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1. Choose an issue you care about, for example:

  • Should We Rename Schools Named for Historical Figures With Ties to Racism, Sexism or Slavery?
  • Should the National Anthem Be Sung at Sporting Events?
  • Should the school year be extended into the summer for K-12 students to make up the learning they’ve missed during the pandemic?
  • Should athletes or celebrities voice their opinions about political issues? 
  • Should student loan debt be cancelled?

2. Write a letter to the Editor of the Seattle Times (use

this address (Links to an external site.)

) that expresses your opinion about that issue.  Include the following: 

  • a conclusion (like a thesis) that lets readers know where you stand on an issue.
  • at least one premise (reason) that supports your thesis, along with examples or evidence (from your observation or experience) that support your premise
  • at least one counterargument that shows you know why others disagree with your point of view and can respond to one of their arguments.
  • ends with a call to action 
  • an appeal to ethos or pathos

3. Use the Block Format posted on the

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Purdue OWL Website (Links to an external site.)

.  Do not write more than one page.


Argument LetterArgument LetterCriteriaRatingsPtsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeUses appropriate block letter format2 to >1.0 ptsFull Marks1 to >0 ptsNeeds improvement2 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeLetter has a clear conclusion/thesis at the beginning.3 to >2.0 ptsMeets criteria2 to >0 ptsNeeds improvement3 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomePremise supports conclusion (thesis) with appropriate examples.4 to >2.0 ptsMeets criteria2 to >0 ptsNeeds improvement4 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeIncludes counterargument, which counters or refutes what the other side of the argument might say4 to >2.0 ptsMeets criteria2 to >0 ptsNeeds improvement4 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeIncludes an appeal to ethos or pathos.2 to >1.0 ptsFull Marks1 to >0 ptsNeeds improvement2 pts
Total Points: 15




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