Basic English Writing Assignment: Paragraphs


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#1 Practice Paragraph

Read Melissa Unbankes’s “The King and I” on pages 132- 137 of The Norton Sampler.  In this short narrative, the author, Melissa Unbankes, describes her grandmother and tells how their relationship changed over time.  After reading the story, write a paragraph about a friend or family member, considering the following:

  • What does the person do?  Does the person have a job or career, or is his/her focus on taking care of family?
  • What is something the person is passionate about?
  • What is a place you associate with that person?
  • What is one annoying or unusual trait about that person?
  • What does that person mean to you?

Now, write the paragraph.  Be sure you start with a topic sentence, which is a general statement that introduces the person to the audience.

#2 Practice paragraph 

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Choose one of the three photos below and write a paragraph that describes a significant moment in time or event that the photo may represent to the fictional person.

Follow this pattern to compose your paragraph:

1st sentence (topic sentence): A general statement about an important human trait.

  • Examples of topic sentences:
  • One of the remarkable characteristics of a baby is resilience.
  • Whenever sorrow comes, it comes at the wrong time.
  • Winning isn’t everything, but it is still nice.

2nd sentence: a statement about the person in the photo

3rd sentence: a statement about the moment captured

4th sentence: a statement about what the person did

5th sentence: a resolving statement

6th sentence: revisit the opening (topic sentence) and repeat in different words (add more perspective)

Paragraph #3

Review your work from the Week One Narrative Essay Worksheet and write an introductory paragraph that is 5 -7 sentences long.  In the first sentence, you want to grab the reader’s attention.  The last sentence should address the main idea of the story.  You do not have to tell the whole story; just provide enough information so that the audience has a feeling of where the story is going.

To submit this assignment, write all three paragraphs on one Microsoft Word file.  Title each paragraph using the numeric designation (Paragraph # 1. Paragraph # 2. , Paragraph # 3.)  You may title them with a name as well.  Submit them by clicking on the title Week 2 Writing Assignment: Paragraphs above and attach your  Microsoft Word document file.


Week 1 Writing Assignment

Johnny Andino

Kesier University

Basic English


Generating Ideas: What Shall I Write?

It is best to focus on an event that takes place in a short period of time. Possible topics include:

· An event that was interesting, humorous, or embarrassing


Something you found especially difficult or challenging

· A memory from your childhood that remains vivid

· An important moment that changed your life

Part 1 – Exploring with Sentences

Before you begin choosing a topic, explore each possible topic by writing a sentence using the same sentence pattern as demonstrated in the example.

· An event that was interesting, humorous, or embarrassing

Example: When the beady-eyed raccoon darted out from behind my sofa, I knew it was time to find a new apartment.

YOUR SENTENCE: When I tripped, fell, and rolled downhill, it became evident that hiking was not a manageable activity, and I needed a new fitness strategy.

Something you found especially difficult or challenging

Example: Running a marathon takes stamina, endurance, and lot of patience.

YOUR SENTENCE: Calculus is crucial in pulling up my grades, but it requires a lot of focus, input, and patience.

· A memory from your childhood that remains vivid

Example: The smell of vanilla and cinnamon brings me back to my grandmother’s kitchen.

YOUR SENTENCE: Walking past my school makes me cringe every time I remember how bad I cried on my first day.

· An important moment that changed your life

Example: I owe my life to a single man who changed my life: my father.

YOUR SENTENCE: Going to church five years ago is among the best things that ever happened to my soul, which had for so long been lost.

Part 2 – Your Story Begins

Now that you have considered several possible topics, it is time to explore the topic in more depth. Fill in the blanks to complete the following sentences.

My story is about a rat.

My story takes place in our house.

My story took place about three months ago.

A few minutes after everyone had gone to sleep, we hear some rattling sounds in the opening.

The conflict in my story is the entire family against the rodent.

After a few minutes of family-and-rat chase, the rat manages to run outside and disappears into the bushes.

The main point of the story is: persistence pays.

Part 3 – Organizing: Create an Outline

Consider your story with a beginning, middle, and end. The beginning informs the audience of the topic of the story either implicitly or explicitly. It is often best to be direct, particularly as you move forward in your studies to classes specific to your field of study. Be certain the reader has enough information to understand where you are going. The middle is where you describe the conflict and build to the climax, the moment when a decision must be made or a change occurs. In the end, the conflict is resolved, and a moment of reflection follows, often underlining the main point or theme of the story.

Complete the following:

I. Write one sentence introducing your topic/story.

Koalas keep facing many threats to their continued existence.

II. Write one sentence describing the scene when the story opens.

Koala bears are currently facing many threats mainly contributed to by vegetation clearing, forest fires, and global warming.

III. Write one sentence describing the conflict.

The koala bears’ habitats are dying out due to human beings’ clearing for settlement and other related social activities.

IV. Write one sentence sharing how the conflict is resolved.

To resolve this matter, the Queensland Government has delivered a Koala Conservation Strategy 2020-2025 to protect and save the koalas.

V. Write one sentence describing what you learned.

Collective responsibility is the only way we can ensure the continued survival of all animal species.


5 Ways to Create Conflict in Your Story. (2020, March 19). Retrieved November 26, 2020, from

Department of Environment and Science. (2020, August 29). Koala conservation. Retrieved November 26, 2020, from

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