  • The grant-seeking process is exceedingly competitive, particularly in the present era of fiscal constraint. This means that a large number of individuals/organizations are competing for the same limited funds. Should your application be rejected, consider resubmission after speaking with the staff person who oversees the grant program to see where your proposal can be strengthened.
  • Although this was not a requirement for your SLP, in the “real world” one should always seek feedback from those familiar with grant writing, the funding agency, the problem being addressed, etc., prior to submitting your proposal to the funder; by this I mean providing an individual you trust a copy of your proposal draft, and soliciting their constructive feedback.
  • Assessing the fit between your project and the funder early in the game will spare you unnecessary frustration. Keep in mind that “poor fit” with one funder does not preclude a “great fit” with another.
  • Should your proposal be funded the first time around, CELEBRATE, as you are about to embark upon an adventure, one that will likely be a platform for future projects of broader scale, from which you will learn tremendously.

NOTE: Your grade on this assignment will be based upon the extent to which your application conforms to the requirements of the mini-grant program you selected in Module 1. With this in mind, please “put your best foot forward!” and be sure to introduce the program and a brief discussion on the grant.

Length: With all SLP assignments combined, this submission should be approximately 11- 12 pages total.

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SLP Assignment Expectations

Assessment and Grading: Your paper will be assessed based on the performance assessment rubric that is linked within the course. Review it before you begin working on the assignment.

Your submission should meet the guidelines on file format, in-text citations and references, scholarly sources, scholarly writing, and use of direct quotes noted under Module 1 Assignment Expectations.

Module 4 – Background


Required Reading

Minnesota Department of Health (2012). Minnesota healthy planning: How-to guide. Retrieved from

University of Kansas (2011). The community tool box. Part C –Promoting interest and participation in initiatives: Chapter 7, Section 5- Making personal contact with potential participants. Retrieved from

University of Kansas (2011). The community tool box. Part C –Promoting interest and participation in initiatives: Chapter 7, Section 7- Involving people most affected by the problem. Retrieved from

University of Kansas (2016). The community tool box. Community assessment: Chapter 5, Section 5 – Starting a coalition. Retrieved from

University of Kansas (2016). The community tool box. Community assessment: Chapter 5, Section 6 – Maintaining a coalition. Retrieved from

Running Head: DIABETES 1


Leadership in Health Education and Securing Funding for Health Education Programs

Elizabeth Davis

Trident University International


Module 1 SLP

Dr. Angela Willson

November 28, 2020

Part I: Identify a health problem to be addressed by the health education intervention for which you will seek funding. This problem should affect a local population in the area in which you work or reside and should be something that lends itself to prevention, e.g., obesity, stroke, diabetes, domestic violence, child abuse, teen pregnancy, fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD), drug abuse, HIV/AIDS, etc. Use the scholarly literature to support your selection of this health problem.

NOTE: Please provide your response in a 2-page essay in which you will identify the problem, define the local population affected by the problem, and state the rationale for proposing a health education intervention to address this problem. Endeavor to use scholarly literature in identifying the problem.

NOTE: Keep in mind that this essay will provide vital information for your concept paper in your next SLP assignment.

Part II

: Your project will entail identifying a mini-grant funding opportunity for a hypothetical educational program/project of your choosing and constructing a mini-grant application. Mini-grants are small grants made to support projects, programs, or events related to an area of interest/concern to a funder. Applications for mini-grants are typically shorter than those for traditional grants, making it easier for individuals/organizations new to the budget seeking process to apply for and secure funds.

Conduct an Internet search to identify a mini-grant that could be used to support an intervention to address the health problem you selected in Module 1. What is the name of this program (please provide the URL for the web site from which on which the program appears)?

2. What are the requirements of this mini-grant program? Specifically,

· Who can apply? (e.g., individuals, non-profit organizations, anyone?)

· What types of projects are funded? (e.g., educational, special events, materials development?)

· What amounts are awarded? (i.e., maximum amount over what period of time?)

· Of what components should a proposal consist? (e.g., a letter of intent, a project description, a budget?)

· What is the deadline for submitting a proposal? (i.e., specific deadline or ongoing?)

· When are applicants notified of the award decision?


Part 1

should be no less than 2 pages.

Length: Part 2 should be no less than 3 pages. Limit set by funding agency requirements relative to the specific mini-grant program.

Part 1


Diabetes mellitus is a metabolic disorder that causes high blood sugar. People get diabetes when the body is unable to produce enough insulin. The result builds upon glucose levels in the blood, making the body not function the way it should. According to Goldenberg and Punthakee (2013), diabetes is classified into type 1 and type 2 diabetes, where type 1 happens when the body cannot produce insulin and type 2 where the body cannot use the insulin that is produced. Diabetes is a health concern, as it is a significant risk factor for stroke and heart disease. Chronic conditions can also lead to blindness, kidney problems, and it is one of the leading causes of death in the United States. The prevalence rate for diabetes in 2018 in the United States is 10.5% of the population of approximately 34.2 million persons (American Diabetes Association).

