Tell Your Story: Narrative Essay:

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In week one, you chose an idea for your narrative essay. In week two, you wrote an introductory paragraph. In week three, you wrote a body paragraph.  Now it is time to finish the draft of your essay, revise it, and submit it for a final grade.  Below are a few things to consider when writing and revising your narrative:


A narrative essay has a purpose, so you need to have intent and a reason for telling a particular story. Did the time in your life change you in some way? Did you learn a valuable lesson?  What is the reason for telling this story?

Main idea/Thesis:

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Whatever your purpose for writing the essay, you will let the reader know in your opening paragraph as you introduce the story. Stating the main idea, also known as a thesis, lets the readers know what to expect as they read. Your thesis may look like this: “The day I applied to college, my outlook on life changed.” Another example might look like this: “Choosing to have a child opened my eyes to other goals.” As you write your essay, keep your thesis in mind, and this will help keep you on track as you write.

Story Elements:

A narrative essay will have the same elements as a short story or novel.  You will have a plot, the series of events that form the story, and a climax, a moment near the end of the story where the conflict in your story is most tense.  Narrative essays should also have characters and a resolution to the conflicts.

Descriptive Language:

You can use descriptive language in your narrative essay. In week three, you practiced describing an object and a setting.  Descriptive language helps your reader connect to your story and have a lasting impact. 

Narrative Essay Instructions:

  • The following criteria reflect the areas needed for a successful narrative essay.
  • The essay should have a clear purpose and a main idea/thesis statement within the first paragraph.
  • The narrative should share a larger lesson with the audience than simply retelling an event. 
  • A strong narrative centers on a conflict building from introduction to body to a thought-provoking resolution. 
  • It should use descriptive language to bring the reader into the experience. 

Please see Norton pages 121-30 and Little Seagull pages 58-61 for more details about the qualities of an effective narrative essay.


  • 600 word narrative essay
  • Microsoft Word document formatted in APA (see below)
  • Submit to Submission Area

Before you submit your paper, review this revision checklist:

Paragraph or Essay Structure:

  • Appropriate title indicates the essay’s topic.
  • Paper addresses all the requirements. (see rubrics)
  • Paper is logically organized and flows well
  • Introduction includes relevant background information and  the main idea/thesis.
  • Body paragraphs discuss main purpose and move the story forward
  • Each paragraph has a clear topic sentence and moves the essay forward
  • Effective conclusion does more than simply repeat the introduction

 Sentence Structure:

  • All sentences present complete thoughts, containing a subject and a verb..
  • Correct all comma splices, run-ons, and fragments.
  • Sentences have variety.
  • Language and Tone:
  • Language is appropriate for audience (no slang)
  • Point of view is consistent
  • Word use is appropriate

Grammar & Mechanics:

  • Sentences correctly punctuated.
  • Words are properly capitalized (including  “I”)
  • No words inadvertently omitted.
  • Subject and verb of each sentence agree.
  • Spelling errors corrected including words spell check does not catch (their/there/they’re; its/it’s)


  • Paper is double-spaced
  • 12pt Times-New Roman font
  • 1” margin


Week 1 Writing Assignment

Johnny Andino

Kesier University

Basic English



Generating Ideas: What Shall I Write?

It is best to focus on an event that takes place in a short period of time. Possible topics include:

 An event that was interesting, humorous, or embarrassing

Something you found especially difficult or challenging

 A memory from your childhood that remains vivid

 An important moment that changed your life

Part 1 – Exploring with Sentences

Before you begin choosing a topic, explore each possible topic by writing a sentence using the same

sentence pattern as demonstrated in the example.

 An event that was interesting, humorous, or embarrassing

Example: When the beady-eyed raccoon darted out from behind my sofa, I knew it was time to find a new


YOUR SENTENCE: When I tripped, fell, and rolled downhill, it became evident that hiking was not a

manageable activity, and I needed a new fitness strategy.

Something you found especially difficult or challenging


Example: Running a marathon takes stamina, endurance, and lot of


YOUR SENTENCE: Calculus is crucial in pulling up my grades, but it requires a lot of focus, input, and

 A memory from your childhood that remains vivid

Example: The smell of vanilla and cinnamon brings me back to my grandmother’s kitchen.

