Benchmark Assignment – Social Media Marketing Plan

The purpose of this assignment is to create a marketing plan and corresponding crisis communication plan for dissemination through social media.

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Whereas social media originally began as a means for friends to stay in touch, it has quickly grown into an expansive platform for connecting people all across the world, and it plays an integral role in any marketing initiative. In the industry of sports marketing, social media allows fans to engage with teams and brands and enables news to disseminate in real time. Audience members can respond to sports events with tagged photos and hashtags, while athletes can communicate directly with their fans, promote sponsors, and keep the public informed of their schedules. Viewers can live-stream games on multiple platforms. Teams can track fan engagement, spending, and attendance while posting game schedules, selling tickets, and promoting fan-specific content through their own mobile apps. Essentially, social media is a fundamental tool by which sports marketers can create competitive advantage for themselves within the sports business landscape.

This assignment will be completed in two parts. For the first part, assume that you are tasked with developing a social media marketing plan for the sports team of your choice. This team is relocating to a new home stadium on the opposite side of the city and needs promotional material for rolling out this announcement. While the move is not a rebranding of the team name, logo, or mascot, consider how you could market this move with a positive spin that will honor fan loyalty.

Remember the importance of creating a strategy that promotes a consistent message across all platforms and uses a voice that is consistent with the brand being represented. The overall message should support the larger goals of the team, organization, or brand.

You may use the “Social Media Marketing Plan Template” to brainstorm and organize your thoughts, but the assignment you turn in for grading will be submitted as a 500-750-word paper. The plan should include at least three or four sentences on each of the following elements.

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  1. Marketing Goals – Explain the message you are trying to communicate to your target audience and relate the anticipated outcome of this communication.
  2. Target Audience – Determine the fan DNA of the team and provide a profile of the consumer you are targeting. List this fan’s top five consumer traits.
  3. Message – Relate the core content of your social media marketing plan: the announcement of the team’s relocation. What specifically do you want fans to know about the relocation? How will you be communicating this: an infographic, a photo, a photo series, a video clip? Provide rationale for why you are choosing this method of announcing the relocation and remember that this message should support the larger goals of the team and its brand.
  4. Social Media Platforms – Decide which three social media platforms you will use to disseminate this information about the team’s rebranding in order to reach the greatest segments of the team’s target audience. How do the social media platforms you have chosen reflect the team’s fan DNA?
  5. Audience Influencers – Determine influential people within your organization or current fan base who can act as influencers of and supporters for your campaign. Consider players and coaches, team sponsors, recognizable leaders and fans, and celebrity endorsers. Explain why the individuals you have selected will be optimal spokespeople for this campaign.
  6. Timeline – What are your goals when it comes to the timeline of this campaign? Outline the agenda for your campaign’s release based upon the timeliness of the season, its relation to the team’s relocation, and any other special events.
  7. Competitive Advantage – Explain how the marketing strategies of this social media campaign will help the team gain an advantage over their competition.
  8. Evaluation Metrics – How will you measure the success of your social media campaign? Describe at least three methods of evaluating the campaign’s success on social media. (For example: increase in total number of followers on a particular social media site, number of interactions or hits on the social media content, sales results and revenue generated directly by the campaign, or the number of likes/shares/comments related to the campaign, etc.)

Mock up an image of the social media content you would post to announce the team’s relocation. You are welcome to use Photoshop, if you have access, or to utilize a free platform, such as Canva, to enhance the quality and design of your content. Select your wording, images, and content carefully, remembering to follow the format used by each specific social media platform (e.g. character limits, use of hashtags, etc.). Remember the importance of creating a strategy that promotes a consistent message across all platforms and uses a voice that is consistent with the brand being represented. The overall message should support the larger goals of the team.

For the second part of the assignment, in approximately 250 words, develop a crisis communication plan and describe how you would tactfully use social media to preemptively navigate a negative situation before it spins out of control and becomes detrimental to the team. In the case of this sports team relocation, fans may be upset about how the move to a new stadium will affect their priority as season ticket holders or how it will affect their commute to and from games, or the general public in the vicinity of the new stadium may be displeased with the influx of traffic/increase in noise on game days. How would you use social media to counter a potentially negative backlash while supporting the team and encouraging fan involvement in a strategic way?


