Assignment Epidemiology


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Choose a country of your choice other than the United States. 

Using the Internet collect data about mortality and morbidity indicators about that country. A useful site that you will find helpful is the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) World Factbook website:


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Now compare the five leading causes of death in the United States with the five leading causes of death in that country.

Also locate the agent, host, environment details, and time, place, and person characteristics of any one of those.

Some of the websites that you will find helpful in doing this would be the World Health Organization

, that country’s health department, PubMed

, and Google


Summarize your response in a double spaced typed paper of 500 words. The grading of the paper will be done using the following rubric:

Style issues (20 points)

  1. APA Style references (with close attention to comma, space, period, etc.) (5 points)
  2. Correct grammar (5 points)
  3. Correct spelling (5 points)
  4. Adherence to the specified word limit (5 points)

Content issues (80 points)

  1. Mortality and morbidity indicators of the chosen country (20 points)
  2. Epidemiological triad (agent host, environment) of one cause (30 points)
  3. Time, place person distribution (30 points)

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