Benchmark – Small Group Assessment Plan


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Part 1: Pre-Assessment Using Non-Standardized Assessments

Begin this assignment by pre-assessing a small group of students as a continuation of your clinical field experience in Topic 4. In this field experience, you were asked to select a developmentally appropriate and engaging technology-based assessment that was implemented with your identified small group. After assessing the children, write a 250-500 word summary of the experience. Describe the academic area you assessed, the
assessment tool used, the results of the pre-assessment, and your considerations regarding differentiation (why you did or did not differentiate the assessment.) When recording the assessment results, keep the information confidential and use pseudonyms for the students.

Part 2: Design and Deliver a Lesson

In your Topic 5 field experience you were asked to design and deliver a lesson. Reflecting on your experience, you identified differentiations you would make to your lesson, assessment, and/or assessment procedures in the future. Revise and complete your lesson plan to reflect these differentiations.

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Part 3 : Analyze Post-Assessment Data and Communicate the Assessment Results

After delivering the lesson and post-assessment, begin analyzing the pre- and post-assessment data. Select one student with exceptionalities to provide additional assistance at home. Write a 250-500-word letter to send home to the family of this student that provides feedback regarding his or her performance. This letter should include information regarding the assessment data and suggest a research-based at-home activity that the parents can facilitate to support their child’s development in the domain area. In addition provide the family a rationale as to why that specific activity is appropriate for meeting their child’s needs, including how the activity supports the child’s transition for the next grade level.

Submit the pre-assessment summary, the revised lesson plan, the post-assessment data, the family letter, and the rationale as one deliverable.

While APA style format is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and in-text citations and references should be presented using APA documentation guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.

This assignment uses a rubric. Review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

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Program competencies and national standards assessed in the benchmark assignment:

COE 3.9      

Use data to develop and implement a variety of education and transition plans for individuals with exceptionalities across a wide range of settings and different learning experiences in collaboration with individuals, families, and teams. [CEC 5.5; NAEYC 2c, 6b, InTASC 7(b), 7(e), 10(d), 10(m); ISTE 5c; MC 1]

COE 4.1     

Examine assessments and other performance data to develop appropriate goals, curriculum, and teaching strategies for young children. [CEC 4.2; NAEYC 3a; InTASC 6(c), 6(g); ISTE 2d; MC 1]

COE 4.2     

Use technology and other appropriate assessment tools and approaches to observe, document, and collect data to inform practice and decision-making. [CEC 5.2; NAEYC 3b; InTASC 6(i)]

COE 4.3 

Practice responsible assessment to promote positive outcomes for each child, providing students with multiple and varied formative and summative assessments and using assistive technology for children with exceptionalities when appropriate. [CEC 4.1; NAEYC 3c; InTASC 6(a), 6(b), 6(e), 6(h); ISTE 2d]

COE 4.4     

Develop partnerships with families and professional colleagues to support assessment practices, engage learners, and build effective learning environments. [CEC 4.3; NAEYC 3d; InTASC 6(i); MC 4]

COE 4.5     

Engage individuals with exceptionalities to work toward quality learning and performance and provide data-based feedback to guide them. [CEC 4.4; InTASC 6(d), 6(f)]

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