Assignment is about writing a business letter as supervisor communicating your proposed action to HR.

 How Would You Handle Conflict?

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MGT 4359: Negotiation and Conflict Resolution Module 1 Assignment 2: How Would You Handle Conflict? Guidelines and Rubric

Overview: The purpose of this course is to prepare you to manage employees by recognizing and addressing conflict in the workplace. In this assignment, you will review a video depicting a hypothetical scenario in which two employees are in a typical workplace conflict. You will respond from the perspective of a supervisor in that situation. In larger organizations, before taking action to address employee discipline or conflict, it may be standard practice to review a proposed action plan with the Human Resources (HR) Department, so for this assignment, you will practice writing a

business letter

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as supervisor communicating your proposed action to HR.

Prompt: To complete this assignment, first view Workplace Conflict (1:07), a short video about a conflict scenario between two individuals. The video gives a glimpse of an ongoing conflict between employees in a general workplace. Then, imagine you are the new supervisor of the employees who are in conflict in the video and you have just witnessed the conflict between them. Consider how you would handle this conflict if, as the newly appointed supervisor, you had to write a confidential interoffice memorandum in a business letter format to the Human Resources Director on what steps you would take to address the conflict illustrated in the videos. Prior to holding any formal meetings with the employees and/or issuing any discipline (if that is your chosen course of action), you will need to communicate this action plan by business letter to DeMarcus Johnson, Director of Human Resources, Wesleyan Manufacturing Company, 1345 Wesleyan Street, Fort Worth, Texas 76104 and get the Human Resources Director’s feedback on your action plan.

Your submission must be formatted as a business letter* and include the following critical elements:

● Explain the conflict situation as you see it in the scenario

● Outline the steps you plan to take as the supervisor to resolve the conflict. The action plan that you develop should be based on your own experiences, educational training, or personal philosophy.

● Explain why you believe that the action plan you have proposed will address the conflict. Note that there are no correct answers.

How to Format a Business Letter : Business letters are a formal way to communicate between departments in an organization. While each workplace has its own communication channel and preferred letter format including the use of emails and memos, learning to write a business letter gives you a formal letter format that can be adapted to all forms of communication. Aside from the structural components of a business letter such as the address block, body of the letter, closing and signature block, the business letter is generally written with a brief explanation of the problem, followed by your recommendations or key points, and then a closing paragraph with contact information. In the workplace, many times, being brief and to the point is the preferred form of communication. For information on how to format a business letter, review business letter .

Link of the video :

Link of the format of business letter:

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