Assignment – PMP Overview


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Topic to work on:  Online Retail Grocery Store website’s software development

You need to work on document named “PMGT 699 PMP Template 20v2” where you need to cover section 1 to 5

 1. Executive Summary 

2. Project Overview 

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3. Stakeholder Management 

4. Schedule Management

5. Resource Management 

I also attached stakeholder management excel sheet template which needs also to be filled.

Please go through the attached screenshots, previous related assignment and pdf copy. 

PMGT 699 51 A Applied Project Management

Prepared By


Table of Contents

Executive Summary 1
1.1 Introduction 1
1.2 Purpose 1
1.3 Scope 1
2. Project Overview 2
2.1 Project Description 2
2.2 Problem Statement 2
2.3 Goals 2
2.4 Project Background 2
2.5 Product Objectives 2
2.6 Assumptions, Constraints and Dependencies 2
2.7 Project Deliverables 2
2.8 Schedule and Budget Summary 2
2.9 Project Success Criteria 2
2.10 Definition and Acronyms 2
3. Stakeholder Management 3
4. Schedule Management 4
4.1 Overview and Purpose 4
4.2 Schedule baseline 4
4.3 Schedule Control 4
5. Resource Management 6
5.1 Overview and Purpose 6
5.2 Resourcing Strategy & Assumption 6
5.3 Resourcing Development 6
6. Risk Management Plan 7
6.1 Overview of Risk Management Plan 7
6.2 Risk Identification 7
6.3 Risk Analysis 7
6.4 Risk Response 7
6.5 Risk Monitoring Plan 7
7. Communication Management 8
7.1 Overview and Purpose 8
7.2 Communication Message and Delivery (Matrix) 8
7.3 Communications Guidelines 8
7.4 Escalation Process 9
8. Procurement 10
9. Cost Management 11
9.1 Introduction 11
9.2 Estimate Cost 11
9.3 Contingency Reserve 11
9.4 Budget 11
9.5 Performance Monitoring 11
9.6 Project Reports 12
9.7 Cost Change Control 12
9.8 Microsoft Project Reports 12
9.8.1 Project Budget 12
9.8.2 Cost Report 12
10. Integrated Change Control 13
10.1 Change Control Process Narrative 13
10.2 Project Change Control Process 13
10.3 Project Change Control Flowchart 13
10.4 Project Change Control Form 13
10.5 Change Control – Microsoft Project Reports 13

PMGT 699 PMP Template 20v2 x

PMGT 699 PMP Template 20v2 x Page 13

Executive Summary


[Guidance: After project introduction, insert a paragraph here. Include your project summary in two to three sentences that clearly states what is the outcome of the project (product deliverables), how long will it take (project duration with start and end dates) and how much it will cost (project budget). This data should match with your final project schedule in Microsoft Project (mpp file).]



Project Overview

This section of the Project Management Plan provides an overview of the purpose, scope and objectives of the project for which the Plan has been written, the project assumptions and constraints, a list of project deliverables, a summary of the project schedule and budget, and the plan for evolving the Project Management Plan.

Project Description

Problem Statement


Project Background

Product Objectives

Assumptions, Constraints and Dependencies

Project Deliverables

Schedule and Budget Summary

Project Success Criteria

Definition and Acronyms

This section provides a glossary of all terms and abbreviations used in the plan.

Stakeholder Management

[Note: Embed stakeholder register here as file attachment. Also, submit it with Module’s submission in Canvas.]

Schedule Management

Overview and Purpose

Schedule baseline



Creation of the Activity List and attributes

Describe how project activities and activity attributes will be defined and who will be involved in this process. For longer projects, consider using rolling wave planning where activities in the near future are planned in detail while other later activities can be at a higher level. Consider the activity list from previous similar projects.

Estimation of activity resources

Describe how the needed quantities of human resources and equipment to complete identified activities will be estimated. Document the needed level of accuracy for the estimates and units of measure. Consider company’s procedures, policies and resource calendars.

