I WILL CHECK FOR PLAGIARISM. DO NOT PLAGIARIZE. USE YOUR OWN OPINION. USE IN TEXT CITATIONS WHEN IT IS NECESSARY. 1- Analyze Chico’sFAS Inc 2010 Annual Report. In a 2 page document, write an overview of the company’s functional strategies using the Three Functional Concerns model.2- COURSE PROJECTIt is time to select a company for your Strategic Management Plan. In 1-2 paragraphs provide a brief description of the organization you selected and the reason why you chose that particular company.WHEN SELECTING A COMPANY FOR YOUR COURSE PROJECT, I strongly urge you to choose a small business, perhaps one local to where you live. You’ll want to avoid large companies such as Wal-Mart, Amazon, Google, Yahoo, Apple, Coke, Pepsi, Disney, Microsoft, etc. You’ll also want to avoid franchise or home based distribution companies.Chico’s FAS IncScoring Rubric:Module  Course Project – Company SelectionScoring Rubric:3- Strategic Formulation and Strategic ImplementationChoose a Corporate example of poor strategic formulation and poor strategic implementation. In 2 page documents, evaluate and explain what happened. What could have been done to change the formulation and evaluation?4- COURSE PROJECT SWOT ANALYSISStrategy formulation requires an objective analysis of the factors that characterize the company’s strategic situation. There are a number of techniques that can be used to create a quick strategic overview of the company. SWOT analysis is an example of such a technique. SWOT analysis is based on the assumption that an effective strategy derives from a soundit” between the company’s internal resources (Strengths and Weaknesses) and its external situation (Opportunities and Threats). A good fit maximizes the company’s strengths and opportunities and minimizes its weaknesses and threats.For example: PositiveNegativeInternal FactorsStrengthsTechnological SkillsLeading BrandsDistribution ChannelsCustomer LoyaltyCustomer RelationshipProduction QualityManagementWeaknessesAbsence of important skillsWeak BrandsPoor Access to DistributionLow Customer RetentionUnreliable Product/ServiceManagementExternal FactorsOpportunitiesUntapped MarketsTechnological advancementsMergers, joint ventures, partnerships, or strategic alliancesSocio-cultural trendsNew Distribution ChannelsThreatsChanging Customer TastesClosing Geographical MarketsTechnological AdvancesChanges in Government PolicyTax IncreaseChange in Demographic StructureNew Distribution ChannelWith the information above and other research, conduct a SWOT analysis on the company you selected. The format presented above should be used for your analysis.Then provide a 1 page narrative describing the analysis you conducted. 5- ORGANIZATIONALResearch once failed companies Tyco and Best Buy. In a 2 page document, describe in detail, their organizational renewal strategies to create a successful turnaround. Compare the new corporate strategy to the old. Did it work?6- COURSE PROJECTNow that you have completed the internal and external audits for the company you chose for this project, use the information to create a list of strategic objectives. From these objectives, generate a list of strategy alternatives.Using the appropriate tools of strategic choice from your text and research, choose a course of action. Be sure to justify your selections with supporting data/information.For this assignment, you should submit a 2 page document containing:A list of strategic objectivesA list of strategy alternativesYour strategic choice with appropriate justificationYour strategy analysis and choice become part of your overall strategic plan. For details on the paper, view the Strategic Plan – Introduction page located in Week 01 of this course

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