YOUR SENTENCE: Walking past my school makes me cringe every time I remember how bad I cried on

my first day.

 An important moment that changed your life

Example: I owe my life to a single man who changed my life: my father.

YOUR SENTENCE: Going to church five years ago is among the best things that ever happened to my

soul, which had for so long been lost.

Part 2 – Your Story Begins

Now that you have considered several possible topics, it is time to explore the topic in more depth. Fill in

the blanks to complete the following sentences.

My story is about a rat.

My story takes place in our house.

My story took place about three months ago.


A few minutes after everyone had gone to sleep, we hear some rattling sounds in the opening.

The conflict in my story is the entire family against the rodent.

After a few minutes of family-and-rat chase, the rat manages to run outside and disappears into the bushes.

The main point of the story is: persistence pays.

Part 3 – Organizing: Create an Outline

Consider your story with a beginning, middle, and end. The beginning informs the audience of the topic of

the story either implicitly or explicitly. It is often best to be direct, particularly as you move forward in

your studies to classes specific to your field of study. Be certain the reader has enough information to

understand where you are going. The middle is where you describe the conflict and build to the climax, the

moment when a decision must be made or a change occurs. In the end, the conflict is resolved, and a

moment of reflection follows, often underlining the main point or theme of the story.

Complete the following:

I. Write one sentence introducing your topic/story.

Koalas keep facing many threats to their continued existence.

II. Write one sentence describing the scene when the story opens.

Koala bears are currently facing many threats mainly contributed to by vegetation clearing, forest

fires, and global warming.

III. Write one sentence describing the conflict.

Eileen Goldman
past tense verb: Use “heard.”


The koala bears’ habitats are dying out due to human beings’ clearing for settlement and other

related social activities.

IV. Write one sentence sharing how the conflict is resolved.

To resolve this matter, the Queensland Government has delivered a Koala Conservation Strategy

2020-2025 to protect and save the koalas.

V. Write one sentence describing what you learned.

Collective responsibility is the only way we can ensure the continued survival of all animal




5 Ways to Create Conflict in Your Story. (2020, March 19). Retrieved November 26, 2020, from

Department of Environment and Science. (2020, August 29). Koala conservation. Retrieved November

26, 2020, from


Writing Assignment : Paragraphs

Johnny Andino

Ms. Goldman



Paragraph # 1

I have a friend I love so much and means a lot to me, and he is an accountant working in

the bank near our town, and his name is David. This friend is very passionate about cars. He has a

passionate interest in cars, which one cannot separate him from that. When we walk around

together, the only thing he can see is always cars. The places that I associate with this friend mostly

are in movies. Both of us love movies, and most of the time, we find ourselves in movie places.

One of the annoying traits of David is that he always interrupts others when they are speaking. He

always thinks that he has cooler stories to add. David means a lot to me because most of the time,

I spend with him in whatever I do. He has become part of my life where we cannot spend a day

without interacting with each other.

Paragraph # 2

The most striking characteristic of a baby is his or her openness to an adventure, which

leads to happiness and new experiences. This is the story of a baby who is just toddling through her

life. The photograph was captured on a remarkable day when the baby visited the children’s park

for the first time. The baby was curious about the swing and gave it a go. Even though the baby

was scared for the first time, her confidence grew significantly, and the baby started to laugh with

her beautiful, expressive blue eyes. The baby experienced something new that day, and her

resilience and curiosity helped her through yet another humane experience.

Paragraph #


There are things that one should consider when writing a story. One of these things is that

one should focus on an event that took place in a short period of time. Before one chooses a topic,


they should explore each possible topic by writing a sentence using the same sentence pattern.

Then when one has considered the possible topic, they can now explore the topic in more depth.

The other thing is that when writing a story, it should have a beginning, middle, and the end. The

beginning should inform the audience of the topic of the story, either explicitly or implicitly. The

middle describes the conflict and builds to the climax, the moment when a decision must be made,

and the end of the conflict should be resolved.

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