Benchmark – Emergency Response Preparation

1. Set the Margins to One Inch

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The margins of the paper should be set to 1″ (one inch) all around.

Step-by-Step Directions

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1. Go to the Page Layout or Layout tab

2. Click Margins

3. Select the Normal option

2. Set the Spacing to Double


The line spacing for the paper should be set to double (2.0).

Step-by-Step Directions

1. Go to the Home tab

2. In the Paragraph box, click the icon that looks like two up/down arrows with text to the right

3. Pick 2.0

4. Alternate Method: You can also press the Control Key along with the number 2 to quickly double space.

3. Create a Title for Your Paper


Your title should summarize the main topic of your paper. Try not to be too wordy or off-topic. While there is no word limit for titles, “short but sweet” is the goal. The APA Style Blog has further information on titles: 

Five Steps to a Great Title

. Use title case for paper titles.

Example Titles

· Attitudes of College Students Towards Transportation Fees

· Effect of Red Light Cameras on Traffic Fatalities

· Juror Bias in Capital Punishment Cases

4. Add Page Numbers to the Header


Insert the page number in the right area of the header. Use the built-in page numbering system; do not attempt to type each page number manually.

Step-by-Step Directions

1. Go to the Insert tab

2. Under Header, select Edit Header (at the bottom)

3. Press Tab once or twice to go to the far right

4. Click Page Number

5. Click Current Position

6. Click Simple / Plain Number

5. Create the Title Page


On the first page you will include the following information:

· Title of Your Paper

· Your Name

· Santa Fe College

· Course Number: Course Name

· Instructor

· Due Date

This information will be centered, and will be a few lines down from the top.

Step-by-Step Directions

1. Go to the top of the first page

2. Press Enter 3-4 times times

3. Center your text

4. Type in the title of your paper, in bold.

5. Press Enter twice, in order to have one blank line between the title and the next element.

6. On the next line, type your full name

7. On the next line, type Santa Fe College

8. On the next line, type your course number, a colon, and your course name

9. On the next line, type your instructor’s name.

10. On the next line, type the due date of the paper.


6. Set Up the References List

The references list should be on a new page and should be the last section of your paper.

Heading of Reference List

The heading at the top of the reference list should say References at the top (not Bibliography or Works Cited, unless your instructor tells you otherwise) and bolded.

Hanging Indent

All reference lists should have a hanging indent. An example of a hanging indent is shown below:

George, M. W. (2008). The elements of library research: What every student needs to know. Princeton University Press.

To create a hanging indent in Word, you can press the Control key along with the letter T.


Line spacing in the reference list should be set to double (2.0).


When organizing your references list, you must alphabetize your references. Generally, you will organize by the author’s last name. Go letter by letter and ignore spaces, hyphens, punctuation etc.

If a work has no author, use the title to alphabetize. You will use the first significant word to alphabetize; this means you skip words like the, a, and an.

Example of Proper Order:

1. Alcott, L. M. (1868)…

2. Alcott, L. M. (1893)…

3. Anonymous. (1998). Beowulf…

4. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (n.d.).

5. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2017).

6. Etiquette in Florida. (n.d.).

7. Grammar Girl. (2009, May 21)…

8. Johnson, C. L., & Tuite, C. (Eds.). (2009)…

9. Johnson, S. K. (2003)…

10. Oxford English dictionary (2nd ed.). (1989)…

11. A prescription for health care. (2009). Consumer Reports…

12. Southeast Asia. (2003). In The new encyclopaedia Britannica…

For more information on creating and formatting references, go to the 

Reference Components


Source: Publication Manual, 2.12; 9.44-9.49

But What About…?

The Font?

APA does not specify a specific font or size, just that it must be legible. Their only guidelines is that the same font should be used throughout the paper. Some suggestions are 11-point Calibri, 11-point Arial, 10-point Lucida Sans Unicode, 12-point Times New Roman, and 11-point Georgia.

If your instructor has specified a font or font size, follow those guidelines.

Source: Publication Manual, 2.19

The Running Head?

Student papers do not need a running head.

Benchmark – Emergency Response Preparation

The purpose of this assignment is to determine the significance of a contingency plan in preparation for potential threats, such as emergency response for addressing terrorism, natural, and man-made disasters.

Write a 1,250 word proposal that focuses on the importance of incorporating an emergency response plan for addressing continuous organizational operations. Be sure to specifically address the management of patient records, reporting, and business processes during emergency response preparation.

The contingency plan needs to include:

1. Workforce training and emergency response drill.

2. Communication Planning and Command Center organization, including the management of patient records.

3. Prioritization of tasks during an emergency.

4. Assigning emergency response duties and the impact on reporting.

5. Coordination of local, regional, and federal health agencies and the impact on managing business processes.

6. Mitigation of fear and panic of staff and community.

Use the “Epidemic Planning Chart,” as well as the other study materials on pandemic response planning (from the CDC and DHS) to assist in developing your emergency response plan. The links are posted above

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the 7th edition APA Style Guide

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