Bay Area Environmental Issues Research Project:

climate change in the Bay Area and the drought effect on the ocean water, attracting great white shark to hunt seals as close as Alcatraz in the bay

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·  Written project (minimum of 1750 words, or double that for team projects; include a References list & captioned maps/illustrations) due December 13, 


·  Presentations (narrated PowerPoint presentation, YouTube videos or live) to be posted online for viewing or scheduled for December 2, 9 or 16 


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1.  You may work individually or collaborate in teams of two. 

2.  Select a Bay Area environmental issue NOT discussed in detail in lectures, films or readings. General topic areas might include agricultural preservation, air pollution, climate change/sea level rise, endangered species/wildlife, energy, environmental justice, housing developments, invasive species, land use planning, marine sanctuaries, parks/open space, sustainability, transportation, waste disposal, water pollution/resources. 

3.  Find a more specific case study: how the topic you have selected is being addressed in a particular place and/or by a specific organization; a particular species or pollutant; a specific tract of land, community or watershed. 

4.  Locate at least 5 references that will help you learn about this topic. Online references are fine. Provide a complete References list in your proposal (not just url’s but author, title, date accessed as well.) Your written project will need 5-10 References; be sure to cite all sources of facts, information and opinions. 

5.  How are environmental groups’ actions and/or public policies shaping this topic in the Bay Area? Be sure to address any controversies or different stakeholder perspectives. 

6.  Prepare a brief presentation (a narrated PowerPoint, video or podcast) to help your classmates understand what is at stake, why it is important and what you have concluded from your research. Individuals will have 5 minutes for presentations; teams will have double time. 

. GEOG/USP 651 – Fall 2020
Bay Area Environmental Issues Research Project: 20% of course grad

climate change in the Bay Area and the drought effect on the ocean water, attracting great white shark to hunt seals as close as Alcatraz in the bay

Proposal (title, 1 paragraph description, a sentence about why this topic is interesting to you and what has prepared you to handle it, an annotated reference list) due Saturday, October 31.


Written project (minimum of 1750 words, or double that for team projects; include a References list & captioned maps/illustrations) due on December 12


· Presentations (narrated PowerPoint presentation, YouTube videos or live) to be posted online for viewing or scheduled for December 2, 9 or 16


1. You may work individually or collaborate in teams of two.

2. Select a Bay Area environmental issue NOT discussed in detail in lectures, films or readings. General topic areas might include agricultural preservation, air pollution, climate change/sea level rise, endangered species/wildlife, energy, environmental justice, housing developments, invasive species, land use planning, marine sanctuaries, parks/open space, sustainability, transportation, waste disposal, water pollution/resources.

3. Find a more specific case study: how the topic you have selected is being addressed in a particular place and/or by a specific organization; a particular species or pollutant; a specific tract of land, community or watershed.

4. Locate at least 5 references that will help you learn about this topic. Online references are fine. Provide a complete References list in your proposal (not just url’s but author, title, date accessed as well.) Your written project will need 5-10 References; be sure to cite all sources of facts, information and opinions.

5. How are environmental groups’ actions and/or public policies shaping this topic in the Bay Area? Be sure to address any controversies or different stakeholder perspectives.

6. Prepare a brief presentation (a narrated PowerPoint, video or podcast) to help your classmates understand what is at stake, why it is important and what you have concluded from your research. Individuals will have 5 minutes for presentations; teams will have double time.

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