Media Marketing Plan


Complete each section of the template with specific information related to your social media marketing plan. Keep in mind that you are using social media as a means for creating competitive advantage for your selected team, organization, or brand.

Social Media Marketing Plan

List Your Team, Organization, or Brand


Marketing Goals

· Clearly explain the message you are trying to communicate to your target audience.

Example: “The new season is approaching, and we have fantastic promotions for the first


00 new season ticket subscribers and season ticket renewals.”

· Explain the expected outcome of this communication.

Example: “500 new fans will become season ticket subscribers and 500 previous season ticket holders will renew their tickets.”


Key Points:



Expected Outcomes:


Target Audience

· Your goal is to form a relationship with the target audience and help them see the benefits and value of interacting with your team, organization, or brand.

· Determine the fan DNA of the team, organization, or brand and provide a clear profile of the consumer you are targeting. List the top five consumer traits to help you focus your marketing strategy.

Consumer Traits





· Message

· What do you want the audience to know about your team, organization, or brand? This is where you differentiate yourself from your competitors by:

· Presenting what is unique about your team, brand, or organization.

· Sharing how you provide value to the customer.

· Getting the consumer excited about what is original and exciting about your concept.

· Remember the importance of creating a strategy that promotes a consistent message across all platforms and uses a voice that is consistent with the brand being represented.

· The overall message should support the larger goals of the team, organization, or brand.

Message Components



Social Media Platforms

Decide which three social media platforms will provide you with the greatest access to the target audience while allowing for the most efficient, influential communication. Some social media platforms to consider are listed below.

· Facebook

· Twitter

· Instagram

· Pinterest

· YouTube

· Tumblr

· Vine

· Snapchat

Social Media Platforms


Positive Scenarios

Managing social media interactions is important. While you cannot respond to every post, provide some general ideas of the types of responses you would include for positive responses to each of the three platforms in your social media campaign.

Platform 1 Sample Positive Response


Platform 2 Sample Positive Response


Platform 3 Sample Positive Response


Negative Scenarios

Managing negative social media interactions is critically important. While you cannot respond to every post, provide some general ideas of the types of responses you would include for negative responses to each of the three platforms in your social media campaign.

Platform 1 Sample Negative Response


Platform 2 Sample Negative Response


Platform 3 Sample Negative Response


Audience Influencers

Determine influential people within your organization and current fan base who can act as influencers for your social media campaign. Some to consider include:

· Players and coaches

· Team sponsors

· Recognizable leaders and fans

· Celebrity endorsers

Audience Influencers




Consider your goals when determining how you will structure the timeline for your campaign. Outline the agenda for your campaign based upon factors such as whether or not it is:

· Seasonal

· Related to a special event

· Connected to a specific sales deadline

Campaign Duration:

Frequency of Posts to Each Social Media Platform:

Competitive Advantage

Explain how your social media campaign will help you gain competitive advantage for your team, organization, or brand. Provide at least two specific examples.

Competitive Advantage Examples



Evaluation Metrics

Think about how you will measure the success of your social media campaign. It could be based upon many different factors, depending on the goal of the campaign. You should select at least three methods for evaluating campaign success. Some metrics for measuring success include:

· Increase in total number of fans or followers on social media site.
· Number of interactions/hits on the social media marketing content.
· Sales results and revenue generated as direct by the campaign.
· Number of likes, shares, or comments related to social media campaign.

Evaluation Methods



Examples of Specific Content:

In the space below, provide an example of the specific content you would implement in each of the three social media platforms you have selected. Be sure to indicate the social media platform (Twitter, YouTube, etc.) you are using for each content example. Select your wording, images, and content carefully and remember to follow the format used by each specific social media platform (e.g., character limits, use of hashtags). Remember the importance of creating a strategy that promotes a consistent message across all platforms and uses a voice that is consistent with the brand being represented. The overall message should support the larger goals of the team, organization, or brand.