Activity duration estimates

Describe how the activity duration estimates will be developed and the estimating method (analogous, parametric, three-point, bottom-up). Document the needed level of accuracy for the estimates.

Approval of the schedule baseline

Who will approve the schedule baseline?

Schedule Control

The approved schedule baseline will be changed only through the formal change control process and only after the impact on the project constrains has been assessed.

Performance reviews

Please describe the frequency of the schedule performance reviews. Describe how the schedule performance will be reviewed (e.g., earned value management, actual vs. planned dates, percentage completed, etc.). Document who will be involved in the schedule performance review.

Schedule control thresholds

Specify any acceptable variation from the schedule before the corrective measures are needed (e.g., increase in duration of the activity/work package by 15%).

Schedule performance reporting

Describe how the schedule performance will be reported and the frequency of reporting.

Resource Management

Overview and Purpose

Resourcing Strategy & Assumption

[Define the resourcing strategy for the project. How will resources be acquired and released from the project?]

Resourcing Development

[When estimating the resources on the project, have you made any assumptions about those estimates?]

Risk Management Plan

Overview of Risk Management Plan

Risk Identification

Risk Analysis

Risk Response

Risk Monitoring Plan

Communication Management

Overview and Purpose

The purpose of the communication plan is to ensure the Project Management Improvement Project provides relevant, accurate, and consistent project information to project stakeholders and other appropriate audiences. By effectively communicating the project can accomplish its work with the support and cooperation of each stakeholder group.

The communication plan provides a framework to manage and coordinate the wide variety of communications that take place during the project. The communication plan covers who will receive the communications, how the communications will be delivered, what information will be communicated, who communicates, and the frequency of the communications.

The following outlines the targeted audiences, the key communication messages to be delivered, and the method for delivering the information, the communicator, and the frequency of the delivery.

Communication Message and Delivery (Matrix)

[Attach your Communication Plan using the template provided. Embed the file here and attach it with your submission.]

Communications Guidelines

Communication Guidelines—E-mail, Text:
1) Do not use reply all to emails

Communication Guidelines—Meetings:
Meetings must have pre-published agendas, prior to meeting request…agenda must accompany the OUTLOOK meeting request


Escalation Process


Cost Management


[The purpose of this document is to provide general content of a Cost Management Plan and to describe submission required in Microsoft Project format (.mpp file).]

Cost Management Plan

[A cost management Plan defines cost baseline, modifies it whenever necessary, and uses it for monitoring and controlling cost. A project cost management plan generally includes descriptions, procedures and responsibilities for items such as Costs included, activity resource estimating, cost estimating, cost baseline, budget determination and cost control.]

Estimate Cost

[Estimate Cost is a process of developing an approximation of monetary resources needed to complete project activities.]

Contingency Reserve

[Contingency reserve is money assigned to the project and allocated for identified risks for which contingent responses are developed. Generally, how much money is reserved and its rationale are included here.]


[Once the project costs or cost baseline is determined, a time-phased project budget is developed. Project budget shows how the project cost will be incurred by appropriate periods (months, weeks, quarter, etc.) during project performance period. Describe how your budget is developed.]

Cost Control and Monitoring

[The approved project budget with contingency reserves serves as a baseline for project control. This section usually include project approach to monitor actual versus planned performance, approach ( e.g. Earned Value analysis), and how any cost changes will be managed.]

Performance Monitoring

[Describe your approach to monitor planned versus actual performance and matrices that will be used]

Project Reports

[Include name and description of 2 to 3 reports that you plan to use for performance monitoring, status reporting or other reports. These are the reports for which you will be submitting a Microsoft Project mpp file. See section below. ]

Cost Change Control

[Describe briefly how any changes to the cost baseline will be administered and implemented.]

Microsoft Project Deliverables

Microsoft Project Reports

Project Budget

[Include your project WBS (in .mpp format) that represents your project cost. Ensure that contingency reserves as a separate line item. The report submission is in Canvas.]

Cost Report

You need to submit two reports from MS Project in a pdf format. Include report name and describe how the report will be used here.]

