Attend a Workshop

You can go to almost any workshop or special event (ask me if you’re not sure) and provide a summary of what you learned.

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I will verify your attendance with the unit or person who hosted the workshop/event. In this remote environment, there are so so many great ELAC events that can help you feel connected, empowered, and informed. Here are a few examples, but you are welcome to attend others:

  • Domestic Violence Awareness Events – flyer attachedActions 
  • A student club presentation (doesn’t count if you are already a member of that club)

    National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI)- flyer attachedActions 

  • Special guest speaker, nationally recognized political activist and writer, Angela Davis, will have a conversation with us on 11/13 11:00-1:00Actions. This event is not to be missed, it took 2 years to finally book her appearance at ELAC! You will be inspired!
  • Mental Health workshops- flyer attachedActions

Think about what interests you and what your schedule permits. Get involved and earn extra credit! 

Use the following format: 

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Name of workshop/event: 


1-2 paragraph summary of what was discussed and what you learned: 

Please join us for Guest Speaker Presentations

Mondays at 12:30 on Zoom
(email for more information)

▪ Barry Levy, L.M.F.T., 10/12:
“Stress Management”

▪ Reuben Roque, M.S., 10/19:
“Self Care”

▪ Joey Luna, M.S.W., 10/26:
“Relational Conflict and Sexual Issues and Its Impact
on Mental Health for Couples”

▪ Daniel Ortega, 11/9:
“Living with Bipolar Disorder”

▪ Kevin Stepanyan, Ph.D., 11/16
“Substance Abuse and Addiction”

▪ Tracy Ballardo, Psy.D., 11/30:
“Social Anxiety in Teens”

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