Platform 1:

Platform 2:

Platform 3:

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Media Marketing Plan


Complete each section of the template with specific information related to your social media marketing plan. Keep in mind that you are using social media as a means for creating competitive advantage for your selected team, organization, or brand.

Social Media Marketing Plan

List Your Team, Organization, or Brand


Marketing Goals

· Clearly explain the message you are trying to communicate to your target audience.

Example: “The new season is approaching, and we have fantastic promotions for the first


00 new season ticket subscribers and season ticket renewals.”

· Explain the expected outcome of this communication.

Example: “500 new fans will become season ticket subscribers and 500 previous season ticket holders will renew their tickets.”


Key Points:



Expected Outcomes:


Target Audience

· Your goal is to form a relationship with the target audience and help them see the benefits and value of interacting with your team, organization, or brand.

· Determine the fan DNA of the team, organization, or brand and provide a clear profile of the consumer you are targeting. List the top five consumer traits to help you focus your marketing strategy.

Consumer Traits





· Message

· What do you want the audience to know about your team, organization, or brand? This is where you differentiate yourself from your competitors by:

· Presenting what is unique about your team, brand, or organization.

· Sharing how you provide value to the customer.

· Getting the consumer excited about what is original and exciting about your concept.

· Remember the importance of creating a strategy that promotes a consistent message across all platforms and uses a voice that is consistent with the brand being represented.

· The overall message should support the larger goals of the team, organization, or brand.

Message Components



Social Media Platforms

Decide which three social media platforms will provide you with the greatest access to the target audience while allowing for the most efficient, influential communication. Some social media platforms to consider are listed below.

· Facebook

· Twitter

· Instagram

· Pinterest

· YouTube

· Tumblr

· Vine

· Snapchat

Social Media Platforms


Positive Scenarios

Managing social media interactions is important. While you cannot respond to every post, provide some general ideas of the types of responses you would include for positive responses to each of the three platforms in your social media campaign.

Platform 1 Sample Positive Response


Platform 2 Sample Positive Response


Platform 3 Sample Positive Response


Negative Scenarios

Managing negative social media interactions is critically important. While you cannot respond to every post, provide some general ideas of the types of responses you would include for negative responses to each of the three platforms in your social media campaign.

Platform 1 Sample Negative Response


Platform 2 Sample Negative Response


Platform 3 Sample Negative Response


Audience Influencers

Determine influential people within your organization and current fan base who can act as influencers for your social media campaign. Some to consider include:

· Players and coaches

· Team sponsors

· Recognizable leaders and fans

· Celebrity endorsers

Audience Influencers




Consider your goals when determining how you will structure the timeline for your campaign. Outline the agenda for your campaign based upon factors such as whether or not it is:

· Seasonal

· Related to a special event

· Connected to a specific sales deadline

Campaign Duration:

Frequency of Posts to Each Social Media Platform:

Competitive Advantage

Explain how your social media campaign will help you gain competitive advantage for your team, organization, or brand. Provide at least two specific examples.

Competitive Advantage Examples



Evaluation Metrics

Think about how you will measure the success of your social media campaign. It could be based upon many different factors, depending on the goal of the campaign. You should select at least three methods for evaluating campaign success. Some metrics for measuring success include:

· Increase in total number of fans or followers on social media site.
· Number of interactions/hits on the social media marketing content.
· Sales results and revenue generated as direct by the campaign.
· Number of likes, shares, or comments related to social media campaign.

Evaluation Methods



Examples of Specific Content:

In the space below, provide an example of the specific content you would implement in each of the three social media platforms you have selected. Be sure to indicate the social media platform (Twitter, YouTube, etc.) you are using for each content example. Select your wording, images, and content carefully and remember to follow the format used by each specific social media platform (e.g., character limits, use of hashtags). Remember the importance of creating a strategy that promotes a consistent message across all platforms and uses a voice that is consistent with the brand being represented. The overall message should support the larger goals of the team, organization, or brand.

Platform 1:

Platform 2:

Platform 3:

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