Assignment – Training

For this assignment, imagine again that you work for the global company you chose in your first assignment (I had chosen Coca-Cola). You are in charge of improving the training and development for employees who are selected for international assignments.

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Develop a 3–4 page (plus the cover page and reference page) outline of pre-departure training with a thorough description and explanation of the training programs that you suggest for improving expatriate performance.

Details are attached.

Assignment- Training

For this assignment, imagine again that you work for the global company you chose in your first

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assignment (I had chosen Coca-Cola). You are in charge of improving the training and development for

employees who are selected for international assignments.

Develop a 3–4 page (plus the cover page and reference page) outline of pre-departure training with a

thorough description and explanation of the training programs that you suggest for improving expatriate


Your assignment must address the following:

• Articulate the training needs of new expatriate employees and the

components of pre-

departure training that will address



• Determine the areas of emphasis and the details of the


• Describe how the training will improve the expatriate experience for the new assignment.

• Provide citations and references from the textbook and a minimum of two sources found on the

Strayer databases at the SL.

Your assignment must:

• Be typed, double-spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with 1-inch margins on all

sides. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.

• Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, your name, the professor’s name,

the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the

required assignment page length.

• This course requires the use of Strayer Writing Standards. For assistance and information, please

refer to the Strayer Writing Standards link in the left-hand menu of your course.

The specific course learning outcome associated with this assignment is:

• Recommend training programs to improve performance throughout a multinational corporation

comprised of a diverse workforce.

Needs Improvement Satisfactory Competent Exemplary

Articulate the

training needs of

new expatriate

employees and the

components of pre-

departure training

that will address

those needs.


0 (0.00%)

Did not articulate the

training needs of new

expatriate employees and

the components of pre-

departure training that will

address those needs.


22.75 (22.75%)

Insufficiently articulated the

training needs of new

expatriate employees and the

components of pre-departure

training that will address those


26.25 (26.25%)

Partially articulated the

training needs of new
expatriate employees and
the components of pre-

departure training that

will address those needs.


29.75 (29.75%)

Proficiently articulated the

training needs of new
expatriate employees and
the components of pre-
departure training that will
address those needs.

35 (35.00%)

Thoroughly articulated the

training needs of new
expatriate employees and
the components of pre-
departure training that will
address those needs.

Determine the areas

of emphasis and the

details of the

0 (0.00%)

Did not determine the areas

of emphasis and the details

of the training.


16.25 (16.25%)

Insufficiently determined the

areas of emphasis and the

details of the training.


18.75 (18.75%)

Partially determined the

areas of emphasis and the
details of the training.

21.25 (21.25%)

Proficiently determined the

areas of emphasis and the
details of the training.

25 (25.00%)

Thoroughly determined the

areas of emphasis and the
details of the training.

Describe how the

training will improve

the expatriate

experience for the

new assignment.

0 (0.00%)

Did not describe how the

training will improve the

expatriate experience for

the new assignment.

16.25 (16.25%)

Insufficiently described how

the training will improve the

expatriate experience for the

new assignment.
18.75 (18.75%)

Partially described how

the training will improve

the expatriate experience

for the new assignment.

21.25 (21.25%)

Proficiently described how

the training will improve
the expatriate experience
for the new assignment.
25 (25.00%)

Thoroughly described how

the training will improve
the expatriate experience
for the new assignment.

Provide citations
and references
from a minimum
of two sources
found on the
Strayer databases.

0 (0.00%)
No references provided.

3.25 (3.25%)
Did not meet the required
number of references; all
references poor quality

3.75 (3.75%)
Did not meet the
required number of
references; some
references poor quality

4.25 (4.25%)
Met number of required
references; some
references high quality

5 (5.00%)
Exceeded number of
required references; all
references high quality

Clarity, writing
mechanics, and
SWS formatting

0 (0.00%)
More than 8 errors

6.5 (6.50%)
7-8 errors present.

7.5 (7.50%)
5-6 errors present.

8.5 (8.50%)
3-4 errors present.

10 (10.00%)
0-2 error present.

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