Integrated Change Control

Change Control Process Narrative

Project Change Control Process

Project Change Control Flowchart

Project Change Control Form

Change Control – Microsoft Project Reports

[Attach your final mpp file with revised schedule and cost as a result of a change request. Do not forget to baseline your project before processing change request. Your report(s) should show change in cost and schedule. Include cost report showing baseline and revised cost.]

Online Retail Grocery Store website’s software development




Project Charter



Kroger Company

Kroger Company

Naga Srinivas


Project Stakeholder


Naga Srinivas

Project Manager

Boniface Barrack

Project Sponsor

Josephine Joel

Business Analyst

Diana James

Quality Assurance Analyst

Ryan Williamson



Ashley Robertson

Online Retail Grocery Store website’s software development

Project Charter

Revision 3.0

PMGT 699 Project Charter v.1 April 2018 (Adapted from Document Code: PMBOK4.1.3.1)

List of Changes

Naga Srinivas


Naga Srinivas


Naga Srinivas


Naga Srinivas

Date Revision





Implementation of new customer rewards programs, where involving customers in reward based system through membership instead of having rare customers, this change can built good customer relationship towards the organization


In-store navigation system, this is a change where customers helps themselves in finding out on what they need instead of reaching out store employees.


Mobile Checkout system brings a great change towards card payment methods because it gives more comfort and flexibility in making payment.


Online delivery of retail products brings a change in terms of delivering directly who stays in their home or business location where the customer has a chance to provide instructions in delivering i.e. how the products needs to be delivered

Table of Contents

General Provisions

2. Terms and Abbreviations Error! Bookmark not defined.

Project Purpose

4. Measurable Project Goals and Objectives 4
5. High-Level Project Description and Boundaries 5
6. High Level Requirements 5

Key Project Deliverables


Overall Project Risk


Summary Milestone Schedule


Preapproved Financial Resources


Key Stakeholder List


Project Approval Requirements

/ Exit Criteria 7

Project Exit Criteria


Project Manager





General Provisions

“Online Retail Grocery Store website’s software development implemented by the “Kroger Company

The Project Charter formulates the practical requirements and documents the high-level description of the Implementation of new customer rewards programs, Implementation of new customer rewards programs, delivery of ordered retail products and Mobile Checkout system that should meet these requirements and result from the project.

The Project Charter is formal document which is signed by the project sponsor and formally approve the project’s existence. It provides the project manager with authority to use the organizational equipment, materials in the project completion process.

The approval of the project charter officially initiates the project with the kickoff.

The project consists of various phases of the project, the charter can be modified to enhance or change the decisions taken during the previous phases of the project Charter development. In those scenarios, the charter can be re-issued and signed as amended.

Terms, Notations, Abbreviations




Business to Business


Business to Customer

Interview invitation and analysis

Collecting and gathering the business requirement


System Integration Testing


User Acceptance Testing

Mobile Checkout

completing the checkout process on mobile or o placing an order at a mobile device inside the retail store

Project Purpose

The project will examine and identify the procedures required for developing a website for online retailers implemented by Kroger Company and online website will encompass a blend of business models.

The website will explain these modes in the entire course of the business. Every business operation of the company will be examined and incorporated into the website.

The project team has different members who will be tasked with comprehensive and far-reaching commerce research to disclose possible online retail websites’ possible solutions. As a result, the project team will have more in-depth knowledge of handling website development from a company perspective.

On developing the e-commerce website for the mentioned company, there will be consideration of the following business techniques: the business to business model, business to customer model, and peer to peer model.

Market Demand:

The organization got its own market demand from its customers through having more online sales of the retail departments. As retail companies deal with other departments also such as auto, pharmacy and electronics where online sales has got more demand.

Organization Need:

The sponsor of the project has decided to authorize a new project team to initiate the project to increase more revenue in sales operations by starting new features such as new customer rewards programs, instore navigation system and mobile checkout where this can bring tremendous growth. So, the project team gather the requirements, documents, develops, tests in each and every environments and later deployed into production where close monitoring happens on the return on investment.

