
the readings attachment

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Week one

Suppose you are a department head for the city government in which you live (or another city, if you wish) and you sit on a committee with other city government department heads (i.e., police chief, utilities director, etc.). The purpose of the committee is to resolve problems and discuss issues related to management and organization. One week, the committee discussed its need to know more about some of the basic concepts and theories related to public management (basically, concepts related to the readings you’ve just completed this week). When your colleagues expressed a concern about their lack of expertise in this area, you volunteered to do some analysis of scholarly material related to this topic to brief your colleagues on themes and theories relevant to this topic. The committee chair asked you to present your findings in a memo form. In order to develop an effective memo, you decide to:

· discuss five key principles related to the basic concepts and theories of public management that you learned from the readings this week; and

· apply them to administration in a local government context.

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Write this memo in a way that presents your knowledge of this topic. Address it to the committee chair (Mr. Xing) and your other department head colleagues. Be sure to cite the resources that you used at the end of the memo.

Length: 3-4 pages

References: Include a minimum of four scholarly resources.

Your memo should demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the ideas and concepts that are presented in the course and provide new thoughts and insights relating directly to this topic.

Week 2

On the first page of the Cincinnati Enquirer on March 20, 2018 (see the Horn (2018) resource this week), was an article that explained some significant issues in the city government in Cincinnati, namely between the mayor and city manager. This article discusses this case and explains the way in which the city charter was developed. Read this article and summarize the problem(s). While every problem is complex (and cannot be clearly or completely articulated in just one article), consider the main issues involved and provide three plausible solutions. Discuss the impact of these solutions, and then recommend one solution to help Cincinnati’s political quagmire be resolved.

Follow this format:

· Write an introductory paragraph.

· Summarize the problem in the case study.

· Provide three plausible solutions to the problem.

· Analyze the impact of these three plausible solutions.

· Recommend which solution you suggest should be implemented and articulate reasons for your recommendation.

· Write a conclusion paragraph.

In your paper, please use clear, bolded headings to separate the paper into sections.

Length:  3-5 pages

References: Include a minimum of two scholarly resources, including the article.
Your assignment should demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the ideas and concepts presented in the course and provide new thoughts and insights relating directly to this topic. Your response should reflect scholarly writing and current APA standards

Week 3Imagine that you are a board member of a small nonprofit organization in Chicago. One day, you read in the newspaper about the executive director of the organization being investigated for possibly improperly using the organization’s funds. You know that you are limited in knowledge, but the organization is quickly receiving bad publicity. It could be that the director ultimately did nothing worthy of prosecution and that the investigation will result in no evidence of his wrongdoing. But, maybe he did do something unethical. You call your fellow board members, but none of them have any further knowledge than what has been printed in the paper. You all feel the need to take action, but you’re not sure what to do immediately. One thing you all reflect on is that, as a board, you all had provided very little oversight of the organization and its funds. As a board member, you consider what the board should do now–if anything. With a deep connection to the organization, you don’t automatically interpret the article, and the nonprofit leader’s actions (if, in fact, he did do something inappropriate), the way that many others who read the article probably do. In an essay, recommend to your fellow board members what you all should do. Summarize the problem, provide three plausible solutions you would recommend to the other members of the board, discuss the impact of these solutions, and recommend one solution.

Follow this format:
· Write an introductory paragraph.
· Summarize the problem in the case study.
· Provide three plausible solutions to the problem.
· Analyze the impact of these three plausible solutions.
· Recommend which solution you suggest should be implemented and articulate reasons for your recommendation.
· Write a conclusion paragraph.

In your paper, please use clear, bolded headings to separate the paper into sections. You may create details for the story in order to better contextualize the case if you wish.

Length:  3-5 pages

References:  Include a minimum of two scholarly resources.
Your assignment should demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the ideas and concepts presented in the course and provide new thoughts and insights relating directly to this topic. Your response should reflect scholarly writing and current APA standards.

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