Population Affected

Florida has an estimated 21 million population based on the data from the United States Census Bureau. This is a diverse state with different races as whites account for 77% of the population while blacks, Hispanics, and other races account for the remaining 23% (United States Census Bureau). Florida is literate, with over 80% of the population holding at least a high school diploma. However, access to health and health service remains one of Florida’s problems, with over 16% of the population without medical insurance. There is a high prevalence rate of diabetes in Florida for those with less than high school education (Florida Diabetes Advisory Council, 2019). According to Lord et al. (2020), 1.9 million people in Florida as of 2016 were living with diabetes. This makes Florida the second-highest state after Texas, where diabetes is a significant health concern. The expenditure for diabetes and diabetes-related costs in Florida as of 2016 was estimated at $25 billion. Central Florida has counties like Hardee, Highlands, and Osceola have a tremendous prevalence rate for diabetes in Florida. These populations will benefit from diabetes programs that will reduce the prevalence rates for diabetes.

Health Education

Type 2 diabetes is considered a lifestyle disease where a sedimentary lifestyle and obesity are the factors that would lead to the disease’s development. This is because being overweight and specifically around the waist makes the body resist insulin resistance. According to the American Diabetes Association, diabetes is the seventh leading cause of death in America as of 2017. The numbers may be higher as diabetes is underreported as a cause of death. Diabetes is incurable, and the person can only control it through better lifestyle choices to help them manage the disease. Diabetes self-management involves certain activities and behaviors that the patient can use in managing the condition. Knowledge about diabetes self-management will help those with diabetes and those without the disease. According to Hailu et al. (2019), diabetes and diabetes self-management effectively manages the condition.


The prevalence rate of diabetes in Florida is high, with an estimated 1.9 million persons as of 2016 living with diabetes (Lord et al., 2020). The disease is considered the seventh leading cause of death in the United States. This shows how health education initiative will be beneficial for this health problem. Knowledge and skills in diabetes self-management will help manage the condition (Hailu et al., 2019).

Part II

Mini-grants are used in funding programs that do not fall within the annual funding cycle. They are aimed at encouraging volunteers and creative thinking to strengthen the various aspects of the community. The health problem identified in Florida is diabetes, a chronic disease with a high prevalence rate. Diabetes is incurable but can be managed through lifestyle and behavioral changes. Hailu et al. (2019) highlighted the benefits of diabetes self-management education in their study. Diabetes self-management education is a cost-effective way of reducing the high costs of managing the condition and hospital readmissions. The program will, therefore, entail providing the necessary knowledge and skills about diabetes self-management.


Name of the Program

The name of the program is Diabetes self-management education. This involves advancing the knowledge, skills, and ability that is required in managing diabetes. The recipients of the experience and abilities will gain and consolidate the knowledge and skills into driving the condition. Diabetes self-management education improves the quality of care and clinical outcomes (Brunisholz et al., 2014). The program appears

DSME Mini-Grant Funding Opportunity

Requirements of the Mini-grant

WellFlorida Council provides the mini-grant through the Florida Department of Health. The requirements of the mini-grant include;

· We are having a strong community network of partners.

· Organizations providing services in specific counties like Hamilton and Hernando are given priority.

· Provision of services where the health needs of the communities are unmet.

· Programs that incorporate accessibility for persons with disabilities.

· Completing a budget checklist includes promotional items like brochures, incentive items, and accreditation fees.

· A completed application form that includes the applicant’s information, the funding requested, and budget checklist.

Who can apply?

The application is for organizations seeking grants in the various categories where the funding ranges from $2000 to $15000. These categories range from those organizations developing Diabetes Self-Management Education programs to those with already established programs. The grant is also used to get accreditation for the Diabetes Self-Management Education programs. The budget is for organizations that want to achieve the below goals;

· We are building infrastructure towards quality Diabetes Self-Management Education programs.

· Receiving Accreditation.

Types of programs funded

The categories of the funding include;

· The development of Diabetes Self-Management Education programs has a maximum funding of $5000.

· The professional development for Diabetes Self-Management Education employees where the maximum funding is $10000.

· The development of infrastructure that will help provide Diabetes Self-Management Education has maximum funding of $10000.

· Funding for sustaining Diabetes Self-Management Education programs.

· Getting accreditation for Diabetes Self-Management Education programs.

Amounts awarded

The amounts awarded vary for the above categories for funding. They range from a minimum of $2000 to a maximum of $15000. The organization can apply for multiple types and is eligible for funding for all the categories they have used. The budget is for less than a year from the period the funding is granted.

Components of Proposition

· The cover sheet will contain the organization’s details like the address, contact name, and funding details, category, and amount requested.

· Diabetes Self-Management Education mini-grant application. This requires a description of the current or proposes a Diabetes Self-Management Education program. The mini-grant also has a questionnaire that requires the funding goals, internal and external partners, and three community references.

· A budget checklist that shows the various funding categories and the funding requested. The budget checklist also shows a list of expenditures like wages, promotional items like brochures, and the bid amount.

Deadline for submission

There are specific deadlines for submitting proposals for the Diabetes Self-Management Education program.

The applicants are notified whether the funding proposal has been rejected or accepted or rejected. All the information is posted on the website of the WellFlorida Council.