Customer request:

The customer requests in the form of new requirements are been valued a lot by the organization in terms of gathering and also changing the requirements as per the convenience and needs. So, this would add more value to the project and the organization as well.

Technological Advance:

The project is also meant for enhancement in the current technologies by implementing emerging latest technologies where customer demand is more and organization meets the customer expectations according to the latest trends. Technological advancements includes mobile application utilization services and less physical contact which is built by the organization through a project delivery.

Legal requirement:

Since, the project is been done in the pandemic times. It is important for the organization to follow the legal requirements in the name of government rules i.e. both state and federal, following correct guidelines and protocols.

Social Needs:

As the organization is good enough understanding the social needs correctly since in this pandemic every customer has a wish to do shopping through online and moreover mobile application system where services are done without point of physical contact.

Measurable Project Goals and Objectives

The online grocery websites to be executed by the Kroger Supermarket provides a solution to the lag time that periodically causes complaints among the customers. Therefore, the company needs online platforms for improving service delivery and reduce the lag time. Moreover, it is geared toward driving the connection between the online inventory and the cash register.

The moment an item is purchased, it will be eliminated from the list. This will inform the customer that an item is within the stock, will be ultimately examined to be out of stock, which is unpleasant moment for the customers.

Enhancing the customer experience will lead to high impacts in terms of revenue and volume of sales. Therefore, it is against this backdrop that this part seeks to develop measurable objectives that denote the organization’s reason to carry out this project.

The project bring best customer experience in finding the products what they need in the stores when the physical visits are made through instore navigation system scanning.

Business Goal 1: Customer experience

· Project Objective 1.1:

To add value to customers through increase their experience

· Project Objective 1.2:

To enhance customer experience through ensuring availability of time and convenience

· Project Objective 1.3

To ensure customers shop at the comfort of their homes and places of work.

Business Goal 2: Increase Revenues

· Project Objective 2.1

To enhance or increase the company’s revenue by reaching out to online retail shoppers

· Project Objective 2.2

To increase the volume of sales and brand recognition of the organization.

Business Goal 3: Increase Efficiency and Productivity

· Project Objective 3.1:

To increase service delivery through the improvement of various processes and services application solutions

· Project Objective 3.2:

At the same time, organizational, business, and customer time reduce the number of hours used in traveling to a physical store.

· Project Objective 3.3:

To increase the company management, especially the customer relationship.

High-level Project Description and Boundaries

Kroger is among the leading supermarkets and has grown by developing acquisitions and possessing its outlets. The online website will concentrate on specialized food and drink, which comprises the diversified product portfolio, including electronics and retailing. The process will also provide green or fresh vegetables. There will be the procurement of supplies, establishing the marketing, procurement, and other operations. It is setting the store operation policies, which entails the hour of operations.

High-Level Requirements

To build a successful online retail store, the project shall need a considerable number of resources. For the project, the resources identified for achieving different meanings in the project. One of the requirements is the domain name and address in which the internet users will access the online retailing website. The online website will need a hosting provider to allocate space on the website server for the online retailing webpage to keep the required information. There is a requirement for a payment processor, which will be used to provide the consumer with a chance of paying for their product online. The availability of internet data is an essential requirement for the product to enable such a website’s successful operations

Funding is another essential requirement, which the sponsor will fund. The project is estimated to take 15 months, and the funding will be needed for remuneration of the salaries, licenses, maintenance, consultations, and rents—the anticipated cost of about $10 million. Moreover, human resource is another vital requirement because they will be needed to work on the project. They include the IT specialists, HR managers, advocates, banding contractors, and coordinators. The estimated financial plan for human resources is $2 million. Lastly, equipment will be used during the project, comprising the furniture, computers, and other related resources.

Overall Project Risk

The execution of these software application enhancement or improvements could cause delays in customer experience. The enhancements are modified to reduce the amount of time it takes inventory to be removed from the system. The upgrades may lead to slow networks that increase the amount of time it takes to receive their items. There could also be items marked out of stock in the inventory that have not to be placed back on the shelf. After all the enhancements are been deployed into production, still there are chances of having issues in customer’s end such as unable to find their exact need.

