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Research methods and Project Design (BUSS1008) – Fall-2019–CW3– QP

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In Semester Assessment

Fall 2019

CW 3 – Mini Project

Level: 6 Max. Marks: 100

Submission: Week 14 (Scale down to 50)

Objective: This is an individual assignment aimed to give students the experience to design and

implement a mini project based on their project proposal (CW2). Mini project is to check the

students’ ability to design and implement an effective project proposal relating to business and

information systems. This will help students to achieve all learning outcomes.

Learning Outcomes covered:

1. Design and implement an effective project proposal relating to business and information


2. Critically review existing academic literature relevant to an area of research.

3. Appraise the different research techniques and tools.

4. Evaluate, assess and choose research methods.


Submit a mini project based on the “project proposal” in week 14 which must include:

(100 marks)

 Detailed Literature review

o Engage with reading literature from multiple resources such as text books and

internet. Critically review the existing academic literature(10 to 15 Literature)

pertaining to the area of research chosen

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 Research


o Prepare a detailed evaluation of the different research techniques, tools and assess

research methods chosen for your research work.

o Prepare an initial design matching with your research problem. This should include

the modules / functionalities that are planned to be implemented in the application

o Prepare the research sampling techniques for your


 Research Instrument

o These are the fact finding strategies, these are the tools for data collection. This

includes survey questionnaire or interview questionnaire. Essentially, the researcher

must ensure that the instrument chosen is valid and reliable.

 References
 Prepare the references using CU Harvard referencing style. Please refer to the

Writing Manual by Center of Academic Writing.

Refer the Project Handbook given below to accomplish the tasks. A mini project report including

the above must be submitted in a word file through the link available in Moodle.

Project Handbook

Detailed Literature review: a detailed critical analysis of (minimum 10 to Maximum 15) research

articles to be carried out. Place your investigation in the context of previous research and justify

how you have approached your investigation. Provide evidence to help explain the findings of

your investigation.

Research methodology: a detailed evaluation of the different research techniques and tools

utilized need to be carried out. Also assess the research methods chosen for your research work.

The Initial design must provide the description and the work flow of the system. This initial design

should match with your research problem. This should include the modules / functionalities that

are planned to be implemented in the application.

Research instrument: A research instrument consist of a series of questions and other prompts

for the purpose of gathering information from respondents.

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References: All citations in the literature review section should be mentioned in references. Prepare the

references using Harvard referencing style.


Follow the guidelines mentioned below for your assignment.

 Assignment documentation/report should be typed.

 Assignment documentation/report should be uploaded in Moodle and will

undergo plagiarism detection test through Turnitin (a plagiarism detection tool)

 Handwritten assignments will not be accepted

 Assignment should have a Title Page. Title Page should contain the following


 Assignment Name

 Session

 Student name

 Student ID

 It should have Table of Contents

 Use page numbers

 Assignment should be typed in your own words using Times New Roman

font size 12.

 Heading should be with Font Size 14, Bold, Underline

 Use Diagrams and Examples to explain your topic.

 Reference should be included in the last page as per CU Harvard Style. Please

refer to the Writing Manual by Center of Academic Writing.

Plagiarism Policy

Plagiarized documents, in parts or whole, submitted by the students will be rejected.

As per MEC policy, any form of violation of academic integrity will invite severe penalty.

Plagiarised documents, in part or in whole, submitted by the students will be subject to this


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A. First offence of plagiarism

a. A student will be allowed to re-submit the assignment once, within a maximum period of

one week. However, a penalty of deduction of 25% of the marks obtained for the resubmitted

work will be imposed.

b. Mark deduction: When the work is resubmitted, the marking will be undertaken according

to the marking criteria. In compliance with this policy, the 25% deduction is then made on the

marks obtained. For example, in an assessment that carries a maximum of 50 marks, suppose

a student were to obtain 30 marks for the resubmitted work, the final marks for that assessment

will be 22.5 (after deducting 25% of the marks actually obtained for the resubmitted work).

c. Period of resubmission: The student will have to resubmit the work one week from the date

he or she is advised to resubmit. For example, if the formal advice to resubmit was

communicated to the student on a Sunday (latest by 5 pm), the student will have to resubmit

the work latest by next Sunday 5 pm.

d. If the re-submitted work is also detected to be plagiarized, then the work will be awarded a


e. Resubmission of the work beyond the maximum period of one week will not be accepted

and the work will be awarded a zero.

B. Any further offence of plagiarism

a. If any student is again caught in an act of plagiarism during his/her course of study (either

in the same module, same semester or in any other semester), the student will directly be

awarded zero for the work in which plagiarism is detected. In such cases, the student will not

be allowed to re-submit the work.