American Diabetes Association. (n.d). Statistics about Diabetes: Overall Numbers. Retrieved from,of%20the%20population%2C%20had%20diabetes.&text=Undiagnosed%3A%20Of%20the%2034.2%20million,and%207.3%20million%20were%20undiagnosed


Brunisholz, K. D., Briot, P., Hamilton, S., Joy, E. A., Lomax, M., Barton, N., Cunningham, R., Savitz, L. A., & Cannon, W. (2014). Diabetes self-management education improves the quality of care and clinical outcomes determined by a diabetes bundle measure. Journal of multidisciplinary healthcare, 7, 533–542.

Florida Diabetes Advisory Council. (, 2019). Florida Diabetes Report. Retrieved from

Goldenberg, Ronald, and Punthakee Zubin. (, 2013). Definition, Classification, and Diagnosis of Diabetes, Prediabetes, and Metabolic Syndrome. Canadian Journal of Diabetes 37 (2013) S8-S11

Hailu, F. B., Moen, A., & Hjortdahl, P. (2019). Diabetes Self-Management Education (DSME) – Effect on Knowledge, Self-Care Behavior, and Self-Efficacy Among Type 2 Diabetes Patients in Ethiopia: A Controlled Clinical Trial. Diabetes, metabolic syndrome, and obesity: targets and therapy, 12, 2489–2499.

Lord, J., Roberson, S. & Odoi, A. Investigation of geographic disparities of pre-diabetes and diabetes in Florida. BMC Public Health 20, 1226 (2020).

United States Census Bureau. (n.d). Florida. Retrieved from

WellFlorida Council. (n.d.). Mini-grant funding available for diabetes education. Retrieved from

Running head: CONCEPT PAPER 1


Concept Paper for Grant Proposal

Elizabeth Davis

Trident University International


Module 2 SLP

Dr. Angela Willson

December 5, 2020

Now that you have identified your health problem and your potential mini-grant funding source, beginning the process of developing your project concept. One of the best ways for doing so is to develop a concept paper. 


How to Write a Concept Paper

 for information on writing a one-page concept paper. After doing so, write your own one-page concept paper for the (hypothetical) project for which you will apply for a mini-grant.

NOTE: Keep in mind that the project you propose in your concept paper should have a basis in health behavior theory, so you will need to provide reference citations for scholarly material consulted in developing the document.

Length: Please submit your one-page concept paper at the conclusion of this module 


A good understanding of health behaviors and the context to which they occur is crucial in establishing public health programs and initiatives that can be used in addressing health issues. The region of Florida has a high prevalence rate of Diabetes with 1.9 million people believed to be living with the condition as at 2016 (Lord et al., 2020). Health education is the proposed initiative that can be used in changing the health behavior of the residents of Florida and reducing the prevalence rate of diabetes. WellFlorida has been providing grants on behalf of the Florida Department of Health for providing diabetes education on the management of the condition and encouraging healthy behaviors.


According to Hailu et al., (2019) knowledge and skills on diabetes self-management will be effective in helping to manage the condition. The program should provide the relevant knowledge required in managing diabetes for the residents of Florida while also enlightening those who do not have the condition on the importance of healthy behaviors. Hood et al., (2015) encouraged behavioral change for people living with diabetes in order to ensure they are able to improve clinical outcomes.

Program Description

The program aims to provide Diabetes Self-Management Education to the population of Florida with the aim of addressing the health issue. This will be based on the principles and guidelines provided by the American Diabetes Association and American Association of Diabetes Educators. This includes incorporating behavioral and psychological strategies that have demonstrated improved outcomes and behavioral goal setting to support self-management behaviors (Funnel et al., 2010).


The aim of the program is reducing the high prevalence rate of diabetes in Florida and ensure behavioral changes among the population. This will be tracked through tracking and analyzing demographic data of the population in the regions proposed and participant history information.


The resources required include health care professionals, nutritionists and weight instructors. The other resources will include education materials like brochures in three different languages, computers, printers, whiteboards and projectors.


Funnell, M. M., Brown, T. L., Childs, B. P., Haas, L. B., Hosey, G. M., Jensen, B., Maryniuk, M., Peyrot, M., Piette, J. D., Reader, D., Siminerio, L. M., Weinger, K., & Weiss, M. A. (2010). National standards for diabetes self-management education. Diabetes care, 33 Suppl 1(Suppl 1), S89–S96.

Hailu, F. B., Moen, A., & Hjortdahl, P. (2019). Diabetes Self-Management Education (DSME) – Effect on Knowledge, Self-Care Behavior, and Self-Efficacy Among Type 2 Diabetes Patients in Ethiopia: A Controlled Clinical Trial. Diabetes, metabolic syndrome and obesity: targets and therapy, 12, 2489–2499.

Hood, K. K., Hilliard, M., Piatt, G., & Ievers-Landis, C. E. (2015). Effective strategies for encouraging behavior change in people with diabetes. Diabetes management (London, England), 5(6), 499–510.

Lord, J., Roberson, S. & Odoi, A. Investigation of geographic disparities of pre-diabetes and diabetes in Florida. BMC Public Health 20, 1226 (2020).

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