High Level Constraints and Assumptions

During chartering on the online website undertaking, it is assumed that there are many issues in the implementation, which could be linked with workers and failures associated with technological improvement. Moreover, the absolute accuracy of the project will be challenging to control and monitor. To initially evaluate this undertaking and its progress will be carried out at particular locations. Thus, based on this backdrop, the following are constraints and assumptions in this project.


· Time limitation: The project has got its own start and end date where there is project schedule which is fixed and project needs to be completed within the deadline.

· Compliance constrain: In project while managing the requirements needs a process change from As-Is To-be where the everything needs to be changed or modified from the beginning.

· Financial limitations: The project has got its own budget, still even though there is a contingency allocated, the project team needs to be accomplished within the allocated budget.


· All the products/items will be scanned into the platform when they arrive and before entering to the market in online application system.

· The products are stocked in suitable locations and returned within a reasonable timeframe as in the retail domain, the requirements often change a lot where modification needs to be happened.

· Promotional products will be taken away from the products available alongside the damaged products.

Summary Milestone Schedule



Responsible Party



Project Charter

Project Manager

April 25th , 2021


Project Management Plan

Project Manager

May 25th


IT analysis

The department of IT management

May 29th, 2021


Technological advancements

The department of IT management

September 21st, 2021


Inventory auditing and training of workers

All members and management

September 23rd , 2021


Software mobile and web application development


September 25th ,2021

Key Project Deliverables


Date Available

Acceptance Criteria

The project’s initiation

April 1st, 2021

Meeting’s minutes

The proposal and its evaluation’s deliberation meetings

April 15th, 2021

Meeting’s minutes

Project charter’s approval

April 25th, 2021

Project document’s signing and list requirement’s signing

Licensing of business and location selection

April 29th, 2021

Office and website registration

Recruiting and training employees

May 5th, 2021

Recruitment list’s signing

Office’s staffing

May 13th, 2021

The signing of the contract agreements

Promotional opportunities

May 15th, 2021

The signing of the contract agreements

Work Breakdown Structure

May 18th 2021

This contains project tasks along with project resources.

Online franchise platforms

May 21st, 2021

Signing of acquisition agreements and registering them with relevant authorities

Filling online forms

May 23rd, 2021

Document handling

Interview invitation and analysis

May 25th, 2021

Document handling

Software mobile and web application development

September 20th 2021

Functional Requirement Documentation and Business Requirement Documentation.

SIT(System Integration Testing)

September 28th 2021

Functional Requirement Documentation and Business Requirement Documentation.

UAT (User Acceptance Testing)

October 3rd, 2021

User Manuals and Training methods

Pilot Testing

October 10th 2021

Real production environment

Training on the usage of the website

October 13th, 2021

Recruitment list’s signing

Closing of project

October 17th, 2021

The project team should prepare a scope statement that information the needs requirements at each stage. The team should conduct a regular meeting with the sponsor’s representatives to ascertain the objectives and agreed scope

Preapproved Financial Resources



Project Team

Compromised of management and IT department. Directly responsible for overseeing all aspects of the project that includes all phases.


Warehouse and store associates, assist project team in accomplishing key tasks.


Distribution warehouse, store inventory, desk support


All devices used in inventory management, includes cash registers, computers, laptops and printing machines.

Software Tools.

HP ALM, barcode data collection tool.


Financial allocation

Human Resources


Essential support






Software tools






Key Stakeholder List

Full Name


Role in the Project


Extenal Stakeholder


Ensure the users pay for the product and services they purchase from the website

Website Developer

Designing and customizing the website to meets the preferences of the users


Provide the registration and licensing of the online platform


Shopping different items from the website








Project Manager

Naga Srinivas




Reporting updates

Successful running of project


Boniface Barrack




Correct budget allocation

Monitoring and control

Business Analyst

Josephine Joel




Gathering of necessary requirement

Correct requirements

Lead Developer

Ryan Williamson




Tasked with the entire application

Correcting programming of the application


Ashley Robertson




Tasked with specific requirements of the application

Developing and deploying the application

Quality Assurance Analyst

Quality Assurance Analyst




Tested the requirements and execute the test plans

Test the deployment of the application.