C. Guidelines

a. Type 1: In case plagiarism is detected in any component or part submission (submitted at

different times) of one assessment (assignment), the deduction in marks will be applicable for

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the whole assessment (assignment), even if only the component or part submission alone needs

to be resubmitted.

b. Type 2: In case plagiarism is detected in a group assessment, all students of the group will

be considered as having committed an act of plagiarism irrespective of whether plagiarism is

on account of the act of all or a few or only one member. The policy will then be applied to all


c. Type 3: Combination of Type 1 and Type 2: In case plagiarism is detected in any component

or part submission (submitted at different times) of a group assessment (assignment), the

deduction in marks will be applicable for the whole assessment (assignment), even if only the

component or part submission alone needs to be resubmitted. All students of the group would

be considered as having committed an act of plagiarism irrespective of whether plagiarism is
on account of the act of all or a few or only one member. The policy will then be applied to all

the students of the group.

d. Type 4: Variation of Type 1 and Type 2: In cases where the assessment consists of

components or part submissions that could be a group assessment component (e.g. group

assignment) and an individual assessment component (e.g. individual reflection), the

following will be applicable:

1. If plagiarism is detected in the group assessment component, all students of the group will

be considered as having committed an act of plagiarism, irrespective of whether plagiarism is

on account of the act of all or a few or only one member. The policy will then be applied to all

students of the group. In such cases the group assessment component will be resubmitted as

per the policy.

2. If plagiarism is detected in the individual assessment component, the individual assessment

component will be resubmitted as per the policy. The policy will then be applied to that student


3. In both cases (a) and/or (b), the deduction in marks will be applicable for the whole

assessment (assignment).

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D. Amount of similar material

a. The total amount of similar material in any form of student work from all sources put

together should not exceed 30% (including direct quotations).

b. The total amount of quoted material (direct quotations) in any form of student work from

all sources put together should not exceed 10%.

c. The total amount of similar material in any form of student work from a single source should

not exceed 7 percent. However, cases having a similarity of less than 7 percent in such cases

may still be investigated by the faculty depending on the seriousness of the case.

d. If faculty member find enough merit in the case of a student work with a similarity (with a

single source) of more than 7 percent as not a case of plagiarism, the faculty member should

provide detailed comments/remarks to justify the case.

Late Submission

Penalty for late submission – 5% of the maximum mark specified for the assessment will be

deducted for each working day.

Assessment documents submitted beyond a period of one week after the last date of

submission will not be accepted and will be marked as zero for that assessment.

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Mini Project Template

BUSS1008 Research Methods and Project Design – Mini Project

Please provide a short working title (click onto and write in grey box below).

The title of your research should explain in sufficient detail what you are doing. Therefore the project title should

be well-defined and concise that describes the chosen project.


Provide a detailed critical analysis of (10-15) research articles to be carried out. Place your investigation in the

context of previous research and justify how you have approached your investigation. Provide evidence to

help explain the findings of your investigation.


A detailed evaluation of the different research techniques and tools utilized need to be carried out. Also assess

the research methods chosen for your research work. In this part, you have to include introduction, initial

research design, Population of the Study, Sampling Technique and Sample Size.


Section One

Student Name:

Student Number:

Supervisor Name:

Please note the areas shaded in

grey are mandatory fields.

Simply select the pertinent

greyed area and fill it in.

The form expands as you type.

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Prepare the references using Harvard

referencing style.

Research methods and Project Design (BUSS1008)

Fall 2019

Student ID: ________________ Student Name: ____________________

Evaluation Grid

Deliverable 1-9 10-19 20-29 30-35 Mark
Literature review





literature review

Good literature

review in par

with the



Complete and


amount of


review in par

with the

Deliverable 1-7 8-15 16-23 24-30 Mark




with respect to


evaluation of


techniques, tools.


assessment of

research methods

Good evaluation of



tools. Good

assessment of


methods. All

with partially




evaluation of

tools. Excellent

assessment of
methods. All

with sufficient


Deliverable 0 – 5 6-12 13-19 20-25 Mark








The presentation

of the

questionnaire is

sloppy. It shows

lack of effort and



presentation of

questionnaire covered

almost all of the



presentation of
questionnaire is

complete and


Research methods and Project Design (BUSS1008) – Fall-2019–CW3– QP

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Deliverable 0 1-3 4-7 8-10 Mark

References Missing Few / irrelevant

references / Not

followed Harvard

referencing style/

no citations

Good references.

Followed Harvard

referencing style.

Citations missing or

done incorrectly

Excellent and



using Harvard


style. Citations


Signature of faculty member:


Total Marks


Final Marks

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