Project Approval Requirements

The project sponsor will be responsible for authorizing the project through one signature which can enable the project team to complete the project

· The application is accessible to the project team and few selected users by the organization.

· Correct scheduling and budget allocations in the project

· Deciding the number of resources required in the project.

· Organization make sure customer is more satisfied and later come up with positive feedback and later come up with new requirements

Project Exit Criteria

· The is a must to gather the intended users’ data information, which will illustrate the number of people who will use the platform.

· The quality of the project charter should be in quality condition, especially a very user-friendly website design.

· The users should be able to navigate through the designed website freely once the application goes live into the production.

Project Manager

· The project is identified, and allocated roles are demonstrated early in the project as the project is commencing.

· The project manager will take part in the project charter’s development since this is a document that gives him the authority/power to employ the company’s assets to finish the project.

· Project manager has the role of ensuring the achievement of the project objectives are being met.

· The project manager tracks the project progress in MS project on how the application is developed and deployed correctly as per schedule.

Signed/Project sponsor(s) or charter approving authority

The signatures of the individuals identified in this document show the approval and acceptance of the formal project charter. The sponsor’s representative should be provided with the powers to put the organization’s resources to the undertaking. The project manager can carry on with the project as indicated in the Charter.

Stakeholder Title

Stakeholder Title


Project Manager

Naga Srinivas

August 1st, 2021

Project Sponsor

Boniface Barrack

August 1st 2021

Team Member

Josephine Joel

August 1st, 2021

Team Member

Diana James

August 1st, 2021

Team Member

Ryan Williamson

August 1st, 2021


Key Performance Indicators



Project Success


Stakeholder Expectations






Average value of transactions


Total number of users



Alliance, A. (2017). Agile Practice Guide, Project Management Institute, 2017: Agile
Practice Guide (Vol. 1). Bukupedia.

Dailey, B. (2018). Designing Technology Solutions with Data-Driven Decision Making: Using Concept Mapping to Develop An E-Commerce Website.

Liu, X., Zhou, Y. W., Shen, Y., Ge, C., & Jiang, J. (2021). Zooming in the impacts of merchants’ participation in transformation from online flash sale to mixed sale e-commerce platform. Information & Management, 58(2), 103409.

Stepper, M., & Kurth, D. (2020). Transformation strategies for inner-city retail locations in the face of E-commerce. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers-Urban Design and Planning, 173(5), 159-170.

Tsou, J. C. (2017). Lean Service On An Online Wallet Store. Business and Management, 9(4).

Unit02 Linking Objectives – Sample x


In addition to the ‘Tips for Completing the PMP Assignments’ found on the course homepage, I have put
together the below ‘aid’ to help you better see the relationships between Business Objectives and
Project Objectives.

The sample project is fictional and your project may be very different but this example should help you
understand how Project Benefits tie up thru Project Objectives all the way up to Business Objectives.

Clearly communicating the relationship between Business Objectives and Project Objectives is critical for
project success. Your aim for this assignment is to identify and clearly communicate these links for your
own project. I.e. show how your project is important for meeting Business Objectives.

Note: This aid does not cover section 2.3 the ‘Project Purpose or Justification’ narrative – which is a very
important component of the Unit 02 assignment and must also be completed to get full credit.

Unit 02 Assignment “OBJECTIVES”

(This sample does not include the required project justification narrative)

Sample Project: Strategic Document Outsourcing:

1. Employ a third party printer to leverage their specialized high volume equipment
and postal optimization capabilities.

2. Implement paperless output allowing customers to choose print or paperless

2.4.1 Primary Business Objectives

Bulleted statements of the measurable Business Objectives required in order to achieve
the project objectives.


Business Objective Description Specific Goal

01 Control expenses
Reduce cost of printing &
postage by 15% by 2020

02 Strengthen customer relationships
Increase market share by
5% by 2020

Unit 02 Linking Objectives – Sample x


Unit 02 Linking Objectives – Sample x


2.4.2 Project Objectives

Provide brief statements of the Project Objectives that will be achieved in the project.
There may be numerous Project Objectives to support each Business Objective. These
objective statements should be stated in terms that are specific and quantifiable.

Ref. No.

Ref. No.

Project Objective Description

01 1 Establish electronic interface with 3rd party printer

01 2
Establish capability for customer to view their data via a
portal (as opposed to receiving printed material)



Establish capability for customer to register for
paperless output and ‘self-manage’ their preference



Design and complete a campaign to introduce paperless
output to customers and motivate customers to sign up
for paperless output

Unit 02 Linking Objectives – Sample x


2.4.3 Benefits

List bulleted statements of the benefits to be achieved by successful completion of the project.
These statements can relate to tangible and intangible business goals, strategic goals, or core
processes. They can indicate who will benefit and how the benefits may be seen.

Proj Obj 1: Establish electronic interface with 3rd party printer

Benefit 1.1: Paper costs (per sheet) reduced

Benefit 1.2: Printing costs (per image) reduced

Benefit 1.3: Postage costs (per package) reduced

Benefit 1.4: Reduced need for in-house printing equipment

Proj Obj 2: Establish capability for customer to view their data via a portal

Benefit 2.1: Total paper usage reduced

Benefit 2.2: Total printing (images) reduced

Benefit 2.3: Total postage usage reduced

Proj Obj 3: Establish capability for customer to register for paperless output

Benefit 3.1: Satisfies customer desire to self-manage how they want to receive
their data.

Benefit 3.2: Simplifies company role in managing customer preferences

Benefit 3.3: Functionality differentiates company from competitors.

Proj Obj 4: Complete paperless output campaign

Benefit 4.1: Company gets higher exposure to customer

Benefit 4.2: Customer becomes more aware of company tech tools

Benefit 4.3: Company is differentiated from competitors.

Benefit 4.4: Maximizes sign up rate for paperless output – which leads to
maximizing the savings incurred through paperless output

Unit 02 Linking Objectives – Sample x


2.5 Project Success Criteria (Chapter 1)

Identify measurable criteria that define success for the concept.

 Communication protocol established with third party printer – Daily transmission
completed in less than 30 minutes

 Printed output is balanced/reconciled with daily data transmission by 6:00 AM

 Printed output is in the mail by 7:00 AM

 Per image printing costs reduced 1.0%

 Per image printing costs reduced 0.75%

 Per package postage costs reduced 0.5%

 In-house printing volume reduced 85%

 Including log-in, customers can register for paperless output in less than 1 minute
and in 5 clicks or less

 Over two month period, customers informed of new paperless output option via 2
or more different media

 (One year after paperless campaign closes) Paper, Postage, and Printing
expenses reduced by 10%


>Stakeholder Analysis

* High
* Moderate
* Low

Prepared By: [Enter Your Name Here]
Stakeholder Name or
Stakeholder Group
Title or Position
Contact Information
Major Project
Stakeholder / Motivations / Expectations
(What are the Key Factors each will use to Measure
Overall Project Success?) Consider Scope, Quality, Schedule, Budget, Risk, Customer Satisfaction,
ROI, etc.
Significance of
to possibly
Impede or Advance
the Project
Interest / Concern over Project Outcomes Engagement / Commitment / Support Stakeholder Management Strategy
* Leading -Committed to make it happen
* Supportive – Willing to help it happen
* Neutral – OK with letting it happen
* Resistant -May discourage it from happening
* Disagrees – Will strive to stop it from happening
* Unaware of the project or it’s potential impact
* Critical
* Desirable
* Non-essential
(but can contribute)
* High
* Moderate
* Low
Current Desired/Target



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